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OT: Hasn't Ben Afleck Already seen 'Bourne Identity' ?

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That is exactly what I said Nawledge! I guess the opportunity to work with our man of men John Woo was a little too tempting to pass up. ;) Besides Woo's work is so fun to watch that even if the movie sucks it some how still manages to be really fun.

Back in the early to mid 90s one of the local rep theaters here was in habit of having Honk Kong film festivals every Tuesday so I got to see some of the great films that Woo, Jackie, Fat and Lee were in or made. I remember that Woo's films stood out not so much for the production value as the mad amounts of cartoonish character development and violence. His American films are much bigger budget but seem to have a lot of that spirit in tact.

I'll go see it. :)

And if you have not seen any of Woo's films from Hong Kong you should do yourself a favor and check 'em out!


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big fan of hongkong flicks, my favorite are the 'better tomorrow series', one of the few things I can watch over and over, actualy I've seen so many hk flicks that I'd have to say I just love the genre, it's so diverse; embarrasing as it might be I even have Chow Yun-Fats autograph. :D
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Originally posted by Nawledge:

big fan of hongkong flicks, my favorite are the 'better tomorrow series', one of the few things I can watch over and over, actualy I've seen so many hk flicks that I'd have to say I just love the genre, it's so diverse;

Word. :thu:


Originally posted by Nawledge:

embarrasing as it might be I even have Chow Yun-Fats autograph. :D

Very cool! :) I don't think that is embarassing at all. As for the better tomorrow series we were wondering in the theater how they were going to resurect Chow in BT2 as he died in the privious episode. When his uncle was talking with the guy that was Chow's dead charicters partner and he is looking over the photos in the apartment and he sees the picture of the two kids he askes who the other kid is? The response of "His Twin borther" brought the entire theater to spontanious cheers and applause! You don't see that very often. I love that genre!


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Originally posted by DJDM:

[QB] http://images.amazon.com/images/P/6305020841.01.LZZZZZZZ.jpg


we were wondering in the theater how they were going to resurect Chow in BT2 as he died in the privious episode. When his uncle was talking with the guy that was Chow's dead charicters partner and he is looking over the photos in the apartment and he sees the picture of the two kids he askes who the other kid is? The response of "His Twin borther" brought the entire theater to spontanious cheers and applause! You don't see that very often.

- QB]

same reaction here, another thing with the hk festivals, people don't care about it being in a foreign language or the subtitles there just into

it I love that about it makes seeing one of those films in the theatre alot of fun.

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I'll give Ben a break...


Funny thing I read is that Matt Damon was offered the role in Paycheck, but said he could not do another "amnesia" movie, so he passed on it.


Ben got the best ticket he could find by accepting the role. Phillip K. Dick seems to be "hot" now a days (after he died some 20 years ago)... Having some of his old work done lately by big shots (see Minority Report, Blade Runner among others...) Doing a movie with Jon Woo these days is quite an honor I would guess. Having Uma Thurman as co-star after her great role in Kill Bill is a big plus. Come on, any actor would "kill" for the role in Paycheck, even if it seems similar to a previous one in another movie (Johnny Neumonic followed by Matrix???, yet it was the best career move...ever; or just lucky). Anyway, us musicians should know a whole lot more about "borrowing", influences and the like.


Crap, I sounded like a movie nerd didn't I? I just read some of it on the latest Wired mag, feel free to correct anything in the above. No big Sci Fi guy here so...



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I suppose you could also ask:


Hasn't Danny Devito already seen "To Sir, With Love"?(Renaissance Man)


Hasn't Clint Eastwood already seen "Shane"?(Pale Rider)


Hasn't Nicholas Cage already seen "Mr. Destiny"?(The Family Man)


The list could go on for quite a while...



I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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