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OT: Great Day For Exxon, BP, and Haliburton

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Originally posted by nobnib:

Originally posted by WOW:

quote:Howard Dean said today that America is no safer now than before we captured Saddam.


I agree with him.


After all, he's still running for president.


I could not believe it when he said it. He is either the DUMBEST candidate EVER, or he is a plant to make a "soon to be named" candidate look very "middle" of the road. :idea:
You mean you actually think that the capture of Saddam in a hole has made the US safer? :cry:
The story of life is quicker then the blink of an eye, the story of love is hello, goodbye.
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They don't give a fuck who's

in office their coming to get us at all cost.

Aw fuck. Here we go again.


Who the hell is THEY. Is this some bogey man in your dreams?


Think for Ch****'s sake (or whomever you happen to believe in) and stop with the "they."


Be specific!


Stone In A Pond



"Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of the time he will pick himself up and continue on."

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Originally posted by StoneinaPond:

They don't give a fuck who's

in office their coming to get us at all cost.

Aw fuck. Here we go again.


Who the hell is THEY. Is this some bogey man in your dreams?


Think for Ch****'s sake (or whomever you happen to believe in) and stop with the "they."


Be specific!

The story of life is quicker then the blink of an eye, the story of love is hello, goodbye.
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Any fucking Muslim

in the mideast or where ever the muslims that

can't stand us for what ever reason it is.

I guess I asked for it. Should have known better. :freak:


I guess it really is a "Great Day For Exxon, BP, and Haliburton."


With discourse like this, they can rely on carrying on as usual and no one will notice.


Stone In A Pond



"Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of the time he will pick himself up and continue on."

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Originally posted by StoneinaPond:

Any fucking Muslim

in the mideast or where ever the muslims that

can't stand us for what ever reason it is.

I guess I asked for it. Should have known better. :freak:
why do you think 9/11 happened?Who's doing the bombing

around the world?who hijacked the planes?

Come on stone help me learn if I'm wrong,

don't leave me hagging here.I'm just another

stupid fuck that want's to know the truth.

The story of life is quicker then the blink of an eye, the story of love is hello, goodbye.
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Originally posted by StoneinaPond:

Any fucking Muslim

in the mideast or where ever the muslims that

can't stand us for what ever reason it is.

I guess I asked for it. Should have known better. :freak:


I guess it really is a "Great Day For Exxon, BP, and Haliburton."


With discourse like this, they can rely on carrying on as usual and no one will notice.

So your saying it's our goverment that's behind


ALL MAKE MONEY and fuck all of us?

The story of life is quicker then the blink of an eye, the story of love is hello, goodbye.
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why do you think 9/11 happened?Who's doing the bombing

around the world?who hijacked the planes?

Come on stone help me learn if I'm wrong,

don't leave me hagging here.I'm just another

stupid fuck that want's to know the truth.

I smell bait. :eek:


Look, it's not for me to teach you history. You have a computer, you have internet access and this how you spell "Google."


There is a ton of information out there, both pro and against. My only advice is that if you start with the premise of "they" you will only see one side. Me, they, me, they....


Get it?


So your saying it's our goverment that's behind


ALL MAKE MONEY and fuck all of us?

No, our government isn't behind this in the “conspiracy theory” sense, but yes, they are very much a part of the problem, as are you and me and everybody else out there.


It takes a level of intelligence, introspection and contemplation to get beyond the sense of self, and begin to try and understand this crazy fucked up planet we are living on.


But as long as you define the world in an “us and them” dialogue, you are doomed to failure.


Just my own humble opinion.


I hope you have a fruitful search. ;)


Stone In A Pond



"Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of the time he will pick himself up and continue on."

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Originally posted by StoneinaPond:

why do you think 9/11 happened?Who's doing the bombing

around the world?who hijacked the planes?

Come on stone help me learn if I'm wrong,

don't leave me hagging here.I'm just another

stupid fuck that want's to know the truth.

I smell bait. :eek:


Look, it's not for me to teach you history. You have a computer, you have internet access and this how you spell "Google."


There is a ton of information out there, both pro and against. My only advice is that if you start with the premise of "they" you will only see one side. Me, they, me, they....


Get it?


So your saying it's our goverment that's behind


ALL MAKE MONEY and fuck all of us?

No, our government isn't behind this in the “conspiracy theory” sense, but yes, they are very much a part of the problem, as are you and me and everybody else out there.


It takes a level of intelligence, introspection and contemplation to get beyond the sense of self, and begin to try and understand this crazy fucked up planet we are living on.


But as long as you define the world in an “us and them” dialogue, you are doomed to failure.


Just my own humble opinion.


I hope you have a fruitful search. ;)

Sorry if you think I was bating you

that was not my intention.You are right though.

Guess I should just keep my mouth shut if I don't

know what I'm talking about.It's hard to learn

the truth when you don't know what the truth really is.

The story of life is quicker then the blink of an eye, the story of love is hello, goodbye.
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Originally posted by StoneinaPond:

By the way DARKLAVA, who is this Boley?

It was an old twilight zone episode,a little boy

wanted this older guy who was a boxer to believe

that he could win his fight.It's been awhile

but it was something like that.BTW thanks for not

ripping me for being a jerk,see I did learn

something from you. :wave:

The story of life is quicker then the blink of an eye, the story of love is hello, goodbye.
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Originally posted by Johnny B:

Why don't we look at it this way. Let's pretend just for the moment that there was no SH or OBL, and 9/11 never happened. So we are going to set those issues aside. Then ask yourself, "Is America any safer, or even further, are YOU any better off?" I think a good case can be made that "No, you are not better off or any safer," the un-Patriot Act and massive federal spending on wasteful projects that will not benefit Amercians is what you are left with.


My god you can be so funny... "Let's pretend 9/11 never happened...the un-Patriot Act and massive federal spending on wasteful projects..etc."


Johnny.. Reality check... If we pretend 9/11 never happened then all the resultant issues didn't happen either..you know, like the Patriot Act? You are such a dimwit...

Mark G.

"A man may fail many times, but he isn't a failure until he begins to blame others" -- John Burroughs


"I consider ethics, as well as religion, as supplements to law in the government of man." -- Thomas Jefferson

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Originally posted by WOW:

Hey lets act like hitler was never around and tell all the jews it didnt really happen. :idea:

That would be Holocaust Revisionism. A far right wing movement. One of the leaders of the Holocaust Revisionism movement is William Pierce the author of the Turner Diaries, often given as motivation for Timothy McVeighs endeavor in domestic terrorism. Timothy McVeigh was a self described Libertarian and anti-government zealot.


WOW, it would be wrong to try to paint JohnnyB as a Holocaust Revisionist. That would more suit your affiliations: Libertarian, anti-government, right wing :D

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What I'm saying is to set all of Bush and Cheney's propaganda aside for A MOMENT and then see what BUSH and Cheney have done to you.


So what I find is some people cannot engage in a intellectual exercise where you look at different sets of facts. DUH, University Professors often do this....They try to get their students to think outside of their little preconceived notions which are often rather narrowminded.


Once you take out the propaganda, what you are left with are really bad acitions on the part of Bush and Cheney. Actions, which contain all the indicia of a criminal enterprise.


For example, Cheney is still refusing to honor court orders that he turn over the evidence he is withholding (hiding) on his secret meetings with energy officials. Cheney refuses to even tell the names of the participants or what their titles were. Why? Because Cheney is trying to cover up his misdeeds and crimes. Well what happened? Shortly after Cheney's little secret meet, California's energy prices went through the roof. So did Nevada's and several other states. They were all victims of this little price-fixing scam concocted by Cheney in the White House. BTW, this is not just one crime, this is a whole series of crimes, multiple crimes we are looking at that Cheney committed.


Cheney trying to hide evidence points in the direction of guilt.

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A few units of Halliburton filing BK to avoid paying out on legitmate asbestos claims is just another legal scam. Examine the details of their "plan" they file with the court and you'll probably find that the execs are all getting big rasies. UAL and a bunch of big companies like PG&E have played this game. Often it is done to attempt to get concessions from their loyal emnployees while giving the mucks more money.

Look at it as just another big business move to screw people. Nothing more.


I do appreciate the info on Cheney being posted on the preceding page, it's time his direct financail ties to Halliburton become more widely known. Notice, that as the DOD chief, he hire Halliburon to do a study which concludes what? Hey, let's outsource. Then he goe to Halliburton and guess what? Yep, Halliburton gets the outsourceing biz. Then he goes back into the government, and now waht. Halliburton gets no-bid contracts. All the while Cheney is still getting money from Halliburton. It stinks and it is a federal crime. Cheney needs to go to jail.

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Originally posted by alcohol_:

That would be Holocaust Revisionism. A far right wing movement. One of the leaders of the Holocaust Revisionism movement is William Pierce the author of the Turner Diaries, often given as motivation for Timothy McVeighs endeavor in domestic terrorism. Timothy McVeigh was a self described Libertarian and anti-government zealot.


WOW, it would be wrong to try to paint JohnnyB as a Holocaust Revisionist. That would more suit your affiliations: Libertarian, anti-government, right wing :D

I don't know what fucked up ideas you have about the Libertarian party, but as a Lib, I am completely offended by you associating me with some fucking wacko Anti-Semite redneck with an anarchistic streak.
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I know.. instead of passing ideas around, let's start cussing at each other. That always shows the intelligence level of the poster.


Profanity..the last refuge of the terminally sullen.

Mark G.

"A man may fail many times, but he isn't a failure until he begins to blame others" -- John Burroughs


"I consider ethics, as well as religion, as supplements to law in the government of man." -- Thomas Jefferson

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Y'all the bitch about Haliburton...


Do you know what it is they do? Do you know of any other corporation anywhere on this planet that does what they do?


Didn't think so...Haliburton got its no bid contracts because they are the only outfit on the Earth that does what they can do...and not because of any political ties, conspiracies, backroom shenanighans, or any of that other tripe floating around here...

So What ARE We Gonna Do With 8 Tracks...Fire the Arranger?
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Do you know what it is they do? Do you know of any other corporation anywhere on this planet that does what they do?


Didn't think so...Haliburton got its no bid contracts because they are the only outfit on the Earth that does what they can do...and not because of any political ties, conspiracies, backroom shenanighans, or any of that other tripe floating around here...

You are wasting your time. I have posted all of this before and they will NOT listen. They dont care, it kills their arguments.


I have resorted to just LOL at these guys, its fun. :D

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Originally posted by Johnny B:

A few units of Halliburton filing BK to avoid paying out on legitmate asbestos claims is just another legal scam. Examine the details of their "plan" they file with the court and you'll probably find that the execs are all getting big rasies.

Here's the plan ... feel free. Let us know if you find anything juicy...

Amendment Plan


And I think you go a little far in your characterization of Chapter 11 as merely a "legal scam." Many companies have filed Chapter 11 when immense actual and potential asbestos liabilities exist as a way to seek a comprehensive, one-time resolution of the liability. All those with claims must come forward once the company enters bankruptcy and one settlement with all of them can be negotiated and included in the pre-packaged bankruptcy plan. In my opinion (feel free to disagree, of course), this is a good thing because it allows companies (public companies, especially) to pay a sum certain and then get on with their business. Those with legitimate claims (and even some of those without legitimate claims) are compensated, but the company is not "liquidated," which generally would result in public shareholders losing everything. By entering Chapter 11 and resolving the claims that way, the company is able to survive going forward while still remaining accountable for its use of asbestos to the extent the courts have found them to be so liable.

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Originally posted by WireLine Studio:

Y'all the bitch about Haliburton...


Do you know what it is they do? Do you know of any other corporation anywhere on this planet that does what they do?


Didn't think so...Haliburton got its no bid contracts because they are the only outfit on the Earth that does what they can do...and not because of any political ties, conspiracies, backroom shenanighans, or any of that other tripe floating around here...

Wait - you mean to tell me that Haliburton is the only company on Earth that does subcontracting? Wow. I did not know that.


In case you were wondering, the only Haliburton people that have even so much as made an appearance in Iraq have been the honchos that come in and check up on the work all the subcontractors are doing.

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dedicated to WoW...


>> logic blind (mp3)




and so the next day will deliver

as if your victory was forgotten

and so the next day will deliver

the same issues you had fought on


because superficial victory

is hollow and meaningless

because superficial victory

was Aristotle's nemesis


that Sun Tzu taught us well

a classic through and through

Sun Tzu had taught us well

as to what we all should do


but did we learn it all

was there something that we missed

but did we learn at all

when we failed to fully invest


just skimming the pages of time

never taking history's doses

just skimming the pages of crime

in a superficial hypnosis


seeing only what we care to see

too busy winning victories

seeing only what we care to be

too busy making enemies


just bumper-sticker, T-shirt logic

and corporate, sound bite consumption

just bumper-sticker, T-shirt logic

the winds of social disfunction


rigid ideology and

partisan insulation

bear children to a conflict age

cram children in the conflict nation


old and young and child alike

lost forever to the human condition

and old and young and children alike

bent on revenge and superstition


you've won your little victory

had your say and all that matters

you've won your little victory

that's why the crowds all scattered


you think we've lost the fight

but fail to see that we're not fighting

you think we've lost the fight

and fail to see our minds uniting


there's no right and wrong

only dead and alive

there's no right and wrong

only war and peace


and there's plenty in between

your black and white

there's plenty in between

the arguments you fight


because logic is a friend and a tool

and more than a club and kind of a school

and logic is a friend and a tool

of the close-minded fool, who loses his cool


and superficial victory

reveals what you can't confess

because superficial victory

is hollow and meaningless


meaningless to most

while the technicians won't disagree

still meaningless to most

because logic can't hide reality


and one day we'll do the work

we'll study the ancient tomes

one day we'll do the work

and learn it in our own homes


we'll invite the possibility

and open our minds and see what we see

we'll invite the possibility

fuck Sun Tzu, and finally see free



--_ ______________ _

"Self-awareness is the key to your upheaval from mediocrity."

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Originally posted by schmee:

dedicated to WoW...


>> logic blind (mp3)




and so the next day will deliver

as if your victory was forgotten

and so the next day will deliver

the same issues you had fought on


because superficial victory

is hollow and meaningless

because superficial victory

was Aristotle's nemesis


that Sun Tzu taught us well

a classic through and through

Sun Tzu had taught us well

as to what we all should do


but did we learn it all

was there something that we missed

but did we learn at all

when we failed to fully invest


just skimming the pages of time

never taking history's doses

just skimming the pages of crime

in a superficial hypnosis


seeing only what we care to see

too busy winning victories

seeing only what we care to be

too busy making enemies


just bumper-sticker, T-shirt logic

and corporate, sound bite consumption

just bumper-sticker, T-shirt logic

the winds of social disfunction


rigid ideology and

partisan insulation

bear children to a conflict age

cram children in the conflict nation


old and young and child alike

lost forever to the human condition

and old and young and children alike

bent on revenge and superstition


you've won your little victory

had your say and all that matters

you've won your little victory

that's why the crowds all scattered


you think we've lost the fight

but fail to see that we're not fighting

you think we've lost the fight

and fail to see our minds uniting


there's no right and wrong

only dead and alive

there's no right and wrong

only war and peace


and there's plenty in between

your black and white

there's plenty in between

the arguments you fight


because logic is a friend and a tool

and more than a club and kind of a school

and logic is a friend and a tool

of the close-minded fool, who loses his cool


and superficial victory

reveals what you can't confess

because superficial victory

is hollow and meaningless


meaningless to most

while the technicians won't disagree

still meaningless to most

because logic can't hide reality


and one day we'll do the work

we'll study the ancient tomes

one day we'll do the work

and learn it in our own homes


we'll invite the possibility

and open our minds and see what we see

we'll invite the possibility

fuck Sun Tzu, and finally see free



The story of life is quicker then the blink of an eye, the story of love is hello, goodbye.
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