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Ralph Paul - "Guitar Made Easy"


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I agree with both picker AND desertbluesman. Yeah, it's good to get kids interested. At least in more than "Guitar Hero". And making honest-to-God REAL music at ANY level is a wonderful thing.


But doing it just simply good takes more than "minutes" or even "months". Hell, it takes almost a month to build up solid CALLUSES, even with daily dedication. At this time of year, many guitars STILL wound up under the Christmas tree, and it would be a shame to see most of them go to waste.


I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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Welcome aboard Badguitar!


I couldn't find Ralph Paul on Youtube but someone on the forum mentioned he had a website and I found his info-mercial. You would have to be someone who made the purchase to give a good review of his material. He sends out about 8 DVD's for $39.95 which must be a whole lot of material for the price. DVD's can be a great learning tool as they use close ups, charts, tabs, etc. and you can repeat the lesson as often as you wish. They usually cost a lot less than taking lessons and can be a good introduction for beginners.


I think lessons are a great way to go too. Especially if you find a teacher that teaches what YOU want to learn to play...

Take care, Larryz
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Can anyone vouch for this guy as a person? I took guitar lessons about a year ago...the lessons were valuable in the aspect that I learned that I have absolutely 0 - that is ZERO - talent or aptitude with the guitar. My teacher was nice, but I could tell he wanted to cry everytime he had to deal with me..

Anywho...this guy seemed to offer a method for teaching the talentless...that hold appeal to me, since I am not only the president of the "talentless club", I am a member too...but I cannot seem to find any info on this guy. No wikipedia, no Snopes...does anyone have any info on this guy so I can see if he is, at the very least, a real person? I mean, come on, shouldn't America's best guitar teacher be in wikipedia...?





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Tune your 6th String down to 'D', barre across the top three strings, and spend the rest of your life playing one-finger Ramones & Green Day songs. Congratulations, you're a Rock-and-Roll idiot!


Hey Winston,


When you talk about the "top three strings" are you discussing 6(E),5(A),4(D) or are you discussing 3-2-1 (G-B-E)?


6th, 5th & 4th, Fred, or there'd be no point in de-tuning the 6th string.


Wow...that is both confusing and intimidating...


We are the Music Makers

And We are the Dreamers of the Dreams.

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https://www.ralphpaul.com/ <---click here and welcome aboard Bishop234!


This may be the way to go for you! You'll spend less than you would going to a few more lessons and you can report back to us. I don't think you are ready to give up or you wouldn't be on the forum...there is a guarantee so you might get your money back if you're lucky or you might find another way of seeing if there is still some talent in you. We are all less talented than other guitarists, but we can still have some fun trying... :cool:

Take care, Larryz
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Bishop234, I hope you didn't give up on guitar because of your teacher. Some teachers aren't right for some students. If you really want to play, you'll find a way. Keep on trying.

Always remember that you are unique. Just like everyone else.





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https://www.ralphpaul.com/ <---click here and welcome aboard Bishop234!


This may be the way to go for you! you might find another way of seeing if there is still some talent in you. We are all less talented than other guitarists, but we can still have some fun trying... :cool:




1. I can't believe you're recommending this "snake oil salesman".


2. "Practice and Perserverance account for 90% of what most people call Talent." :rawk:

-Sal Salvador



If you play cool, you are cool.
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I know how much you dislike this guy Fred, but I think one would have to buy the product in order to make a recommendation and I have no intention of doing so. However, if someone thinks they have zero talent and their teacher wants to cry everytime they walk in, it may be a way of keeping hope alive to pick this guys' DVD's or another teachers DVD's out there...I don't want to see a guy give up guitar and think they have no talent while wondering for the rest of their days if this product could have helped them out.


You can get started with many products like Fred Sokolow's Fretboard Roadmaps books, DVD's and CD's, which I do have and can recommend for new players. It's worth taking a chance on something as opposed to giving up if you think there is a possibiltiy that you still want to become a guitar player IMHO. I'm betting our new member does have some ambition and can develop his talent and ability. He wanted to find the snake oil guy so I made it easy for him. He can choose another real life teacher or another product as I just want him to give it another try no matter who he chooses...Hell, if I lived in Ohio I'd drop in and help him for free...





Take care, Larryz
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Hey Larry,


Hope you had a good holiday.


There are a huge number of DVD's out there. JKLutherie.com has about every DVD and/or book in the world.


I just hate to see that jerk make any money. He may be the "Best Guitar Teacher in the USA" (according to his infomercial), but there is something about him (it may be the "Best G. teacher in the USA label) that just rubs me the wrong way. I bet the Esteban DVD's have more value and more information than this jerk.

If you play cool, you are cool.
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One thing I DID notice about Ralph; watching him demonstrate a few chords, I noticed he, like I, fingered the G chord "incorrectly". That is, incorrect from the way most rudimentary instruction books illustrate. One would assume the "greatest guitar teacher in the world" would know better.


I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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you GOTTA see the infomercial...you. just. gotta.

It appeals to a talentless and uncoordinated person such as myself...


I started this thread because I did watch the infomercial. I'm going to offer you some advice. I've been playing for 50 years and have studied with 4 very fine teachers. Over the years, people have sometimes been kind enough to compliment my playing. I always responded "I had good teachers." Find a good teacher. Don't be afraid to ask for an introductory lesson or interview.


Talent has very little to do with it. I strongly believe that success on a stringed instrument is based upon acquiring two things: Motor Skills and Muscle Memory. There is only one way to develop these attributes - REPETITION !! The more you practice, the better a player you're going to be. PERIOD! END OF SENTENCE. It's not a matter of learning in "Minutes Not Months" as our learned colleague, Mr. Paul would have us believe. It is a genuine commitment in time and effort! The great Chet Atkins once said, "You have to practice. If there were another way to do it, I think I would have heard about it by now."


I'm going to send you a PM with a very good basic finger exercise that will build strength and improve coordination in your fingers.


The guitar is a real musical instrument. It's not a toy. It takes the same amount of effort as the sax or violin or trumpet. It's a long and often difficult process. But the rewards are absolutely worth it.



If you play cool, you are cool.
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Funny how we don't see this sort of scam in other skills - "Become a Nuclear Physicist in 10 Easy Lessons, Only $39.99" or "Learn Neurosurgery At Home with our handy DVD!"



You've got the best guitar

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Now get the best pick!


TuskBuffer Mammoth Ivory Guitar Picks

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At least Esteban offered a guitar!



Yeah but if you had to learn on that thing he offered It would be not long before you gave it up in frustration. It reminds me of the first guitar I ever had a Stella acoustic. It looked about the same quality as my Old Stella ;~)

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At least Esteban offered a guitar!



It reminds me of the first guitar I ever had a Stella acoustic. It looked about the same quality as my Old Stella ;~)


Hey DBM,


I remember Stella's. They really were pretty bad. I'm glad you perservered.

If you play cool, you are cool.
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OK - So after reading this thread I got curious and last night while looking for something on the tube I noticed Ralph's infomercial so I watched for about 15 minutes.

I have to go with Fred on this one. What a scam. Yeah, I guess if you are absolutely clueless on guitar you might pick up a trick or two... but otherwise an empty bag, and the arrogance and attitude of this guy - you'd think it was someone relatively well known or at least a really good player - NOT. Just watching and listening to him play was evidence enough that he is just slightly above amateur status himself. He was missing notes and slurring phrases all over the place.

My 2 cents.



The further a society drifts from truth the more it will hate those who speak it." George Orwell


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I truly apologize if I bumped an old thread but OH MY GOD! This man literally said "Traditionally you will have to learn sheet music. Intimidating! Not with our brand new Tab System!" Not to mention he basically said he invented the blues scale. Again sorry for the thread bump but I HAD to vent. P.S. Been lurking but since I'm up at 5 a.m and watching this infomercial right now it's the reason I signed up.
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Well then, SOMEthing good came out of it!


And SEHpicker, your "two cents" is what that course is worth!



PS: It would be nice to read sheet music. It would also be nice to learn any kind of "tab" system. But I've been going at it with the guitar for 48 years, and got along OK without either!

I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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PS: It would be nice to read sheet music. It would also be nice to learn any kind of "tab" system. But I've been going at it with the guitar for 48 years, and got along OK without either!


If you're happy with the level of your play, that's the only thing that matters.


P.S TAB is a snap to learn. It's visual and highly intuitive. :)

If you play cool, you are cool.
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I truly apologize if I bumped an old thread but OH MY GOD! This man literally said "Traditionally you will have to learn sheet music. Intimidating! Not with our brand new Tab System!" Not to mention he basically said he invented the blues scale. Again sorry for the thread bump but I HAD to vent. P.S. Been lurking but since I'm up at 5 a.m and watching this infomercial right now it's the reason I signed up.


From the 27th to the 30th is not old. Some of the guys go back 5 years or more which is usually not all that cool. If the subject is still worthy it's OK to resurrect older threads IMHO. Glad you signed up. I prefer DVD's and Youtube over sheet music and tab. I still believe that you are your best teacher and it's up to you to learn whatever it is that interests you, no matter who is doing the teaching.


Take care, Larryz
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I like tab for classical guitar because they are usually just transcribed from sheet music but alot of the rock, metal or really complicated super-fast shredder stuff(that's oh so fun to play) has tabs that are usually wrong so I use my ear. As far as self taught v.s teacher goes, well, I come from a musical family and have been playing everyday since I was four, but, I found getting some lessons in basic technique really made my playing progress,
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I I found getting some lessons in basic technique really made my playing progress,


I absolutely agree. IMO, some formal lessons are critical early on. The student will avoid many basic errors in technique and will have fewer bad habits that will need to be corrected eventually.

If you play cool, you are cool.
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Nothing wrong with learning to read sheet music and/or tabs and taking traditional lessons from a good teacher. The best of both worlds is having someone who teaches what YOU want to learn and can play it well enough to inspire you. You will still have to be the one to make it happen though...
Take care, Larryz
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I read somewhere that knowing tab and standard notation gives you a huge advantage over other guitarists. Thats why I'm learning to read music for guitar(Iknow it for piano). It's hard though because I never really learned how to study. Any tips? BTW I have a book on learning standard on guitar from GIT and The Carcassi Method.
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I'm not a reader so I'll let the other guys give you the tips...but I did study some jazz DVD's by Robert Conti. You print out the tab and it has the sheet music and chords on the same page. You watch the DVD and hear what you are practicing note for note on the tab and you also see how the tab starting points are found in the sheet music. It's a great guitar learning experience...you can do the same thing with any tab/sheet/DVD method(s) out there.
Take care, Larryz
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