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Whats With Ted Nugent Hunting Folks on MTV

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i'm familiar with paintball, i'm talking about the principal of the show, if he wasn't on a horse having them run around and try to grab hundred dollar bills off of little american flags I might feel different, the whole thing is just so full of american irony. and whats with all the bitch this and bitches that I think he thinks all the girls first names are bitch, I've heard him call them bitch at least 3 times and i'm talking just the women, even directly to one of them. funny sh_t. he just said that the black guy was cheating because he was black, cause everybody likes black guys. :freak: I love people who's greatest ambition in life is to not be seen as politicly correct.
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I think salOboscis thought your comment was an attack on him. Meanwhile, you were merely making another suggestion, and in no way was trying to slander him. Just a minor misunderstanding, that's all. Therefore, we are all friends and all is well. Continue...
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I caught most of that show a couple months ago and I thought it was pretty damn funny. They had 8 people or so competing for $25,000 and a new truck. They would have these competitions and Ted would decide which one got eliminated. I think whoever won the competitions got immunity like on Survivor. Just the fact that they got a vegan to do that show made it worth watching. I don't know what that girl expected when she auditioned for the show. She was screaming bloody murder at everybody, even though Ted and his wife were very polite to her and made her meals seperate from everyone else's.
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I'm just sick of all the people who define everything as politicly correct or politicly incorrect. before those phrases were coined there were two other phrases that you never hear anymore 'right and wrong', now everybody from internet forums all the way up to the nations leaders, congress use 'pc' in their stead. what is pc anyway? if germans don't want hitlers face on their money is that too pc? what if iraqis don't want saddams face on their money? what if black people don't want slave masters face on the money that they have to 'work for', are all of these too pc? and if the girl on the show doesn't like being called a tofu bitch is she just too pc
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I thought some of the show was funny too, and of course she knew what she was getting into but there was a total lack of respect there, i know it was teds show and his house but they made such a show of trying to be good to her by sneaking butter with animal fat into her food and acting like she shouldn't be offended by a table full of dead animals. I'm not a vegetarian, I eat meat, but the show was like about nothing but disrespecting people.
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Disrespecting people??? No way....Nugent is a loud mouth, but he is also a fair, intelligent loud mouth. For Christ sakes, the gay guy one, and Ted gave him a freaking hug and a kiss!. He put aside his beliefs and voted objectively. Anyone who can see past the in your face attitude knows that love himor hate him, Nuge is a bright guy, and much of what he says is SO true, most people cannot deal with it. And, not to mention, he is a bad mofo live. Ted is the MAN.
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I didn't say he was stupid, but I seriously doubt calling each of those women bitches and wenches on national tv and acting like it was alright is an expression of intelligence. if he was a rapper his actions would've been seen for what they are.
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I have no use for Nugent. I`ve met people like this before, who do everything possible to make you want to jack their ass, and then expect a big slap on the back cause they were `just kidding` Screw him. He can keep his music too. Too bad he was in a band with a guy with the coolest rock name ever-Jack Blades. Gotta be a psuedonym.

Same old surprises, brand new cliches-


Skipsounds on Soundclick:


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[quote]I love people who's greatest ambition in life is to not be seen as politicly correct. [/quote]I've always loved that about the Nuge- the fact that at any time, anything is liable to come out of his mouth. The same with Charles Barkley. Nugent really is intelligent, he's just also simple and crude. These aren't mutually exclusive things, intelligence isn't just a function of liking intellectual pursuits. He's got some views I'd just as well he kept to himself, but for the most part I find his honesty refreshing. One of my favorite lines of his was when he was railing against Kurt Cobain and Courtney Hole for having a drug-addicted baby. "And we're supposed to feel sorry for these people?...I'll piss on his grave, and I'll eat asparagus first so it smells worse."
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As for the show, anyone who agrees to go on a show and allow Ted Nugent to "hunt" them for a couple days, deserves all and anything he gets. I can't speak for ayone else, but I laughed my [i]ass[/i] off at the "tofu bitch" - not at what Nuge was doing to her, which was funny enough, but at the words from [i]her own mouth.[/i] I had to wonder whether she was for real. If she was, then hell - Ted gave her more respect than I would have, because she was a pure-D IDIOT. Saw a great anecdote about Charles Barkley. His mom was getting on his case about supporting a Republican tax bill because it would only help rich people. The Mound replied, "But Mom, we're rich." :thu:

"I had to have something, and it wasn't there. I couldn't go down the street and buy it, so I built it."


Les Paul

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[quote]Originally posted by The Studio Pet-Rock: [b] [quote] "I'll piss on his grave, and I'll eat asparagus first so it smells worse."[/b][/quote]...Just as I'll eat cheap-ass burritos & shit on [i]his[/i] Ah, the price of freedom :D [/QB][/quote]artichokes yeild smellier logs than cheap burritos. ;)
0096 2251 2110 8105
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give a guy a guitar and a few american flags and he can do no wrong eh? yuck (spit), just wait til the gangster rappers find out that all they had to do was play rock music instead of rapmusic and all mysogyny and homophobia would be forgiven, i'm sure they'd even be willing to learn guitar and put some american flags in their videos cause they'll do anything to make a fBuck. Teds a natural entertainer with good showmanship but he's definitely not the greatest american hero and about as much a role model as charles barkley.
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I don't have cable nor do I wan't it.Just another confirmation that I'm not missing anything.I liked certain aspects of Nugents guitar playing way back,I even found his comedy routine funny.....sometimes.But now it's gotten very old.
"A Robot Playing Trumpet Blows"
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You guys are pretty funny. We have Barbara Streisand, the Dicksee Chicks and a whole gaggle of loudmouths using the simple fact they play music as a forum for extremists liberal hatred of all things American. Your silence in condemnation of them is unbelievable. Ted Nugent is a right wing gun toting tell-it-like-it-is in your face right wing musician and you attack him. I love the tolerance exhibited around here.

Mark G.

"A man may fail many times, but he isn't a failure until he begins to blame others" -- John Burroughs


"I consider ethics, as well as religion, as supplements to law in the government of man." -- Thomas Jefferson

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If Ted Nugent never articulated a single political position in his life he would still be a bore. He isn't that much of a guitarist either. Every other child who picks up a guitar can play like Ted. Why people are enchanted because he has a potty mouth is too weird to comprehend.
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