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Time to gripe a little

Ross Brown

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I hate it when a guitard in the band tells me what they think the bass line should be in a song we do... because "this is how they played it when they played bass". My internal response (unspoken) was "shove it up your a$$ p*ssface". What I said was "I'll go listen to the song again and see if I hear what you hear"... read between the lines (I don't care what you "think" it should be... I'll check it out my self).


I may not be playing it the same as it was played 35 years ago on a recording... I bet it is not played that way anymore by the band that recorded it either... I did not mention the extra chord changes he throws is where they don't belong (I'll point that out after I say I went back and listened to the recording) nor did I mention that the guy singing it sounds like a frog in pain.


I will try to have an open mind and improve the bassline.... I just hate it when a guitard tries to tell me what to play... unless he wrote the song... I know I should be more of a pro and take the constructive criticism... maybe tomorrow I will... today I feel like a prick.

"When I take a stroll down Jackass Lane it is usually to see someone that is already there" Mrs. Brown
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If the guitar player is the band leader, then he can tell me what he would like me to play. Hopefully he's smart enough to be open to my input as well.


If he's not the leader, then I'm happy to take his suggestions and take them for exactly that -- suggestions.

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I'm always happy to take suggestions. I'll only play them if I want but our oud player used to play bass in the band and when she made a suggestion the other day for a bassline it was a great one and I'm happy to play it. You never know who in the band has an ear for a great line.


But if the guitarist is acting superior that's another matter...

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That said, i often try to cop the bass line from a recording pretty closely, as I believe it plays a role in the track's success originally. Case in point: The other night at the jam a lady sang "Funky Broadway." The bass player, a friend, played A bass line that fit pretty well both melodically and rhythmically. I may have been the only one who noticed, but the original bass line is so much a part of the song for me that it wasn't the same. Perhaps I was the only one who noticed. Anyway, I also didn't go up to him and say, "Dude, you played the wrong bass line." It's a jam.


But if a bass line is in any way unique or non-generic, I try to reproduce it. My $00.02.



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If the guitar player is the band leader, then he can tell me what he would like me to play.


This is of course dependent on the proviso that said band leader is getting you PAID on a regular basis at a reasonable rate.

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Time to gripe a little

Gosh Ross, that's so unlike you.






I know!! I thought maybe you guys missed my bitchin'.... :laugh:



I ended up discussing this with the guitard in question. He said he broke his own rule and said he agreed with me. We agreed to make general suggestions, but not tell each other how or what to play. He also took the time to compliment my playing.... nice.

"When I take a stroll down Jackass Lane it is usually to see someone that is already there" Mrs. Brown
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