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Slightly OT: Choir notation question


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Seems like you're doing a bunch of writing...


How do you like it as a way to get paid?



It has it's good and bad sides. :laugh: I love doing it, I'm left alone and just turn in my stuff. I wish I could time things better, ye olde "Feast or famine" syndrome. That's definitely not a complaint, it just seems that the writing assignments come at times where I have a lot of gigs. Again, not a complaint. :cool:


The toughest part is getting paid. Non-profits can be tough to deal with at times. There are very strict rules about when performers get paid, but almost none for arrangers. I started my current project in late October, I'll finish in mid-December, THEN wait for several weeks to get a check. That's a long time to work without any arranging $$.


How bout you Dave? Any frustrating aspects for you? Do you find it rewarding musically?

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Frustrating aspects.... let's see:


Feast or famine, of course. That's true of the whole music biz, though.


Getting paid.... I usually get half my money up front. That helps even out the income somewhat. It also weeds out the less than serious clients. I'd say about 30% of the people who contact me actually hire me.


When I'm relying on arranging to pay the bills, I end up taking every project that I can get. Sometimes that means spending days listening to and working on material that isn't my cup of tea, or is less than stellar. :)


I'm teaching at a private school this year, and relying a little less on writing and gigging, which is allowing me to be more selective.




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The tenor clef (G clef with the little '8' on the bottom) infers that the notes are actually sung one octave down from where written. Otherwise you'd have tenors singing up in the soprano range. Uncomfortable for most.

Muzikteechur is Lonnie, in Kittery, Maine.


HS music teacher: Concert Band, Marching Band, Jazz Band, Chorus, Music Theory, AP Music Theory, History of Rock, Musical Theatre, Piano, Guitar, Drama.



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The tenor clef (G clef with the little '8' on the bottom) infers that the notes are actually sung one octave down from where written. Otherwise you'd have tenors singing up in the soprano range. Uncomfortable for most.

Thanks. I knew what the Ottava indication meant, I just didn't know if it was the standard. I actually write a lot for Choir but until now I've only used a grand staff. One chart I'm doing has a funky lil Canon thingy, hence the 4 parts.

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Getting paid.... I usually get half my money up front. That helps even out the income somewhat. It also weeds out the less than serious clients. I'd say about 30% of the people who contact me actually hire me.




Out of curiousity, have you ever been stiffed? :laugh: My world is too small for that, most clients I know personally.

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I can't think of a time that I haven't been paid for a chart.... I've had people waste a bit of my time and then not hire me, but that's it.


I've done a few gigs that I didn't get paid for, now that I think about it.

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