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OT: Snow

Ross Brown

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about 8 inches of snow at my house tonight.... just not right.... it's just not right... I still have mowing to do....


Lots of trees down.... I hate chain sawing.... I am going to bed.

"When I take a stroll down Jackass Lane it is usually to see someone that is already there" Mrs. Brown
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I'm one of two houses on a dead-end street, surrounded by woods. All evening and overnight it sounded like a gunfight with all the trees and branches cracking and snapping. Apple tree on my son's car, big oak blocking the entrance to the block, power out since 1:00 yesterday afternoon. Lived through hurricanes, tropical storms, blizards, nor'easters. This was the worst by far. Spent the day chainsawing and dragging off branches the size of 10-year old trees.


Could be much, much worse. This was no tornado or Katrina, thank God. Pretty damn bad for central NJ though.

Push the button Frank.
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We got about a foot of snow. Lost power at around 6 p.m. Saturday.


Not a whole lot of damage to our trees though. Don't know when we're getting power back. We're all okay though.

"Tours widely in the southwestern tip of Kentucky"
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I was outside during some of the storm while I was assessing some damage at my sister's house. That loud crack of limbs breaking 40 feet up is a bone-chilling sound. It certainly scared the hell out of me. And when some of those falling limbs are big enough to crush a car or bring down a power line, you've gotta be extra careful.

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"My concern is, and I have to, uh, check with my accountant, that this might bump me into a higher, uh, tax..."

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We mowed our lawn on Friday then the snow happened Saturday, very weird weather indeed! Last month we had bad flooding, the month before that a hurricane and the month before that an abnormally strong and widespread (for the East Coast) earthquake. Wondering what November and December have in store for us...
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I was outside during some of the storm while I was assessing some damage at my sister's house. That loud crack of limbs breaking 40 feet up is a bone-chilling sound. It certainly scared the hell out of me. And when some of those falling limbs are big enough to crush a car or bring down a power line, you've gotta be extra careful.


Isn't it? You're sitting in candlelight, you hear that crack and you brace yourself waiting for the house to shake. It gets old real quick.

Push the button Frank.
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I had a gig Sat night. My friends brought their twin boys to my house for my daughter to babysit so they could come see me play. It was snowing like crazy out and the lights were flickering but didnt go out. I got to the gig and saw my wife and friends in a front table. After awhile I noticed they were all gone. Turns out,power is lost and 3 trees fell in my back yard and a ton of big branches in the driveway. Just got my power back last night. Hot water showers are awesome.
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