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OT: A Rotten Week For Bush?

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GZ, Polls are dynamic, they change over time. Right now the polls show that Bush isn't secure in holdiing on to his presidency. A few months ago those polls showed that Bush had overwhelming support. There's a trend going on. When the Democrats finally pick a candidate the polls will probably show that particular person in a more favorable position against Bush.
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[quote]According to the latest polls even a no-name candidate soundly beats them, so Bush and Cheney will soon be gone.[/quote] [quote] Add the democratic name of your choice and Mr. Bush beats any of them. [/quote]Sadly, both of these are probably true enough right now. That speaks to the tremendous lack of leadership that have both serving in and running for public office at the highest level. If we want to fix our elected leaders, we need to fix the system that they work within. Most of us could probably think of 10 or 20 non-political individuals off of the top of our heads that could do a better job as president than Bush or any of the running Dems. The problem is that the system in place does not attract the type of person that is most qualified to run a country. If we fix that, then we get better leaders in place.



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Let us all concede the $87 Billion is spent, gone, history. The US National debt is something like $6.7 Trillion. I say another round of rebate checks is in order! The Administration needs to do the right thing and give us our cut before it's too late. I suggest the Dick n Bush Visa Debit card. 200 million DnB Visa Cards sent out before Christmas, each with a $10,000 spending credit. All principal as well as a low 5.99% APR just get tacked on to the National debt. What's another 2 Trillion? I know a nice brand new Plasma HDTV would go a long way with me casting my vote. God Bless America
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[b]Originally posted by alcohol_: Polls are dynamic, they change over time. Right now the polls show that Bush isn't secure in holdiing on to his presidency. A few months ago those polls showed that Bush had overwhelming support. There's a trend going on. When the Democrats finally pick a candidate the polls will probably show that particular person in a more favorable position against Bush.[/b] Well, you've done it again. Another belly laugh from here. Funny how you slip and slide the data to fit your viewpoint. Aren't you the same guy that said the reports that the economy was getting better was just a temporary blip and not something we should take seriously? How can a good news report that you don't agree with become just a minor inconvenience and yet a poll that has results you agree with becomes a major trend? You are too funny.. The whole discussion about who will be the next president is pretty stupid right now. Howard Dean is the front running democrat but under constant attack by John Kerry and Dick Gephardt. He has stepped on his wee wee a couple of times in recent speeches and the best is yet to come. Wesley Clark is sinking like a rock. If polls have meaning to you, then you need to look at all of them and not just selectively decide which one fits your personal agenda and call it a "trend". If Bush's popularity polls are a trend you accept, then you must accept the polls showing most Americans think the economy is getting better and consumer confidence is up. And remember our former chief executive governed by poll and what a mistake that turned out to be.

Mark G.

"A man may fail many times, but he isn't a failure until he begins to blame others" -- John Burroughs


"I consider ethics, as well as religion, as supplements to law in the government of man." -- Thomas Jefferson

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[quote]Originally posted by WOW: [b] [quote]The US National debt is something like $6.7 Trillion. [/quote]Are we just making numbers up now?[/b][/quote]I got that # from a reliable source [img]http://us.f1f.yahoofs.com/bc/456ccdd4/bc/Bush.jpg?bfscbs_AQiarkM23[/img]
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hey Johnny, Just thought you might be interested, as I'm for full disclosure. I've heard through reliable sources that Bush was responsible for the Watergate breakin. and those wildfires in Cali, they were his fault too. And that hurricane on the East coast last year? yeah that was him. The stock market crash of '31, sink holes , pot holess , a** holes on the highway, they were all his doing too. You need to spread the word dood, these guys are baaaaaad news.
Chuck Moore
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[quote]Originally posted by Johnny B: [b]in jail where he belongs.[/b][/quote]And deprive our soldiers families from getting revenge?? A firing squad made up of all the fallen soldiers parents would more fitting and appropriate.
"A Robot Playing Trumpet Blows"
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[b]Originally posted by Alndln FX-51: And deprive our soldiers families from getting revenge?? A firing squad made up of all the fallen soldiers parents would more fitting and appropriate.[/b] Your remark is totally out of line. The families of our fallen American military would show you in an instant what they feel about your remark. Wander into your nearest military base and make your statement. What a worthless piece of crap you must be. Military enlistments are way up. Thankfully, we don't have to rely on people like you to keep us safe. You insult every military person with your stupid, anti American, wrong headed hate speech. Shame on you.

Mark G.

"A man may fail many times, but he isn't a failure until he begins to blame others" -- John Burroughs


"I consider ethics, as well as religion, as supplements to law in the government of man." -- Thomas Jefferson

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[quote]Originally posted by GZsound: [b] Your remark is totally out of line. The families of our fallen American military would show you in an instant what they feel about your remark. Wander into your nearest military base and make your statement. What a worthless piece of crap you must be. Military enlistments are way up. Thankfully, we don't have to rely on people like you to keep us safe. You insult every military person with your stupid, anti American, wrong headed hate speech. Shame on you.[/b][/quote]That about the most ignorant misguided crap Iv'e read anywhere regarding any political argument bar none.Then again,your ignorance seems to know no bounds.I stand "firmly" behind my statement.If you don't think other families of of soldiers feel as I do your head is buried so far in the sand your feet are out of view.I think you need to get out of your coccoon and open your eyes for a change.You can throw your "Anti American" rehtoric all you want,but freedom means being able to express ones point of view which is about as American as it gets.
"A Robot Playing Trumpet Blows"
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freedom allows you to make any coment you want, no matter how distastfull and disrespectfull. that doesn't mean that it is the RIGHT thing to say. Presuming to know the feelings of families of our fallen soldiers is disrespectfull to them at best. I'm sure their political opinions vary as much as the population as a whole. They do NOT desearve to be lumped together as a group and "assigned" the feelings and motivations that you wished they had.
Chuck Moore
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[quote]Originally posted by GZsound: Military enlistments are way up.[/quote]Perhaps they don't know about this: http://www.guardian.co.uk/usa/story/0,12271,1082485,00.html
Give me the ANALOG and no one gets HURT
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[quote]Originally posted by Chuck Moore: [QB]freedom allows you to make any coment you want, no matter how distastfull and disrespectfull.[/quote]As long as no one can see or hear you. Freedom! http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/national/140945_aclu24.html
Give me the ANALOG and no one gets HURT
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[b]Originally posted by alcohol_: Aren't you the guy that said Americans are too stupid to know the truth?[/b] Yes. And I consider myself one of those who does not know the whole story or the entire truth. I know you consider yourself one of the enlightened few but my experience with the difference between the facts vs what is being reported and what the public is being told allows me to make that statement. I suggest you do some searching regarding how many Americans vote, how many actually read a newspaper, how many watch any news program of any kind, and how many have ever donated to a political party or special interest group. Rather than pick this nit to death, how about you provide some of your famous Google search sites that prove a majority of the American people are informed and know the truth? If this forum is even a remote example you should be the first to agree the truth has nothing to do with fact, but is based almost entirely on political bias. With the country split 50/50 liberal/conservative that alone should show you that at least half the registered voters don't know the truth. Start paying better attention and you will see that on most typical "man on the street" interviews 95% of the people interviewed can't name one single democratic presidential candidate, Don't know where Afghanistan is on a map and couldn't name the assistant defense secretary. For crying out loud..Al Gore didn't even know how much a loaf of bread cost. Understand that musicians are a tiny percentage of the population. I play a sax. That puts me in a group of less than 1/10 of 1% of the American population. The fact some of us on this list are politically aware at all puts us in a miniscule group. Also, the fact that most Americans are uninformed politically does not mean you are included in that group. You are informed, you are involved and you spend a good deal of time searching out information. But if you think the general American population is informed, involved, intelligent, etc. Then you are naive.. And no offense to you or me, but when it comes to the truth...we are both swinging in the dark. The difference is I admit it.

Mark G.

"A man may fail many times, but he isn't a failure until he begins to blame others" -- John Burroughs


"I consider ethics, as well as religion, as supplements to law in the government of man." -- Thomas Jefferson

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Nobody knows everything. What's your point? That excuses nothing. You make decisions based on what you DO know. If you don't know much, you might make a lot of crappy decisions and suffer as a result. There's enough information available out there to make mostly well-informed decisions. The problems arise when people willfully ignore evidence, or manipulate evidence to suit their purpose. Case in point, Cheney and Rumsfeld bypassing the intel vetting process and handpicking what intel to promote on the basis of the results they wanted. The fallout from such ignorant behavior: an illegitimate invasion of Iraq with unexpected consequences and results. It was illegitimate when it started, and it's doubly so now that the evidence used to support it from the get-go has been proven bogus. Not only that, but our force is poorly configured to address the nature of the war that we started. Faulty use of intel led to a state of self-delusion among the war planners. Two things that we haven't seen yet in Iraq: WOMD, and the flowers that ordinary Iraqis were supposed to be showering on our troops. Why? They were bogus claims supported by manipulated intel. There was plenty of good evidence before the Iraq war that things would not turn out so rosy as pictured. But Bush and his team had decided on war long before, and they only listened to what they wanted to hear.


Phil Mann


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[b]Originally posted by Alndln FX-51: That about the most ignorant misguided crap Iv'e read anywhere regarding any political argument bar none.Then again,your ignorance seems to know no bounds.I stand "firmly" behind my statement.If you don't think other families of of soldiers feel as I do your head is buried so far in the sand your feet are out of view.I think you need to get out of your coccoon and open your eyes for a change.You can throw your "Anti American" rehtoric all you want,but freedom means being able to express ones point of view which is about as American as it gets.[/b] What you are missing is a very simple point. We are currently having problems with a group of folks that want to kill us because we do not agree with their viewpoint. We are all concerned about the best way to protect our fellow citizens from being killed by those who hate us. You suggest killing someone you disagree with. You suggest there is a group of people who should kill someone they disagree with. Exactly what is the difference between your sick attitude and the attitude of the terrorists? Kill someone you hate. Sound familiar? Nice intelligent, informed attitude. Why is it the most hate filled vitriol seems to come from the "tolerant" liberals? Those who bash the administration because of a "bring it on" statement? Those who suggest we should "get along" with other countries that disagree with us? And then threaten violence against their own fellow citizens because of political differences? I guess I just don't get it... Expressing a point of view is great and should be welcome anywhere. Your suggestion was in no way a "point of view" but a direct suggestion of violence against the president. Not acceptable. Shame on you.

Mark G.

"A man may fail many times, but he isn't a failure until he begins to blame others" -- John Burroughs


"I consider ethics, as well as religion, as supplements to law in the government of man." -- Thomas Jefferson

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