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My weekend


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"On the first day of my summer vacation, I woke up. Then I went downtown to look for a job. Then I hung out at the drug store. Then I went home."

"It was the best of times; it was the worst of times."


I had a pretty busy weekend.


My band of 6 years finally called it quits on Friday night. It had been a rough year. Our guitarist had told us in December that he wasn't going to be available much the coming year, so we should look for a replacement. We started looking and had a few bites; some never got farther than sending them a cd and some converstaion; one really good guy auditioned, and wanted to join, but didn't feel he could commit the time. Our singer had also been having some reservations. Being a mother of 3, she wanted more family time. We tried to accomodate and lighten the schedule, but that combined with the lack of a guitarist (and fewer gigs in the offing) made us have the discussion and just realize it's time to call it a day. I've known her & worked with her in another band, and this one, for almost 11 years, so it's a bit of a tough thing. Plus, as defacto band leader, primary songwriter & arranger, it's a project into which I've put a lot of myself, and hate to see it die. The drummer and I thought about keeping on, but I've decided that rather to fight on in pride or stubbornness, it's better to lay it down. We had this one last gig on the books, and the guitar player said he could make it so we decided to do a "farewell show".


The show went well, with only minor mistakes for which we're the only ones who probably caught on. I wish I had some good pictures to take; but the friend who was using my camera got a lot of blurs. The venue, knowing it was our last show, was really supportive and even had a big cake for us. Another band with whom we've been friends for years, Under Command, was also playing that night. They came up and sang backing vocals on a song, whch they did on our CD. During their set, they called me up to play bass once, which often happens when I'm at their shows. A fun, blessed, but bitterweet night. If anyone wants an "Awestruck" t-shirt, half price, let me know; I've still got a bunch. CD's, too!


The next day, I was playing a show with a friend for whom I'm doing some studio tracks. Mostly covers/praise & worship songs, plus a couple of his originals. I had jammed with him and his drummer back in the fall; we locked rather well. Lead guitar player couldn't make it at the last minute, so plenty of room for lead bass. A strange but good feeling to "just" be the bass player, and not have to worry about leading or arranging or booking - just show up and play. It was hot as all get-out, but we did well and the singer/rhythm guitarist said he's trying to make this a more permanent project and wants me to join. I'll pray on it and see what comes of it.

Once again, Under Command was playing this event too. Before they went on, Wayne said that last night was great and asked if Id' play on "Stand Tall" again. Someone got it on video and

. Ignore the "constipated duck" look on my face. Wayne afterward said that anytime I'm within a 10 mile radius of their show, it is a mandate that I be there and at least play that song. Good times!


Shortly after midnight on Sunday, I became a grandfather. My son and his wife gave birth to a lovely little girl. I have to keep watching the video above to remind myself that I'm not old, since I can still rock, right?


I also played twice at church on Sunday (and had been asked by a friend at another church to play as well, but it conflicted with my prior commitment). So even though the band is gone, I think I'll still find myself playing out in one form or another.


Thank you all for your patience, if you've read this far.

"Am I enough of a freak to be worth paying to see?"- Separated Out (Marillion)

NEW band Old band


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First and foremost, congratulations on your new granddaughter!


Second, yeah - it sounds like you went out on a good note.


Third, another band will come along. Hell, if people want me to play with them, somebody's gonna want you.


Fourth, post a link. Maybe I'll buy me one of them t-shirts!

Push the button Frank.
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Danzilla, read Romans 8:28, it's my lifetime verse. Sooner or later for all of us, a door closes, another opens, and we go on to the next thing. God will show you what to do one way or another. I'd advise you to keep on playing as long you feel the need to.

Always remember that you are unique. Just like everyone else.





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Fourth, post a link. Maybe I'll buy me one of them t-shirts!


Check his sig - I think there's a merch link there too.


I looked David. Couldn't find it. Doesn't mean it's not there!

Push the button Frank.
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Fourth, post a link. Maybe I'll buy me one of them t-shirts!


Check his sig - I think there's a merch link there too.


I looked David. Couldn't find it. Doesn't mean it's not there!


No, you're right. After I posted I went to take a look but could not find a link for t-shirts either. Nor a link to mp3's of the album, which was my second prey :grin:

"I'm a work in progress." Micky Barnes


The Ross Brown Shirt World Tour

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Sorry guys; we only sold the CD online, not the T-shirts or MP3's. We're proud to be lo-tech like that.

But if anyone's interested, send me a PM and we'll work something out. Sizes: Adult Small, Medium, Large, Xlarge and 2X.



"Am I enough of a freak to be worth paying to see?"- Separated Out (Marillion)

NEW band Old band


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'Tis a hip story. Endings and beginnings.


Endings and beginnings affected me also. My uncle died last Tuesday, so I had to cancel two solo gigs for the weekend since I was out of town for the funeral. I'd hyped these gigs to the max since, well..... you know, marketing is everything. The gig spam announcing the regrets was harder to write than most gig spams. But it was good to do the closure thing and hang with family that I don't get to see very often. The food was not up to the usual funeral standards, though.

Things are just the way they are, and they're only going to get worse.

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My condolences for your Uncle. RIP.


DanZ: Congrats for the new arrival, simply cool. Quite a weekend, to be sure.






I'm a lot more like I am now than I was when I got here.






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Thanks guys. Paul, I'm sorry to hear about your loss of family (most important) and gigs (secondary). More gigs will come along, but your Uncle was one of a kind.


And I got a new appreciation for strings, too. In the video I was using Julie's bass (Peavey Millenium 5 string), and she has it strung with DR Peacock Blue strings. I'm not a fan of coated strings, mostly based on my experiences with Elixers. These, however, just felt like new strings; you could still feel the windings and it was fresh & smooth but not slippery. Blue's not my color, but I might have to try some next time I change strings.

"Am I enough of a freak to be worth paying to see?"- Separated Out (Marillion)

NEW band Old band


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