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OT: 87 Billion and No Accountability

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I heard today on the radio that only Senator Byrd had the courage to vote against this 87 Billion boondoggle. He wanted some accounibility, simple things like, Where is the money going? What is it being spent on? Why did Bush give Dick Cheney's Haliburton no-bid contracts insuring that they made outrageous profits? Why does the Bush Gang resist releasing accurate information about all this wild spending? Why does the Bush Gang attempt to hide behind the National Secuirity moniker when we are talking about schools and roads, things that can't be secret, and yet, the Bush Gang repeatedly claim it's all a big secret. Where are the secret offshore bank accounts that Bush and Cheney located and how much is being kicked back to them?
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Too late. Oil masters putted him in the oval room to accomplish his job: controlling the last oil reserve. Now he can go to jail, to hell or wherever you want, but the OIL masters now have what they wanted... In 15 years there will be the same thing maybe 100 times worse, but not for OIL.... FOR [b]WATER[/b]

:) Features Are Not An Opinion. :)

(John Hope, 2003)





Ufficio Internazionale Per La Presa Per Il Culo Dei Sbruffoni Statunitensi

Att. Tua Sorella

Codice Mavapigliatelindomo

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[quote]Originally posted by CIA: [b]...In 15 years there will be the same thing maybe 100 times worse, but not for OIL.... FOR [b]WATER[/b][/b][/quote]Hmmm... "Chinatown" x 100 I tend to agree water will become the next big commodity to be exploited. Not having cheap oil is one thing, but not having water...? :eek: Plenty of the worlds population suffer water shortages. However these are predominantly poorer countries who are not in the position to do much about it. Much of our utilities, electricty, natural gas etc. have been privatised and sold off to foreign multi-nationals. About three years ago a French company was negotiating to buy and control OUR water supplies! :eek: We have had drought conditions here for the last six years. I think the 'Aqua Wars' are not that far off. :rolleyes:
"WARNING!" - this artificial fruit juice may contain traces of REAL FRUIT!!
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well, i hate to chime in on this crap, but water is by nature %100 recycleable. you can niether create nor destroy water; however you can change its form. in fargo we drink river water. dirty, polluted, disgusting river water. seriously; its full of mercury and other contaminants. the water runs through a refining plant and comes out pure except for a few parts per million and chlorine takes care of that. we drink it, pee it out, mix it with our shit/tampons and it goes back in the river for the next town, on and on and on into canada. [i]water is recylceable. even sea water is able to be purified at a hefty price.[/i] i wouldnt worry about water. its not going anywhere, except maybe into our atmosphere
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[quote]Originally posted by Coaster: [b]you can niether create nor destroy water; [/b][/quote]Um, you most certainly can. It is relatively easy to separate water into two hydrogen and one oxygen molecules and almost as easy to put the three back together. Practicle? No. Possible? Oh yes.

Whenever you find that you are on the side of the majority, it is time to reform.

Mark Twain (1835-1910)


Reporter: "Ah, do you think you could destroy the world?" The Tick: "Ehgad I hope not. That's where I keep all my stuff!"

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It's nearly impossible for anyone to imagine just how much money 87 billion dollars are. Just the logistics and planning couldn't be done this quickly and for all our representitives to read thru it all to check for the un-reasonable. It's just another blank check for the next few generations to pay-off, maybe.... The "big" problem is that it's just a bunch of numbers thrown around that most people don't listen to anymore. It's sad. But in a positive light, maybe I'll drop dead before it's time to get social security. ;)
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Johnny.. About all I can say is you need to do a little tiny bit of investigation before you make these totally wrong, totally partisan, completly ignorant posts. There is a complete accounting of where the money is going. The 67 billion is going to the troops for additional support, etc. and what the 20 billion going to the rebuilding of Iraq is for. For you to think the liberal senators like your best friend and fellow drinking buddy Teddy Kennedy would not demand an accounting is to think the moon is made of green cheese. Go back to making baseless partisan claims that nobody can prove either way.

Mark G.

"A man may fail many times, but he isn't a failure until he begins to blame others" -- John Burroughs


"I consider ethics, as well as religion, as supplements to law in the government of man." -- Thomas Jefferson

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[quote]Originally posted by Johnny B: [b]But doesn't it bother any of you that it is costing the American taxpayers at least 87 billion dollars? Worse, there's no accounting for where the money will be going![/b][/quote]Nope! :) I'm planning on finding a bimbo, marrying her, having about 20 kids and living off of a wellfare check from the government. :D Hey, if ya can't beat 'em, join 'em!


a.k.a. "El Guapo" ;)


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The last I heard was there really ain't all that much partisan stuff going on, it's getting more and more gray all the time. Bill Gates hasn't even got 87 billion dollars and I bet it'd take twenty years to get thru his financial books! Thats why Enron and Worldcom, etc. get away with the BS they do.................. :p
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[quote]Originally posted by Chuck Moore: [b]seems the money we spent on the Marshall Plan was a wise investment, as we havn't had to go to war with Germany again. If the result is freedom and democracy in the middle east, then it's money well spent.[/b][/quote]Except the reports are already trickling back in from Iraq that Haliburton is gouging on gas prices ($1.58/gal when local gas could be had for $0.98/gal) and overcharging for contracts (one refurbishing of a police station that was billed at $2.5M, while the Iraqi police chief stated publicly that the job could have been done with local contractors for $250,000) I knew as soon as those no-bid contracts went out that we were in for more "military contract" type spending. Wonder if Haliburton's getting $500 a whack for toilet seats too?
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$87 Billion? And how much are we budgeting for the rebuilding of our infrastructure? When 1/2 the east coast was in the dark from the problems involving our antiquated Power grid, no one gave a rats ass about 'rebuilding Iraq'. Does this credit card have a limit?
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[quote]Originally posted by GZsound: [b]Johnny.. About all I can say is you need to do a little tiny bit of investigation before you make these totally wrong, totally partisan, completly ignorant posts. There is a complete accounting of where the money is going. The 67 billion is going to the troops for additional support, etc. and what the 20 billion going to the rebuilding of Iraq is for. For you to think the liberal senators like your best friend and fellow drinking buddy Teddy Kennedy would not demand an accounting is to think the moon is made of green cheese. Go back to making baseless partisan claims that nobody can prove either way.[/b][/quote]67 Billion to troops!!! LOL! Take your own advice for a change please...
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GZ, do you think you could be a little more vague. I think the Enron Accounting Dept and Board Room has a job for you. Yeah, 2.5 mill for Halliburton to do a 250k job, that's a 2.25 million profit. GZ, maybe you'd like to give the folks your figures for Haliburton profit margins on this one little job. What is that? a grillion percent profit. It might even be far more that Grif's toilet seat example of a cheater. As far as an unlimited, Bush deficit budget placed on your children's credit card, and no help for America's own problems, Allan Greenspan (The Fed Reserve Bank Chairman) said today that even he is worried about the runaway spending of the Bush Regime. Double Digit Inflation here we come. Thanks again George and Dick, you F%$#ing morons.
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As someone who donated to the Bush campaign, .....worked very hard to help his election and defeat Al Gore in his home state, (which if Gore had won in TN, Florida wouldn't have mattered) I'd just like to say to Johnny ....... neener neener neener
Chuck Moore
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[quote]Originally posted by Chuck Moore: [b]As someone who donated to the Bush campaign, .....worked very hard to help his election and defeat Al Gore in his home state, (which if Gore had won in TN, Florida wouldn't have mattered) I'd just like to say to Johnny ....... neener neener neener[/b][/quote]Whatever, man. He's wasting your tax dollars too, in case you hadn't noticed. Sheesh, what a totally obtuse post.
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Well, well, well. Hey Chuck I'll bet that neener, neener, neener thing is exactly what Osama and Sadamm are both sayin.' Independently, of course, cuz they don't know or like each other. The trouble is, that neener stuff doesn't hold water when you see dead bodies coming back in plastic bags, widows and children crying and billions and billions of dollars going out of the Amercian taxpayer's pockets and Bush and Cheney are refusing to account for it. Neener, neener?
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A little reality check here folks. First off, it has been a huge deal for the democratic senators to find out where the money is going. A large number of democratic senators spend every waking minute screaming about the sweetheart deals that companies like Haliburton have gotten. The suggestion was not about if the money is well spent, Johnny posted 87 Billion with no accountability and that is flat wrong. There is more than adequate accountability for where the money is being spent. Changing to subject to Haliburton makes very little sense. The question was accountability. Another thing you all need to check into is the amount of money past conflicts have cost us. As a percentage of GDP, this conflict is one of the cheapest in history. Another question you need to ask is how much the 9/11 attacks cost our economy. The estimates are over 300 Billion dollars. As a percentage of that figure, 87 Billion is not a lot of money compared to the cost of doing nothing and risking another attack. 87 Billion is not a lot compared to our GDP. There is money for every silly government program in the universe and the 87 Billion would not go to feeding the homeless anyway. Don't ask me why.. If you must complain about wasted dollars, check out the "Big Dig" and other government pork projects that have cost way over the 87 Billion you are complaining about. If you are angry at companies like Haliburton, check into the unions and companies that got the sweetheart deals in the Big Dig. Graft and fraud are not exclusive to the current administration. Do some reading on government funded light rail if you really want to get pissed. I realize it doesn't fit Johnny's hate envelope, but a reality check is in order.

Mark G.

"A man may fail many times, but he isn't a failure until he begins to blame others" -- John Burroughs


"I consider ethics, as well as religion, as supplements to law in the government of man." -- Thomas Jefferson

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It may come to a big dissapointment to everyone, that they can never bring Osama or Saddam to trial, because they'd have to tell about how the the CIA got them to do "work" for them and then the chips would start to fall out of place for the big boys. That trial of those two; I seriously doubt that. A writer I was talking to today beleives it a problem of the human race going "on" or "not". I told the dude, to just let the genius boys and girls figure it out for us, and he said they aren't smart enough, that no man/woman can predict a Hitler or Gandhi. So give-up, or get serious and make the changes, I don't know anyone with that spirit to take it to the next level, I just don't think it's possible, I think we're coming to the end............... :wave:
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yeah I always spell " 'yall " like that.... I'm just a 'lil different. Some would say a LOT. And dead bodies and children crying???? doood (mispelled again I know) ever thought of a good anti-depressant? But more seriously, has it ever occured to you that those kinds of statements do absolutely nothing except to encourage our enimies into thinking we are divided and if they can just kill a few more soldiers than we will cut and run. One thing Osama and Sadamm have in common......... they both would love for Howard Dean to be the next president. Fortunately for us it aint gonna happen
Chuck Moore
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