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I don't know about you...

Chad Thorne

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Gotta say, all the way back to my Tejas days, my experience has been this holidays been co-opted into somtoo closely resembling St Paddy's Day...

...& I wonder why it's taken such prominence rather than


Never heard of this one. Thanks for bringing it to my attention!


I know what you mean about Cinco de Mayo ("It's a day when we're ALL Mexicans!"), but I love Mexican guitar music. Any excuse to break out baby Raimundo and fudge my way through some!



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Gotta say, all the way back to my Tejas days, my experience has been this holidays been co-opted into somtoo closely resembling St Paddy's Day...

...& I wonder why it's taken such prominence rather than



Yeah that sounds like a whole lot more fun than St Paddy's????


Can you blame them for hating the French?

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the town I live in Lexinton Nebraska is 60% hispanic.

The day and whole weekend is full of parades and food fairs.

There is nothing i enjoy consuming more than Mexican food

and a couple Pacifico Cervesas!

Why do you lay down? I say that it beats standing up! whats got you feeling so down? I hold up my empty cup!
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Every May 5th I force myself to chug a couple shots of Jose Cuervo. Just being respectful, ya know? :cool:



The further a society drifts from truth the more it will hate those who speak it." George Orwell


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I lived in Mexico for a year and a half in 1984 or so - in Ciudad Juarez, back before you had to dodge bullets on a daily basis... and went to school in El Paso during the day.


I love the Mexican people, but don't really like ranchero music. Sometimes though, if I go eat huevos rancheros or tacos at local Mexican restaurants, I am exposed to it. That's cool - to the regulars, it's a little piece of THEIR country, and they're entitled to it!


My wife is Colombian, and she's about as Mexican as I am Chinese, LOL!

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Happy belated Cinco...must admit I did'nt miss the salute as I drink a shot of Presidente Mexican Brandy every day...(for medicinal reasons of course)...love the music too...and will have a shot during the replay of the vid... :cool:
Take care, Larryz
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