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5.1 mix of Tommy on SACD!

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I've been waiting for this bad boy for a while....went to Best Buy today for something else, and there it was. I bought it, brought it home, and listened to the whole thing right away uninterrupted. I think Townsend and company did an outstanding job on this record. The surround remix is amazing...really full and clear without being gimmicky at all. I'm way happy. :D Extra bonus - Ziggy Stardust was there in 5.1 surround, too - I grabbed that too, but haven't heard it yet. Man, I love this surround thing - it's got me buying CDs again... :thu: dB



:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Hi Dave How does it sound on the Adams'? :D I'm gonna get that one. Tommy is one of my favorites! Have you seen/listened the YES Symphonic DVD? Cheers, Han
The alchemy of the masters moving molecules of air, we capture by moving particles of iron, so that the poetry of the ancients will echo into the future.
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I was hoping "Tommy" was coming out on DVD-A, but I see it's on SACD only at the record stores, at this time. I checked at Best Buy to see what kind of SACD players they had, and they didn't have any, the salesman said they just weren't stocking them, thinks they're dying out. I'm all set up for 5.1 DVD-A, and will just have to wait it out, and am not too excited about having to buy a new player, just to hear different 5.1 titles.

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[quote]Originally posted by sign: [b]Hi Dave How does it sound on the Adams'? :D [/b][/quote]Hi, Han! I don't know - I don't have a 5.1 ADAM system (yet) - just the stereo pair in the studio...and yeah, I do have the Yes symphonic disc. It's okay...I like the 5.1 version of Fragile better. :thu: DJWayne - I think the Best Buy salesguy is wrong - I see bunches of new SACD titles all the time. Besides - even if they do die, you still get to keep the discs that are out, and enjoy the experience... Also, you can get players for under $200 that will let you play SACD/DVD-A discs - there's a Pioneer model that does both for $179. IMO, it is TOTALLY worth it to get a new player to hear these new mixes. They're wonderful. Most of them are completely remixed - you'll hear stuff you've never heard before... I'm really, really surprised that more of you aren't into this. I think it's the best fun. As I said above - this has me buying CDs again. :thu: dB



:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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[quote]Originally posted by Dave Bryce: [b]I'm really, really surprised that more of you aren't into this. [/b][/quote]I would be if I had the money! I wonder what will be the hot new thing when I can afford it. Glad you're having fun with SACDs Dave
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Hey Dave, any comments on SACD vs. DVD-A? I'm still on a pretty big Sony boycott, but I'm digging the DVD-A thing.(Bela Fleck Bluegrass Sessions, Yes Fragile, Steely Dan Two Against Nature and Donald Fagan The Nightfly all made the rounds this weekend) What would you say the biggest motivating factors are for breaking my well established Sony avoidance? Thanks, Dogfur Oh yeah - (awkward silence) No ADAM surround setup? What? (Dogfur hits forehead with palm of hand in confused disappointment)
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"DJWayne - I think the Best Buy salesguy is wrong - I see bunches of new SACD titles all the time. Besides - even if they do die, you still get to keep the discs that are out, and enjoy the experience..." Sort of like owning an 8-track cassette machine and a few tapes, eh ?? or a beta video machine...yes there are a few new titles out, but not that many. I think DVD's are the way to go because you have more options, such as DVD videos, 5.1 DVD-A, DVD data discs, they're recordable.... SACD's-$200 for a one use machine, and can you get a SACD player for the car, walkman type player, for the computer....ect ???...yes they'll play in a cd player, but you might as well by the regular CD... Question, does a SACD sound better than a regular cd on a regular cd player ?? Or is the SACD only to enable 5.1 playback ?? I'm really into the 5.1 thing, and think it's great, but do we really need two seperate formats(DVD-A/SACD) to deliver it ?? Is the sound of a SACD better that a DVD ??

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[quote]Originally posted by djwayne: [b]Is the sound of a SACD better that a DVD ??[/b][/quote]I don't believe that there are any titles out on both, so I'm not sure how one could make a comparison. They both sound pretty great to me... plus, as all of these are being remixed and remastered for the new formats, I guess it'd be kind of difficult to do any sort of reasonable comparison to tell how much better they sound than their original CD counterparts. I pretty much only buy the surround discs. There a lots of titles (SACD) in stereo, but I don't go there - I'm too fascinated by the surround mixes; plus, I don't really want to rebuy more titles than I have to, so I avoid the stereo versions. You have to understand - it's not the higher resolution that attracts me - it's the actual mixes themselves. They're fascinating! The choices the engineers and producers make when given these additional dimensions are amazingly interesting to me. Most I love, some I don't, but I find all of them unbelievably interesting. ..and quite a few of them literally take my breath away. :D I also buy the DTS remixes Thise kick ass, too. Got Joshua Judges Ruth recently - damn, Massenburg is good (he did the remix, too). dB P.S. Dogfur - I can't afford the ADAM setup I want...I want the big ones. I'm saving...



:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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[quote]Originally posted by Dogfur: [b]What would you say the biggest motivating factors are for breaking my well established Sony avoidance?[/b][/quote]I'll give you a few... Dark Side of the Moon Tommy Kind of Blue Toto IV Blow By Blow Not available on DVD-A. Of course, there's (Pet Sounds) a bunch (Fragile) of reasons (Brain Salad Surgery) to get (Nightfly) DVD-A (The Last Waltz) as well. There's a Pioneer player that's pretty inexpensive that plays all of the formats - it's like $179. I hear that it converts them all somehow so that they're basically playing Dolby Digital, but you can still hear the surround mixes. We used one of those at our booth at the AES show, and it sounded pretty freakin' great.... :thu: dB



:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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No question about it, the 5.1 is great. High resolution, sounds just like being there, on some mixes like Yes's "Fragile", The Who's "The Kids Are Alright", Fleetwood Mac's "Rumours". "Who Are You" in 5.1 sounds great !! Plus you get the video footage !!! I recently got a video card, The GeForce 5200FX, and it has a S-Video output so's I can watch dvd's off my computer on to either the monitor screen or a larger television screen, which I'm hoping to put into my little home studio. Concert videos in 5.1 have a really nice "you're there" feel to them. The sub-woofer and centerchannel speakers, really added alot mor to the overall sound than I thought it would, and I too am excited about buying new music video's and DVD-A's. For $179.00 I can get a bunch (8-9)of DVD concert video's. :)

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[quote]Originally posted by Dan South: [b]Okay, this is a dumb question, but how to you listen to an SACD?[/b][/quote]You need a player that'll read it. They have the DSD logo on the front. SACDs come in stereo (single layer) and Surround (multi-layer). Some are hybrid, like Dark Side - it'll play on a regular CD player as well as an SACD player, but the CD player only finds a regular stereo mix. If you want to do surround with an SACD player, you can't just use a digital out, like you can with a standard DVD video player. You need to take individual outs for all six channels and run them into a device that will accept them - either a receiver or a surround controller. This may sound like a pain, but it's really worth it when you get it going... dB



:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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[quote]Originally posted by Dave Bryce: [b] I'll give you a few... Dark Side of the Moon Tommy Kind of Blue Toto IV Blow By Blow Not available on DVD-A. [/b][/quote]Yeah, that's pretty motivating! :thu: [quote][b] There's a Pioneer player that's pretty inexpensive that plays all of the formats - it's like $179. I hear that it converts them all somehow so that they're basically playing Dolby Digital, but you can still hear the surround mixes. We used one of those at our booth at the AES show, and it sounded pretty freakin' great.... :thu: dB[/b][/quote]OK, I'll have to look into that. I haven't really nailed down the specifics of the comparisons of specs between DVD-A vs. SACD but I'm sure its' not too hard to find. I also wonder what the difference between Dolby Digital vs. DTS are? Alot of nerd questions about this mysterious new stuff... FWIW - I want the big ones (ADAMs) too...
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SACD and DVD-A are well within reach for anyone in the market for a new receiver. The players are reasonably priced now, you just need a receiver that has the inputs. I got a Sony "Dream System" home theater in a box 2 years ago that plays SACDs. It's not all that great a sound system, but at that time it was cheaper than a stand-alone player. Leave it to Sony to start up another format war, but I think they may win this one. They release these reissues of huge hits from Pink Floyd, The Police, The Rolling Stones and now The Who. These are all hybrid discs that can play on any CD player, so someone may just go out to buy the CD and find out later there is a higher resolution surround version on the same disc if they get the equipment to play it.
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[quote]Originally posted by Dogfur: [b]I also wonder what the difference between Dolby Digital vs. DTS are?[/b][/quote]Bit depth, I believe...I think DD is 16 bit and DTS is 20 bit, but I'm not dead-on sure. Also, I think that they use different compression algorithms, but once again I'm not sure - I've heard conflicting opinions on that, and never gotten an authoratative answer. I do know that I have a live Steely Dan DVD that has a DD track and a DTS track that can be easily switched between, and the DTS track totally smokes the DD track - the difference in detail is really noticeable. [url=http://www.crutchfield.com/cgi-bin/S-6EQZItp9kYk/ProdView.asp?I=130DV563A]Here\'s a link to the Pioneer machine[/url] I mentioned... dB



:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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[quote]Originally posted by djwayne: [b] Question, does a SACD sound better than a regular cd on a regular cd player ?? Or is the SACD only to enable 5.1 playback ??[/b][/quote]You only get added benefits from using an SACD player. [quote][b]I'm really into the 5.1 thing, and think it's great, but do we really need two seperate formats(DVD-A/SACD) to deliver it ??[/b][/quote]No we don't, but one company always thinks it's format is better and wants other companies to license it from them. [quote][b]Is the sound of a SACD better that a DVD ??[/b][/quote]It's better than a video DVD because for your concert and movie DVDs usually more than 75% of the space on the disc is used for video. DVD-A and SACD have the same capacity and use it all for audio. SACD and DVD-A should sound equal to most people, though I haven't actually listened to any DVD-A discs myself. Before I bought my SACD player I had read some reviews saying SACD sounded a bit better, so that probably effected my purchase.
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The last Crutchfield catalog featured a JVC unit that had five 100-watt amps built-in, with tuner, aux inputs, and a CD/DVD/DVD-A drive built in, $349! (I don't think it read SACD's :( ). My 24-year old Yamaha amp is starting to make some bad noises, I may be upgrading sooner than I'd planned... I've only heard The Eagles' "Hell Freezes Over" in surround, damn that sounded good.


"Eccentric language often is symptomatic of peculiar thinking" - George Will


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[quote]Originally posted by Roto: [b]someone may just go out to buy the CD and find out later there is a higher resolution surround version on the same disc if they get the equipment to play it.[/b][/quote]I think this is how the new formats will be brought into the mass market. The general public wont pay extra for something that seems to be identical to its predecessor. The jumps from vinyl-cassette-CD were huge physical differences, same with VHS-DVD. If they keep selling Hybrid discs and eventually hybrid players, the average person will barely notice and the older formats will be phased out. That's what I think'll hapen anyway. John
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[quote]Originally posted by Botch.: [b]I've only heard The Eagles' "Hell Freezes Over" in surround, damn that sounded good.[/b][/quote]There's a DTS version of that (no video, just audio) that has a bonus track of the song "Seven Bridges Road" with each guy's voice coming out of a different speaker, along with the corresponding instrument that they play. It sounds awesome! :thu: I'm tellin' ya - you can't believe how much fun this stuff is...it's really worth getting into it. :D dB



:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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The Eagles have that "Seven Bridges Road" mix on their Hell Freezes Over video as well, it does sound great. Wasn't it just a couple of years ago Sony was offering some titles on mini-disc ?? I did get one and did have a mini-disc player, but I don't see any mini-disk titles out now. I'd hate to buy another $2-300 machine just so they can come up with a another new format right after Christmas.

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