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recurrent gripe!

Ross Brown

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Judge for yourself... from someone that claims to be a professional guitar teacher.


well 1st i would need to find out what level you are @, and your knowledge, but 4 beginner i would go over the basics like teach penatonic scales major and minor and move on from there, but someone that has some exp. i would start of with the circle of 4ths and 5ths and once you get a grasp of that then we can branch off to the relative minors and modes, but like i said i need to know what you know give me a call...


Yeah, that is annoying. A person's writing reflects their thinking, and in this case the writing is lazy and flabby.


Now, for one grammatical point, Ross, your intro should read "...from someone WHO claims to be..." "Who" should be used when referring to a person, "that" should be used when referring to an inanimate object. :)

"Everyone wants to change the world, but no one thinks of changing themselves." Leo Tolstoy
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This is something I do think about... But it is my guts telling me that it is an indication that the guy (or anyone that does it) has not got his act together.


november foxtrot sierra. he's a professional guitar teacher. if he had it together he'd be famous or in another profession.



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Am I too picky and hard to please?

We'll let Mrs. Brown be the judge of that. ;)


Mrs. Brown still likes me. She says yes, I have high standards. :laugh:

"When I take a stroll down Jackass Lane it is usually to see someone that is already there" Mrs. Brown
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Again, if you're going to put out a shingle, don't have that shingle look like it was texted in by a 12 year old.


We seem to be going out of our way to excuse something that looks like a Senegalese Viagra email.


My son is upset with me because he wants me to transpose an original song. I quit because I got tired of the "why do you have to write it like that? It's stupid". I guess it doesn't matter if I put any old notes and directions anywhere I want on the staff paper.


I imagine he'll have no problem publishing a tab.


Oh, wait. He can't write a tab, either.


I'm so proud, I could cry.


Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn


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...... In fact, I sometimes find overly literate folks make irritating drummers--see Neil Peart.


Ahhhhh, Rush bashing in the morning, it smells like.....like, one little victory. :D


Sorry, had to do it...





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Its a text. Get over it. What would worry me more is that he wrote 90 words in a text instead of picking up the phone and having the discussion. Teaching is all about 1-1 interaction.

Feel the groove internally within your own creativity. - fingertalkin


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I text. Frequently. I have a "dumb" phone, and it has capital letters and punctuation marks. It even has stupid =-) symbols. I'm not the world best speller, but I give it a try.


I have no sympathy for a text, coming from a "professional", that looks like random acts of lettering.


I look at it, I go "sheesh", I delete it, I'm over it. Hell, if you can't take the 1/8th of a second to hit the F7 key after composing an email and run a spell check, why should I bother reading it?


Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn


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Its a text. Get over it. What would worry me more is that he wrote 90 words in a text instead of picking up the phone and having the discussion. Teaching is all about 1-1 interaction.


No, it was an e mail.

"When I take a stroll down Jackass Lane it is usually to see someone that is already there" Mrs. Brown
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Ah I see. I agree then with Fingertalkin - it was proabably typed on a phone.


I'm still amazed at how people chose the wrong medium for communication. There are only three real methods. Phone, text and email. Each has its benefits and pitfalls.


I would have called the guy in the first place. I only send an email if I have specific questions to answer or information to exchange.


He doesn't actually seem to say anything useful in his mail at all.

Feel the groove internally within your own creativity. - fingertalkin


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