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OT - Running


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Did my normal 5-mile loop this morning, but instead of taking it casually, I wanted to try and increase the intensity and go as hard as I could (which I don't normally do), while still maintaining good form.  My normal casual time for this loop is around 1:06:00, and I finished in 59:00--a tiny bit slower than my race.  Amazing considering the loop has 7 or 8 pretty good hills, spread out.  Nothing seriously steep, but a couple pretty long climbs.  Very satisfied with my time, and I need/want to push myself a little more often, otherwise I don't really know what I'm capable of.

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Yamaha MODX7, DX7, PSR-530, MX61/Korg TR-Rack, 01/W Pro X, Trinity Pro X, Karma/Ensoniq ESQ-1

Behringer DeepMind12, Model D, Odyssey, 2600/Arturia Keylab MKII 61



Studio One/V Collection 9/Korg Collection 4/Cherry Audio/UVI SonicPass/EW Composer Cloud/Omnisphere, Stylus RMX, Trilian/IK Total Studio 3.5 MAX/Roland Cloud

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  • 3 weeks later...

On 29 June, I fell doing my usual Wednesday 10k. I'm pretty sure I found the exact frakking pothole that caught me out. My knees have pretty much healed up, but I'm getting an MRI on both wrists this Wednesday because the left one still has some pain and when the orthopedic doc did an x-ray on that one, he wrote, "PA, Lateral, oblique x-rays are done demonstrating what appears to be ulnar translation of the carpal bones on the distal radius. There is no evidence for fracture noted." [That's all doctor speak for, "those three little bones have shifted out of place."] I've been wearing a brace on that side since, at least most of the time. It seems doubtful it's a full tear (grade four, I think) because it seems to getting better slowly.


This is the first time a fall has done anything like this to me. The worst thing previously was some road rash and a shattered Apple Watch. That was covered by Apple Care and replaced the next day.


I'm still running my usuals though, best I can in this heat. I'm looking forward to the temp around here dropping so I can push my Friday mileage back up from 10 miles every other week to doing 13.1 once a month or so. I'd like to get better times too, but first things first.

"I'm so crazy, I don't know this is impossible! Hoo hoo!" - Daffy Duck


"The good news is that once you start piano you never have to worry about getting laid again. More time to practice!" - MOI

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  • 1 month later...

Wow, good luck with the knee, Dave.  I'm back at it as well, running on my trail in Long Valley.  Was off for 10 weeks, too hot, too many other things going and a thousand other excuses! 🙂


Treadmills are very forgiving as I am sure you know.  I rarely run on pavement, usually only during races.  I stick to trails, treadmill, and track.  I don't know what I'd do if I couldn't run, probably bike I guess.


Lacey looks happy! 🙂

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Best of luck, Dave!


I've been trying to get out as much as I can over the past few months.  I definitely feel like I'm getting stronger, and in probably my best shape so far.  I'm going out 4-5x a week, 7.5 miles twice, 5 miles otherwise, also mixing in some biking.  So far, since stopping my antidepressant meds in august of 2021, and getting active 9 months ago, I've gone from 265 lbs to around 195, just 20 lbs away from my goal.  Trying to get out as much as I can before it gets too cold.  I do have a treadmill that will tide me over for Winter / bad weather, but I prefer running outside.

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Yamaha MODX7, DX7, PSR-530, MX61/Korg TR-Rack, 01/W Pro X, Trinity Pro X, Karma/Ensoniq ESQ-1

Behringer DeepMind12, Model D, Odyssey, 2600/Arturia Keylab MKII 61



Studio One/V Collection 9/Korg Collection 4/Cherry Audio/UVI SonicPass/EW Composer Cloud/Omnisphere, Stylus RMX, Trilian/IK Total Studio 3.5 MAX/Roland Cloud

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7 hours ago, justin_havu said:

  I'm going out 4-5x a week, 7.5 miles twice, 5 miles otherwise, also mixing in some biking.  So far, since stopping my antidepressant meds in august of 2021, and getting active 9 months ago, I've gone from 265 lbs to around 195, just 20 lbs away from my goal. 

Impressive. I'll try and cheer you on as much as possible via the medium of a forum post. They say exercise is one of the best medications you can take.


Cheers, Mike.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Last night I went to do my somewhat daily 4 miler on my trail.  I was undecided all day about going at all because of the rainy cold weather, but by the time I got home it looked clear enough.  I also look forward to the alone time it gives me.


So I have a great run going and I get to my turnaround point and my left calf muscle starts to go.  Try to run through it - can't.  Stretch the heck out of it, try to run - no help.  First time I've ever come up lame during a run in almost 30 years of running.  Could barely walk.


So I had a 2 mile limp back to my car in light cold rain and foggy darkness that took 45 minutes.  AWFUL.🙂

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  • 2 weeks later...

Decided to challenge myself today and went 10 miles, longest distance I've ever ran in my life, without walking.  Got it in around 2:05:00.  My quads will probably be burning for the next couple of days, but I'm not worried.  Lol


My next goal is 13.1, which I want to get to by next year.  I'm going to try to get out as much as I can before it gets really cold and winter hits up here, even if I wind up just doing 3-5 miles here and there.

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Yamaha MODX7, DX7, PSR-530, MX61/Korg TR-Rack, 01/W Pro X, Trinity Pro X, Karma/Ensoniq ESQ-1

Behringer DeepMind12, Model D, Odyssey, 2600/Arturia Keylab MKII 61



Studio One/V Collection 9/Korg Collection 4/Cherry Audio/UVI SonicPass/EW Composer Cloud/Omnisphere, Stylus RMX, Trilian/IK Total Studio 3.5 MAX/Roland Cloud

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Best wishes for you and your knee, Dave.


I'm still recovering from my ankle sprain. The doc didn't want me to run until I could balance on it for three minutes. I said, I couldn't do that before, I'm sure! I'm not sure if I can yet, but I have been running a little on it, usually 10/30 at most run/walk ratio instead of my usual 60/30. It's a bummer with the cooler weather and my usual runs of 10 or so miles every couple of weeks.


Congrats on your accomplishment, Justin. Sorry about your calf, Joe. I hope that was just temporary!

"I'm so crazy, I don't know this is impossible! Hoo hoo!" - Daffy Duck


"The good news is that once you start piano you never have to worry about getting laid again. More time to practice!" - MOI

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Ended up replacing my old Fitbit with a Garmin 245.  I'll be testing it on a run this afternoon, but so far, I love it.


Yamaha MODX7, DX7, PSR-530, MX61/Korg TR-Rack, 01/W Pro X, Trinity Pro X, Karma/Ensoniq ESQ-1

Behringer DeepMind12, Model D, Odyssey, 2600/Arturia Keylab MKII 61



Studio One/V Collection 9/Korg Collection 4/Cherry Audio/UVI SonicPass/EW Composer Cloud/Omnisphere, Stylus RMX, Trilian/IK Total Studio 3.5 MAX/Roland Cloud

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First outing with the new Garmin.  Love it already.



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Yamaha MODX7, DX7, PSR-530, MX61/Korg TR-Rack, 01/W Pro X, Trinity Pro X, Karma/Ensoniq ESQ-1

Behringer DeepMind12, Model D, Odyssey, 2600/Arturia Keylab MKII 61



Studio One/V Collection 9/Korg Collection 4/Cherry Audio/UVI SonicPass/EW Composer Cloud/Omnisphere, Stylus RMX, Trilian/IK Total Studio 3.5 MAX/Roland Cloud

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Today's outing.  Quads feel like lead, but I wouldn't have it any other way!




Yamaha MODX7, DX7, PSR-530, MX61/Korg TR-Rack, 01/W Pro X, Trinity Pro X, Karma/Ensoniq ESQ-1

Behringer DeepMind12, Model D, Odyssey, 2600/Arturia Keylab MKII 61



Studio One/V Collection 9/Korg Collection 4/Cherry Audio/UVI SonicPass/EW Composer Cloud/Omnisphere, Stylus RMX, Trilian/IK Total Studio 3.5 MAX/Roland Cloud

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Today's voyage.  Weather is supposed to be nice all week, so I'm hoping to get out as much as my body will allow.  6 hours later and I'm still feeling the ever-popular runner's high.




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Yamaha MODX7, DX7, PSR-530, MX61/Korg TR-Rack, 01/W Pro X, Trinity Pro X, Karma/Ensoniq ESQ-1

Behringer DeepMind12, Model D, Odyssey, 2600/Arturia Keylab MKII 61



Studio One/V Collection 9/Korg Collection 4/Cherry Audio/UVI SonicPass/EW Composer Cloud/Omnisphere, Stylus RMX, Trilian/IK Total Studio 3.5 MAX/Roland Cloud

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Wow, Justin you are making a lot of progress, that's great - good for you. 


I bought a treadmill Saturday, my 12 year old Nordic Track bit the dust a year ago with thousands of miles on it.  I spent most of the winter running at the high school track.  It's not too bad with the right clothes but it's a little boring and I could only make it down to 27F with no wind.  Consequently my mileage for the year is way down.  I use the mill to keep a base line level of fitness and then go longer on the weekends on my trail (by the time I get home from work during the week it's dark and I don't run on roads).  Anyway, hope to have it Thursday. :thu:

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Went out for another 8 miles yesterday.  It was too beautiful outside to not do anything.



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Yamaha MODX7, DX7, PSR-530, MX61/Korg TR-Rack, 01/W Pro X, Trinity Pro X, Karma/Ensoniq ESQ-1

Behringer DeepMind12, Model D, Odyssey, 2600/Arturia Keylab MKII 61



Studio One/V Collection 9/Korg Collection 4/Cherry Audio/UVI SonicPass/EW Composer Cloud/Omnisphere, Stylus RMX, Trilian/IK Total Studio 3.5 MAX/Roland Cloud

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10.66 miles today.  The first 8 miles felt great.  Last 2.66 was quite challenging.




Yamaha MODX7, DX7, PSR-530, MX61/Korg TR-Rack, 01/W Pro X, Trinity Pro X, Karma/Ensoniq ESQ-1

Behringer DeepMind12, Model D, Odyssey, 2600/Arturia Keylab MKII 61



Studio One/V Collection 9/Korg Collection 4/Cherry Audio/UVI SonicPass/EW Composer Cloud/Omnisphere, Stylus RMX, Trilian/IK Total Studio 3.5 MAX/Roland Cloud

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8.26 miles today.  Garmin says my fitness level is decreasing, but after a two-day rest, and seeing as this is my fastest time for this particular route, I disagree.  Lol




Yamaha MODX7, DX7, PSR-530, MX61/Korg TR-Rack, 01/W Pro X, Trinity Pro X, Karma/Ensoniq ESQ-1

Behringer DeepMind12, Model D, Odyssey, 2600/Arturia Keylab MKII 61



Studio One/V Collection 9/Korg Collection 4/Cherry Audio/UVI SonicPass/EW Composer Cloud/Omnisphere, Stylus RMX, Trilian/IK Total Studio 3.5 MAX/Roland Cloud

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Last outdoor run of the year, on probably the last really warm day we'll get this year, at least here in southern Maine.  It'll pretty much be treadmill and cross training for the next few months.




Yamaha MODX7, DX7, PSR-530, MX61/Korg TR-Rack, 01/W Pro X, Trinity Pro X, Karma/Ensoniq ESQ-1

Behringer DeepMind12, Model D, Odyssey, 2600/Arturia Keylab MKII 61



Studio One/V Collection 9/Korg Collection 4/Cherry Audio/UVI SonicPass/EW Composer Cloud/Omnisphere, Stylus RMX, Trilian/IK Total Studio 3.5 MAX/Roland Cloud

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  • 7 months later...

Ran the South Berwick, ME Strawberry 5-mile this past Saturday, and I'm glad I did!  After having a bad anxiety attack a couple days prior, I needed this!


1st pic was from last year when I was probably 50 lbs heavier than I am now, 2nd pic was from this year.


Last year's time: 58:14

This year: 52:43.






Yamaha MODX7, DX7, PSR-530, MX61/Korg TR-Rack, 01/W Pro X, Trinity Pro X, Karma/Ensoniq ESQ-1

Behringer DeepMind12, Model D, Odyssey, 2600/Arturia Keylab MKII 61



Studio One/V Collection 9/Korg Collection 4/Cherry Audio/UVI SonicPass/EW Composer Cloud/Omnisphere, Stylus RMX, Trilian/IK Total Studio 3.5 MAX/Roland Cloud

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  • 2 months later...

Couldn't think of a better way to celebrate dropping 100+ lbs over two years, than with my longest run to date (not on the treadmill, though!).  The last three miles were a bear, but I loved every bit of it!


13mile.thumb.jpg.0d7609b257b6b497ccbf1bce77604d62.jpg   JHrunning.thumb.jpg.2a937a5f5fea677f9bafeee9cc7b3344.jpg

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Yamaha MODX7, DX7, PSR-530, MX61/Korg TR-Rack, 01/W Pro X, Trinity Pro X, Karma/Ensoniq ESQ-1

Behringer DeepMind12, Model D, Odyssey, 2600/Arturia Keylab MKII 61



Studio One/V Collection 9/Korg Collection 4/Cherry Audio/UVI SonicPass/EW Composer Cloud/Omnisphere, Stylus RMX, Trilian/IK Total Studio 3.5 MAX/Roland Cloud

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  • 8 months later...

First 13-miler of the year!  No racing, just ony own.


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Yamaha MODX7, DX7, PSR-530, MX61/Korg TR-Rack, 01/W Pro X, Trinity Pro X, Karma/Ensoniq ESQ-1

Behringer DeepMind12, Model D, Odyssey, 2600/Arturia Keylab MKII 61



Studio One/V Collection 9/Korg Collection 4/Cherry Audio/UVI SonicPass/EW Composer Cloud/Omnisphere, Stylus RMX, Trilian/IK Total Studio 3.5 MAX/Roland Cloud

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Nice work, Justin!


I started Galloway customized training via a Black Friday sale in order to get faster. Well, I done it. While my half marathon PR was 2:12 (January 2021), I usually did them around 2:18 or 2:20. Despite the heat last Friday (it was 82° when I finished!), I got a new PR in 1:57. I was supposed to do this run a month or so ago, but I did a 17 mile training run badly and my right calf locked up afterwards. Once I freed that up, I was back at it. I don't know if I would have been any faster in the cooler temps a month ago or simply less dehydrated! :laugh:

This week I'll talk to the coach and see what's reasonable to do over the summer months. I wouldn't mind working on improving, but I have to balance that out with this crazy Houston heat. 

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"I'm so crazy, I don't know this is impossible! Hoo hoo!" - Daffy Duck


"The good news is that once you start piano you never have to worry about getting laid again. More time to practice!" - MOI

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