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Surprised (in a good way) by Fender


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I took a flyer on a used/great condition Fender American Standard Precision 5 string bass. This is Fender's first "real" 5 string (MIA, passive 5). Fender is one of those companies that's easy to bash because of their success; Microsoft, The New York Yankees, and even Apple lately with their antenna issues, all can fall into this category.


I Recently sold a 2008 Sadowsky RV5 because of some QC issues that to me, should of prevented it from leaving the factory in Japan. On the other hand, this new P bass has blown me away in terms of quality. There have been a few seen and unseen smart 'upgrades' that really make this a player, I've been digging it so far. More to come.



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Nice bass. I used to not like Fender - I think because ever tone else seemed to love them. I have had som entice Fender basses. I was tempted to try a similar jazz model.


I decided to go with a Sadowsky M5-24. I hope I have better luck with mine than you did. I had one before that I really liked and shouldn't have. Sold. Surprise.


Good luck with anise looking bass.

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Very nice!


I just wish that Fender would make one in a lefty.

"Call me what instrument you will, though you can fret me, yet you cannot play upon me.'-Hamlet


Guitar solos last 30 seconds, the bass line lasts for the whole song.



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Congrats - what a beauty!

But what makes you say that it is the first "real" 5-string by Fender? What about the Roscoe Beck?

For sale: Hot Wire 5-string fretless, rosewood fretboard, tobacco sunburst, J-Retro Deluxe
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For all we say about Fender, I wouldn't compare them to Microsoft. It's hard to be generous about MS. We've given MS plenty of chances to redeem themselves.



"We will make you bob your head whether you want to or not". - David Sisk
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I've been enjoying my American Standard P-Bass 5 string ever since I got it. It's a solid bass from the word go. The B string sounds and feels right. And it's a P-Bass. The funk oozes from this instrument with much ease.




I wouldn't venture so far as to call this Fender's first real 5 string. But it does mark the first time Fender has made a P-Bass 5 string that adheres to the original P-Bass formula: passive with the single precision pickup.


As much as I REALLY dig my P-Bass 5 string, it's my second string instrument. My Fender Roscoe Beck V is still my go-to bass for gigging and recording. I can get the classic P-Bass tones with my P-Bass 5 string. But I find that I can get a lot more tonal versatility with my Roscoe Beck. I can get J bass or P bass tones from that bass, and it's also a passive instrument. But silly Fender, they're not making the RB5 anymore.

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I was ready to break into a rant about lack of attention to detail and poor craftmanship, but the venue thread took it all out of me until I get my coffee in me.


We saw this a while back in one of the Ric threads. Damned shame we spend big money only to have to be surprised when it comes out of the box NOT reeking of merde.


In any event - I hope is serves you well. It is likely to be on the short list for my next purchase. Keep us posted.


Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn


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