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Eventful Weekend

Chad Thorne

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Friday night we fired our drummer. It's been coming; Dave's a great drummer, but has issues - probably some sort of psych diagnosis - that made him kind of unreliable and unpredictable. I was proud of my bandmates and myself, who were able to follow through on our intention to be kind and to hurt Dave as little as possible in the process. Dave, for his part, was equally stand-up, acknowledging that he was upset, but didn't lash out, get nasty, etc. He sent us an email the next day reiterating that he was disappointed, but told us he had enjoyed playing with us and even offered to fill in if we had trouble finding a new permanent drummer.


Last night we had Marc fill in. I've known Marc for nearly 20 years, and have watched him grow and mature from a 20-something guy, "young, dumb and full of come," playing too loud and too busy, to a restrained yet powerful, in control, tasteful drummer with a nearly encyclopedic knowledge knowledge of musical genres and styles of drumming. A joyous experience to play with him! And "the hang" before, during, and after the gig was full of fun, friendsahip and mutual respect. We want him to come on board with us, and he may if he can sort out a prior committment, a one-night-a-week gig that doesn't pay very well. But his integrity won't let him just dump it and come with us, a position you have to appreciate and respect.



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Sorry you had to let the guy go, but that's the way it is sometimes. It's good that it all turned out civil at least.

Good luck with the new guy.

Visit my band's new web site.









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Good luck with the drummer, Chad - at least you have one! We've been trying to get one for 6 months! We've auditioned about 6 but none want to come aboard with us!


We do a lot of Bowie, Pink Floyd, Melencamp, David Fonseca, REM.


I think we frighten them off!!



"When the power of love overcomes the love of power the World will know Peace": Jimi Hendrix


The Geoff - blame Caevan!!!

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Good luck with the drummer, Chad - at least you have one! We've been trying to get one for 6 months! We've auditioned about 6 but none want to come aboard with us!


We do a lot of Bowie, Pink Floyd, Melencamp, David Fonseca, REM.


I think we frighten them off!!



Maybe they don't want to play with somebody who reminds them of their Grampy? *jk* In truth I shaved off my beard because it made me look very "Grampy-ish." Can a facelift be far behind? Exactly what are the limits of my vanity, anyway? :rolleyes:



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