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Switching from dektop G4 to powerbook? Need help to decide!

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Hi, I need help with a really tough decision. Heres the thing, I while ago I bought a Powermac G4 MDD 1GHz. Resently I've started thinking about selling it and buying Powerbook G4. It's just not that inspiring sitting stuck to your desk with noisy computer, trying to make music. I'm a student so money is an issue. I'm thinking maybe a used Ti PB at 1GHz or maybe one of the new 12" PBs. On my PM G4 I work mostly in Cubase SX, using stuff like rewire with Reason 2.5, LM4 Mark II with Drum Kit From Hell, Halion, B4 prgan etc.. And I record audio with guitar and vocals etc.. The benefits I see with a Powerbook is a more quiet computer and portability (so that I can hook up the B4 organ at with the keyboard at band rehersals). I do need to get a sound card with mic preamps, I'm thinking something like M-Audios MobilePre USB. If I get a PB I would also want to use it for playing live with for example the B4 organ, Halion or maybe the reason NN-XT sampler, this of course demands low latency, will the TiBook be up for that, how about the 12"? What do you think about this? Can you help me think about things I might loose with switching? Will a used Ti Powerbook or 12"PB be powerful enough for the stuff I mentioned above? Any thought will be greatly appreciated! THANKS!
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I bought the last Titanium Powerbook at the dealer in town for $1800 - saved $200. It is a 15" widescreen, 867 Mhz - which you would really benefit from doing audio instead of the 12" - try out a 15" and 12" and you'll see what I mean. Or even try out a 17" - but those are pricey. Be informed though that Apple no longer makes TiBooks they now have Aluminum Powerbooks.. even the 15" has backlit keyboard and other extras - going for minimum price of $2000. Might be able to snag some deals on TiBook at ebay.. I might keep the desktop if I were you - in case the laptop ever has problems - up to you, but after doing tons of research, and buying my first Powerbook and 2nd Apple (1st was from 1984.. eesh), I'd recommend it. However I haven't gotten the rest of my gear/software so I can't tell you anything in those regards - ask others. But the Powerbook is a damn nice machine no doubt.
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[quote]Originally posted by Phait: [b]I bought the last Titanium Powerbook at the dealer in town for $1800 - saved $200. It is a 15" widescreen, 867 Mhz - which you would really benefit from doing audio instead of the 12" - try out a 15" and 12" and you'll see what I mean. Or even try out a 17" - but those are pricey. Be informed though that Apple no longer makes TiBooks they now have Aluminum Powerbooks.. even the 15" has backlit keyboard and other extras - going for minimum price of $2000. Might be able to snag some deals on TiBook at ebay.. I might keep the desktop if I were you - in case the laptop ever has problems - up to you, but after doing tons of research, and buying my first Powerbook and 2nd Apple (1st was from 1984.. eesh), I'd recommend it. However I haven't gotten the rest of my gear/software so I can't tell you anything in those regards - ask others. But the Powerbook is a damn nice machine no doubt.[/b][/quote]I don't think the display will be a problem, I have a 17" CRT monitor, which I can hook it upp to when at my desk. I won't afford to keep the desktop G4, so the biggest issue is that the 12" will be powerful enough for me, the 1GHz MDD which I have now can handle my needs good, but I have to be certain that the 12"PB will handle 'em as good or close to as good.
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Whatever you buy, make sure that you put as much RAM in it as you can afford. Max it out if you can (1G or 2G). A Firewire or USB interface will work fine as long as is has OSX drivers available (not all devices do). A 15 inch powerbook has as much effective viewing area as a 17 inch CRT. The external monitor does not add anything.

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