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Traynor Custom Valve 20 and 40

Johan Larson

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The 20 and 40 watters are really great sounding amps, but some of them seem to break down a lot. A good one can last a long time, but if you get a lemon you'll have a lot of problems.


What are they going for there?

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The 20WR is CAN$720 and the 40 is CAN$745. There is also a 40WR for CAN$770. The WR means a wine-red finish; the standard units are gray/black.


Those are website prices; not sure whether Long&McQuade are undercutting their in-store prices. I guess I'll find out this weekend.

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I played a blue CV 40 watt this spring; a very nice amp. Unfortunately, I hesitated. When I went back for it, it had been sold and was the only one they had at a sale price. If the price is good for you, get it now!

"Am I enough of a freak to be worth paying to see?"- Separated Out (Marillion)

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I had one for 2 days. I tried to use it with my band, but it sounded too fizzy and small. It sounded good in the store, just not good with other musicians, and the boost was worthless because it added too much distortion. I ended up returning it and opting for a Peavey Classic, to a Vox AC 30 CC, to a THD Bivalve, to a Line 6 Spidervalve.


Out of those amps, I liked the Spidervalve the best.

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