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My band is touring Europe....help me prepare!


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DISCLAIMER: Im not making this post to go Hai guyz my band is teh AWESOME were tourin Eurooooope! Im posting here for advice :)


Howdy all.


My band is heading out for a three week tour of Europe soon. Were a local bandnot signed to any labels, no big management, just four guys playing tunes. We got hooked up with a booking agency in Europe that likes our stuff and invited to come over. After researching and determining that the agency is legit (and not some dark plan to harvest our kidneys) we accepted, and now were close to departure time.


Im posting because this is my first extended tour, and Im sure Im forgetting something in my preparations. I gig a lot around town, and Ive done plenty of three or four night runs, but nothing like this.


The booking agency is taking care of:

Booking and promoting the shows (though were promoting as much as we can too!)

Transportation once were in Europe

Backline gear (although not the bassmore on that below)

Lodging for the entire three weeks

Three hot meals a day


Heres the gear situation:

Im renting an upright over there (already got this set up and pinned down)

Im bringing two sets of extra strings

Bringing an Underwood pickup (the bass has a pickup, but better safe than sorry)

Bringing lots of extra cables

Bringing a Boss TU-2 Tuner

Bringing a Fishman Pro-EQ preamp (with DI)

Bringing lots of 9V batteries

Im also bringing my Ashbory bass (if worse comes to worse, I can play the show on it)

The agency is providing a backline amp (waiting to hear what it will be....)

The agency provides all PA equipment and a soundman on gigs where its necessary

Im bringing my bow, quiver, and rosin

The rest of the band has their gear taken care of (guitar amps and drums will be provided)


Im planning to bring old socks and throw them out as I wear them, three pairs of jeans, six or seven tee shirts, five pearl snaps (for shows), plenty of underwear (to be thrown out like the socks), running shorts (for running and sleeping in), and comfy shoes. Ill have a laptop (for blogging) and assorted reading/practice materials.


The agency is based in Brussels, and well be playing mostly in Belgium and the Netherlands. The complete itinerary is on our MySpace page (www.myspace.com/CowpunkHolyMoly ).


So.what am I forgetting? What am I not planning for? Any advice?


~Jeremy Hull






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I've made international touring with less planning than that :) And survived, fortunately. I'm curious... why would you have to throw socks and underwear away once you use them? Isn't it easier to ask for laundry service or some detergent while in the hotel and have them washed clean? We used to wash our underwear and stuff (I toured for some time with a 14 musicians dance orchestra) by turns in the hotel room's bath, and it usually turned out ok.


Since you' re being provided of backline amps, and assured daily meals, transportation and lodging, I'd only add:


a) Make sure the payment will be there when it is expected to be, and some daily expenditures money is covered as well.


b) Check with your bank your credit card /money accounts allowance abroad, and have it "clean and ready", just in case you might need it -ie. all of a sudden you have to pay for your lodging, alimentation and travel back yourself... sounds sick, but it HAS HAPPENED BEFORE, so be prevented-


c) try checking any cell phone service you may use while abroad, and as soon as you get there, get ahold of the important emergency phone numbers, as well as your embassy's ones.


d) Make sure you' re getting YOURSELF the control on your documentation. I traveled once with an artist who wanted to have constant control over every musician's passport and plane ticket. It was a pretty difficult situation, which I finally was able to manage properly. Needless to say, it was my last travel with this artist.


Besides that, Have fun, and enjoy the experience!

Brought to you by Juancarlin.




Instagram: @JuanCarlinMusic

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The agency is based in Brussels, and well be playing mostly in Belgium and the Netherlands. The complete itinerary is on our MySpace page (www.myspace.com/CowpunkHolyMoly ).


I live in Belgium ! You're playing quite a few places that are close to home, so I'll mark the dates and come over if I can :) PM me and I'll give you my cell phone number. If worse comes to worse I could lend you some equipment (in exchange for free tickets and backstage passes, of course ;))

"I'm a work in progress." Micky Barnes


The Ross Brown Shirt World Tour

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Bring your most courteous atitude; most of the people I met over there were very friendly and my being friendly often got me invited do to other cool things.


Bring a camera, you're going to a beautiful part of the world, especially on warm days when the girls are out.


Make sure your laptop's power supply is DUAL voltage (most are, but don't assume) the "brick" is maked INPUT:110-220V. I've seen a lot of nice American electronic things go POOF! when you plug them in if you're not careful.


Be very aware of the exchange rate! 3 euro for a beer seems reasonable (and their drafts are usually bigger, and stronger) until you realize that's about $5. That said, You can enjoy yourself cheaply in Europe, eat big when the meals are free, avoid buying things where the tourists do.


I lived in Europe for 13 years, I loved it! I've been in the US for two years, and I miss being there. ENjoy!

"Call me what instrument you will, though you can fret me, yet you cannot play upon me.'-Hamlet


Guitar solos last 30 seconds, the bass line lasts for the whole song.



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Be very aware of the exchange rate! 3 euro for a beer seems reasonable (and their drafts are usually bigger, and stronger) until you realize that's about $5.


Depends on the beer :) If it's over 6 % in alcohol (think Leffe) then it's reasonable. If it's 8% or over (Duvel, Chimay, Westmalle, Karmeliet ... the list is endless) then it's very reasonable :grin:

"I'm a work in progress." Micky Barnes


The Ross Brown Shirt World Tour

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A.) Don't pass up a chance to use a bathroom or take a shower.

B.) Don't pass up a chance on a healthy meal, a few weeks of only junk food will do you in. (see rule A)

C.) Pepto (chances are you didn't follow rules A&B if your making #3)

D.) Earplugs and something to cover your eyes so you can sleep at odd hours.

E.) I'm not sure about the difference in power adapters over there but you should be prepared. Thankfully the big draw items are being provided.


Have fun. Try to spend a little time away from your band mates. You may be great friends but being cooped up with anyone for such a long time can really work a nerve.


If you think my playing is bad, you should hear me sing!
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Make a photocopy of your passport, bring it with you and keep it in a safe place, separate from your passport.


That way if your passport is lost or stolen, you'll have all the relevant information to replace it at the nearest U.S. embassy.

"Tours widely in the southwestern tip of Kentucky"
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The agency is based in Brussels, and well be playing mostly in Belgium and the Netherlands. The complete itinerary is on our MySpace page (www.myspace.com/CowpunkHolyMoly ).


I live in Belgium ! You're playing quite a few places that are close to home, so I'll mark the dates and come over if I can :) PM me and I'll give you my cell phone number. If worse comes to worse I could lend you some equipment (in exchange for free tickets and backstage passes, of course ;))


Awesome! I'll buy ya a beer :)

~Jeremy Hull






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+1 on the bank card stuff. Notify your bank/ credit card companies that you will be travelling. Then in case you have to use your own funds, they will know it's you in Europe instead of thinking it's fraud and shutting your accounts off.


It probably wouldn't hurt to know the locations and contact information of all the American Embassies you will be close to, just in case.


As far as batteries, they may be considered hazmat and there might be limits on what you can carry on the plane and /or through customs. A buttload of 9V batteries in the 'post 9-11' world might look suspicious to airport security. It wouldn't hurt to double check what the restrictions are.

"Political language... is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind"- George Orwell
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Again we have plenty of those around here. A Duracel 9v battery costs around £3 or 3.50




"And then the magical unicorn will come prancing down the rainbow and we'll all join hands for a rousing chorus of Kumbaya." - by davio



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jcadmus and 5 string Mike: Excellent call on the passport and bank cards.


And DavidMPires, good advice on the batteries. I'm trying to strike a balance between traveling light and being prepared. Batteries are one thing I know i can find over there in a pinch.

~Jeremy Hull






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You may find it interesting to read Chris Codish's blogs on his European travels. (Chris is a local musician whom I've met.)


He mentions someone who "stayed behind with [him] in Baku". I'll see if I can find the rest of that story. [edit: Nope. Can't find it.] What he refers to is a time when the band rolled on to the next city without him, essentially stranding him on his own. :eek:


I don't mean to scare you. Some of the advice given here is aimed at preventing and recovering from such a situation if it should ever happen to you.

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jcadmus and 5 string Mike: Excellent call on the passport and bank cards.


And DavidMPires, good advice on the batteries. I'm trying to strike a balance between traveling light and being prepared. Batteries are one thing I know i can find over there in a pinch.


I'd also add an universal recharger so you have batteries for your bass camera etc etc..... with a plug conveter




"And then the magical unicorn will come prancing down the rainbow and we'll all join hands for a rousing chorus of Kumbaya." - by davio



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Note what Eddie says about the beer, Belgium and Dutch beer is rocket fuel!


Belgium and Holland are very small countries. Belgium is only 170miles x 130miles and Holland is only 190miles x 160miles. You can drive from one end to the other of either in 2-3 hours. You could always get the hotel to launder your gear and send it on to the next hotel.


Everyone in Holland speaks excellent English, and the majority of people in Belguim do to.


Both use Euros as the currency so you've got no hassle with exchanging money when you cross the border any more. Not that there are any! Check with your bank, but you will probably be able to use the ATMs and I've found that you get just as good exchange rate that way as any other. VISA and MASTERCARD are the generally accepted norm over here.

Feel the groove internally within your own creativity. - fingertalkin


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