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Poll: Bush Resigns, Faces Impeachment, or Jail?

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Turner, Maybe you ought to sit down and give some time to thinking about how sorry it is that solider's are dying everyday in Iraq and the reasons they were sent there were based on forged documents and bogus intelligence. In other words we're not in Iraq for good reasons. There are the platitudes about defending freedom and then there are the real reasons. We were in Vietnam to stop the Domino effect, which never happened. We're in Iraq to take Saddam's WMD away, They aren't there. There's been plenty of information to suggest that our leaders in Washington haven't been truthful with us. Why have you been ignoring that information? Do you have some emotional need to trust George Bush? Do you have some emotional need to suspend a healthy skepticism of politicians? Reap what you sow. Ever hear the expression. Well I'm tired of reaping that some operatives of the USA have sowed. Consider: "NEW YORK, Aug. 24, 1998 - At the CIA, it happens often enough to have a code name: Blowback. Simply defined, this is the term that describes an agent, an operative or an operation that has turned on its creators. Osama bin Laden, our new public enemy Number 1, is the personification of blowback. And the fact that he is viewed as a hero by millions in the Islamic world proves again the old adage: Reap what you sow." http://www.mail-archive.com/marxism@lists.panix.com/msg27944.html Over 50,000 American soldier's died in Vietnam in service to the decisions of government authority that are widely recognized as unjustifiable. It's a disservice to our fellow Americans, our soldiers, to allow another travesty like Vietnam to occur again. Turner, I suggest you brush up on the details of how Bush got us into Iraq, and address those. Can you believe the President of the United States of America asked soldiers to put their life on the line and had the audacity to use forged documents to justify that sacrifice! We're just scratching the surface of the imbecility of our occupying Iraq. Please, no more knee jerk defense of the Bush. God Bless America! America needs to be saved from the Bush administration.

"The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who in a period of moral crisis

maintain their neutrality."


[Dante Alighieri] (1265-1321)

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[quote]Originally posted by alcohol: [b]God Bless America! America needs to be saved from the Bush administration.[/b][/quote]God bless the planet & all the people of this earth, god bless our children!
Track or treat? http://www.garbage-house.com/pictures/freaks-images/eck-s-animated.gif
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[quote]Originally posted by WFTurner: [QB]>>>>I have some additional bad news for those of you who are leaning slightly left.. The economy is recovering. Growth is up in nearly all sectors. The GDP has exceeded projections. The tax cuts are starting to have an effect. [/quote]Hey! That Iraqi information minister has a new gig!
Give me the ANALOG and no one gets HURT
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[quote]Originally posted by Mr.Wow: [QB] [quote] When my own country, and it's first amendment, are the target of shame attacks[/quote]This is not the only amendment under attack. The 2nd Amendment is under attack. The 10th Amendment is no longer of any use. Do any of these make you mad also?[/quote]I'm sorry, but the topic is about George Bush and the mess he's gotten us into. Thanks, but please stay on-topic.
Give me the ANALOG and no one gets HURT
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>>>God Bless America! America needs to be saved from the Bush administration.<<< That's you're agenda. The agenda I support is in place and will be successful down the road. >>>Maybe you ought to sit down and give some time to thinking about how sorry it is that solider's are dying<<< You don't even deserve a conversation with me about how itchy my balls are let alone about the thinking and praying I do.., not only for these brave citizens and our country but also the helpless people that must have a different and better life but are caught in the strife that is the cost of making a handful of evil slugs realize they must deal with their fellow man much differently in a new world order. That won't happen without sacrifice of life, here and where ever the slugs are. My time is short... music is too important to carry on idiotic conversation with a slug that's content on making people feel guilty about the sacrifices that must be made to make the world a safer and better place. I don't really care how Bush got us there. I'm not gonna see the end of all this mess. But I pray that now that cleaning it up has been started we have the courage and fortitude to stick to it for the decade or decades it takes. I pray that for my kids, grandchildren, our country, those people over there and yes even the slugs like you, that we don't fail. God bless.

William F. Turner




Sometimes the truth is rude...

tough shit... get used to it.

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[quote]Originally posted by shniggens: [b]The whining pricks around here that spend all their time at work posting on the internet shouldn't be complaining about the economy.[/b][/quote]I've heard it all now :rolleyes:
"That's what the internet is for. Slandering others anonymously." - Banky Edwards.
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Originally posted by WFTurner: >That's you're agenda. The agenda I support is in place and will be successful down the road. Sounds like ultra-right-wing-christianity to me... >You don't even deserve a conversation with me Well, thanks for posting, regardless. That's the thing, most of these folks end up in lengthy monologues due to a solid resistance to the facts we're posting. Thanks for the open mind, and frightening "you are dirt, we'll get you" rhetoric. It helps to remind us that freedom and democracy are not safe yet. >My time is short... music is too important to carry on idiotic conversation with a slug that's content on making people feel guilty about the sacrifices that must be made to make the world a safer and better place. Let's see.. Did any of your friends lose anyone in Gulf War(tm) 1 and the sequel? How do they feel about this sacrifice to your creepy agenda? Any conflict of interest there? >I don't really care how Bush got us there. Matches well with Mr. Wow's "I live here" philosophy. Why can't you people show the same level of helpless acceptance when a Democrat is in office? >I'm not gonna see the end of all this mess. But I pray that now that cleaning it up has been started we have the courage and fortitude to stick to it for the decade or decades it takes. One might call that courage and fortitude, corporate opportunism and profiteering. Prior to all of this, the Iraqi people might not have been our enemies. It appears that we're making a whole new stack of enemies over there, for your sons and their sons to enjoy. >I pray that for my kids, grandchildren, our country, those people over there and yes even the slugs like you, that we don't fail. Don't worry, we have not failed to support our troops unto death for profits and further privatization of the planet's resources. >God bless. Your God is comfortable with you truly believing that those who don't agree with you are slugs?
Give me the ANALOG and no one gets HURT
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[quote]Originally posted by WFTurner: [b]You don't even deserve a conversation with me about how itchy my balls are let alone about the thinking and praying I do.................. My time is short... music is too important to carry on idiotic conversation with a slug that's content on making people feel guilty about the sacrifices that must be made to make the world a safer and better place.God bless.[/b][/quote]I'm sure none of us here are interested in the location of your itches, perhaps if you washed or saw a doctor your itch situation might be relieved, then maybe you could address the issues of the day with some intelligence. Good luck!

"The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who in a period of moral crisis

maintain their neutrality."


[Dante Alighieri] (1265-1321)

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God is dead. The government is fucked. Our country is a total farce. People are asleep at the wheel. And I don't give a fuck what you think. America fucking sucks. Profanity is not the last refuge, it is the only refuge. And fuck every bible toting hypocrite that even mentions God. You don't know God and God doesn't know you. I'm praying that God saves us from his followers. The Christian agenda is the agenda of the devil. The devil was a lie until the christians made him real. Through the will of many, the belief in evil has made it manifest. Beware those who claim to have the truth and the will of the almighty. The physical is not the realm of God. The physical is the realm of man. Man is the realm of the devil. [i]"Generals gathered in their masses, just like witches at black masses..."[/i] Slug? Hypocrite.
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Stranger, Take it easy man. Turner might just have a simple medical problem, not a cosmetological I mean cosmological problem.

"The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who in a period of moral crisis

maintain their neutrality."


[Dante Alighieri] (1265-1321)

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[quote]Originally posted by the stranger: [b]God is dead. The government is fucked. Our country is a total farce. People are asleep at the wheel. And I don't give a fuck what you think. America fucking sucks. Profanity is not the last refuge, it is the only refuge. And fuck every bible toting hypocrite that even mentions God. You don't know God and God doesn't know you. I'm praying that God saves us from his followers. The Christian agenda is the agenda of the devil. The devil was a lie until the christians made him real. Through the will of many, the belief in evil has made it manifest. Beware those who claim to have the truth and the will of the almighty. The physical is not the realm of God. The physical is the realm of man. Man is the realm of the devil. [i]"Generals gathered in their masses, just like witches at black masses..."[/i] Slug? Hypocrite.[/b][/quote]America would be a better place without you. Whiney ass pussy sitting at home on his high speed internet bitching about how bad it sucks here. Go somewhere else. BTW, I'm not religious at all.
Amateur Hack
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Since when did access to high speed internet become the Amercan dream? How does the cost of internet service compare to the cost of the average US home which is over $120,000?

"The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who in a period of moral crisis

maintain their neutrality."


[Dante Alighieri] (1265-1321)

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[quote]Originally posted by shniggens: [b] [quote]Originally posted by the stranger: [b]God is dead. The government is fucked. Our country is a total farce. People are asleep at the wheel. And I don't give a fuck what you think. America fucking sucks. Profanity is not the last refuge, it is the only refuge. And fuck every bible toting hypocrite that even mentions God. You don't know God and God doesn't know you. I'm praying that God saves us from his followers. The Christian agenda is the agenda of the devil. The devil was a lie until the christians made him real. Through the will of many, the belief in evil has made it manifest. Beware those who claim to have the truth and the will of the almighty. The physical is not the realm of God. The physical is the realm of man. Man is the realm of the devil. [i]"Generals gathered in their masses, just like witches at black masses..."[/i] Slug? Hypocrite.[/b][/quote]America would be a better place without you. Whiney ass pussy sitting at home on his high speed internet bitching about how bad it sucks here. Go somewhere else. BTW, I'm not religious at all.[/b][/quote]1. I'd much rather stay here and defend the principles on which this great nation was founded. Why should I give up and leave, just because you don't like what I have to say? The truth hurts, don't it? 2. I'm on a dial-up connection. I don't post from work. 3. You just called me a pussy on a message board. Seems to me you are the one hiding behind his computer. 4. Don't mistake all this for anger. I'm not pissed. I don't care what anybody thinks. And I'm not going to let these jerkoffs control my emotions. I love the fact that they insult me. I love the fact that they look down at me. I love the fact that they spend their energies hating me. They lose, not me. Besides, anybody who has been around here for a while knows my style. I like to rant. So what? Get over it. Or maybe you should leave.
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[quote]Originally posted by Mr.Wow: [b]Lets not even start on what we did to the Indians.[/b][/quote]...and African slaves. This is a topic that seems to be avoided like hell by most white folks in this country. Guilt? In Germany/Austria we have our cross to bear about what happened in WW2. We grow up in a climate of "what happened was very very wrong and should never ever happen again". Over here there seems to be an "unspoken vow of silence" from both government and (white) citizens when it comes to that. Dive into history with no spin on it. Tell the kids the truth in school and let it work inside them. That would be a big step forward for the conscience of this country.
"Ya gots to work with what you gots to work with". - Stevie Wonder
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[quote]Originally posted by shniggens: [b]What are you trying to say, son? That someone would buy internet access without a house?[/b][/quote]Duh!

"The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who in a period of moral crisis

maintain their neutrality."


[Dante Alighieri] (1265-1321)

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[quote]Originally posted by Eurotrash sunsetman: [b] [quote]Originally posted by Mr.Wow: [b]Lets not even start on what we did to the Indians.[/b][/quote]...and African slaves. This is a topic that seems to be avoided like hell by most white folks in this country. Guilt? In Germany/Austria we have our cross to bear about what happened in WW2. We grow up in a climate of "what happened was very very wrong and should never ever happen again". Over here there seems to be an "unspoken vow of silence" from both government and (white) citizens when it comes to that. Dive into history with no spin on it. Tell the kids the truth in school and let it work inside them. That would be a big step forward for the conscience of this country.[/b][/quote]That would be contrary to the "agenda".
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Hehehe.... And slugs never do like it when you praise a good man they like to gang up on for something well said. Damn you guys are darn right entertaining. This is more fun than smokin cigs out behind the old High School. :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave:

William F. Turner




Sometimes the truth is rude...

tough shit... get used to it.

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[quote]Originally posted by WFTurner: [b]>>>Your God is comfortable with you truly believing that those who don't agree with you are slugs?<<< AMEN[/b][/quote]What if we slugs agree that your songwriting is great?
Give me the ANALOG and no one gets HURT
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[quote]Originally posted by Eurotrash sunsetman: [b] [quote]Originally posted by Mr.Wow: [b]Lets not even start on what we did to the Indians.[/b][/quote]...and African slaves. This is a topic that seems to be avoided like hell by most white folks in this country. Guilt? In Germany/Austria we have our cross to bear about what happened in WW2.[/b][/quote]Yep. I know, I know, I know. There's a lot of bad history in these veins. Until we start owning up to it, it'll own us. Onus. I do find this extremely frustrating. Nobody wants to hear it. It's so easy to point fingers. Much harder to plead mea culpa. Listen, if folks can't even get along and even attempt to respect other peoples points of view on these forums, how are you ever going to expect countries to? The buck stops here. Not at the presidents desk. At each of our desks. How we conduct our lives and the respect we show others (and ourselves) is reflected in the much larger picture of how groups and entities like nations conduct themselves. Sheesh! After all they are composed of individuals. A [i]group[/i] is just an illusion. Come on guys. There are an equal amount of idiots in both the republican and democratic parties. No scarcity of idiots anywhere. I just don't see an abundance of intelligence [i]anywhere[/i]. Can't we all just get along? :D

All the best,


Henry Robinett

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[QUOTE]Originally posted by the stranger: [b] The Christian agenda is the agenda of the devil. The devil was a lie until the christians made him real. Through the will of many, the belief in evil has made it manifest.[/b] Your not far off here, but I assure you that my "agenda" is not that of your mortal Christians, although a couple of guys like Jerry Falwell or Pat Robertson can really put a spring in my step, if you know what I mean. I have been real throughout the ages as a manifestation of the weaknesses within mortals, not simply brought to existence by your theological conflicts. You are correct about the "will of many" thing - its' what brings me around, makes me stronger, etc... None of you would keep coming out to the gig if no one showed up, right? [b]Beware those who claim to have the truth and the will of the almighty. The physical is not the realm of God. The physical is the realm of man. Man is the realm of the devil.[/b] Well, man is the realm of man. He chooses for himself what extent he wishes to involve me. For the most part it is the lack of a moral choice of a few that invokes me, and the following inaction of the masses for me to be around. Kind of like John Ashcroft. [b][i]"Generals gathered in their masses, just like witches at black masses..."[/i][/b] Hey, what happened to Ozzie? He doesn't check in any more, his offspring are starting to gather interest though...
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[quote]Originally posted by the stranger: [b]God is dead. The government is fucked. Our country is a total farce. People are asleep at the wheel. And I don't give a fuck what you think. America fucking sucks. Profanity is not the last refuge, it is the only refuge. And fuck every bible toting hypocrite that even mentions God. You don't know God and God doesn't know you. I'm praying that God saves us from his followers. The Christian agenda is the agenda of the devil. The devil was a lie until the christians made him real. Through the will of many, the belief in evil has made it manifest. Beware those who claim to have the truth and the will of the almighty. The physical is not the realm of God. The physical is the realm of man. Man is the realm of the devil. [i]"Generals gathered in their masses, just like witches at black masses..."[/i] Slug? Hypocrite.[/b][/quote]Well, the God I read about in the Bible is totally [b]not[/b] about the gratuitous nationalistic violence that these "Sunday-morning-country-clubbers" make him out to be. Don't look to the messengers (including me) - look at the message. [b]But Jesus said to him "[i]Put your sword in its place, for all who take the sword will perish by the sword[/i]"[/b] Matthew 26:52
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