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Expression Pedals 4 Live Use

Jaime Chimuelo

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I have been using the Yamaha FC7, and the M Audio Expression pedals lately and have to say they are quite innaccurate.

I have adjusted the spring on the Yamaha and angle, etc., and I can only still get 45 low and 127 high on my MIDI monitors.

The M Audio is totally worhless as it only has a 0 or 100 setting.

I have never needed these before, but I have to get an Expression pedal that goes the entire span of the 0 to 127 amount.

I was aware when I bought these that I could adjust the resistance and apply several different curves through my software or controller, so that is not an issue.

I just need one that works as advertised since it's hardly worth the shipping to return either.

Besides the FC7 will work fine for taking comp levels up to solo since they do not need to being zero'd out.

The M Audio can easily be used as a pedal switch, since it is basically 0-100 which is enough to trigger off/on amounts.


Thanks In Advance.



Magnus C350 and a TV Dinner Tray Stand



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You don't mention what controller you're plugging these pedals into, but I can tell you that the Yamaha FC7 does NOT have a problem with accuracy (at least not to the extent you're experiencing).


The pedals themselves are nothing more than potentiometers that vary resistance as you move it through the sweep of the pedal. It's the controller that they're plugged into that is determining the MIDI value that you're seeing.


Identify the unit they're connected to, and I'd wager it's something that doesn't accept Yamaha pedals natively (like, perhaps, a Nord Electro 2, or something similar).


The right tool for the job, as it were. :thu:


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Actually I use the MIDI Solutions F8 merged w/ 2 x KS88's.

I opened up the FC7 and fixed it.

Bought it on ebay, and the guy had it set to 45 for some reason by a gear adjustment.

My FP8 was the problem w/ the M Audio pedal. That particular jack was set up for doing keyswitches by using note on/offs w/ sustain pedals.

I appears that you were right, glad I listened instead of trashing it.

The F8 has 8 jacks for pedals, switches or Expressions. I wanted to keep the keyboard rack clean instead of velcro'ing the wires to the satnd, etc.

This is a custom built box that holds the 8 x controllers inside nice and snug.

They were all for Keyswitching articulations on Romplers, for this gig I will need the 2 x expressions, 2 x sustains, and 4 Keyswitch controllers. I never get a free hand these days.


Thanks for the reassurance.

Magnus C350 and a TV Dinner Tray Stand



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