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Jaime Chimuelo

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Everything posted by Jaime Chimuelo

  1. Had a vase of Roses by my rig one night with a note that said, Roses on Your Piano Now, Tulips on your organ later. I couldn't have agreed more, and it was a very enjoyable evening. If she was a Lakota Sioux Indian, she should have had the name Fucks With Lips....
  2. I played w/ JD Parran, Bob Kuban, Head East & Mamas Pride back when I was a youngsta. Ran off to Vegas and been everybody's bitch since 1982. St.Louis was rockin' back in the day. Record companies use to come to the clubs and sign bands back then. My old Road Crew runs Nashville these days so I get to play a wide variety of styles. I prefer Synthesizers and Fusion but keep getting called up for Honky Tonk Piano & B3 chops. Sure beats playing oppisite of a Karaoke act in a lounge on the strip though..... Nice chatting with you guys and 2 hours a day keeps the bad chops away... Any Solaris owners here???
  3. I also hail from St.Louis originally. I belong to a couple of forums where I learn many things related to my particular applications. But this forum seems like home............LIVE PLAYERS !! It's difficult trying to communicate about live MIDI and performance tricks to guys who record one track at a time and sequence their Romplers for mock ups. Definately a different bag of tricks. Look forward to learning even more here. JimmyV.
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