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Pick My New Rig!!! 4REELZ!!! j/k...sort of summarized


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WARNING: Long, inane, rambling post. I'm really looking for feedback and suggestions for what I might spend my time and energy trying to find and trest-drive.


Sooo...I've got the itch once again and my current setup isn't built for my current needs.


I live up three flights of stairs with no elevator and haven't played in a loud rock environment for about two years now and my cab is quite the heavy beast. I'm currently playing a Fender Bassman 400 through an AccuGroove Bill Dickens and I love the low mid punch of the cab with the somewhat muted highs and the cleanliness and eq of the head but the inevitable downsizing is rapidly approaching and I need ideas.


Ideally I'd like something that can handle most gigs like the AG Tri210L a la Jeremy since I like the voicing of the AG cabs I've played through in the past (but I'm not 100% stuck on them if I find the right match of price and sound) but also something I can take to smaller gigs. I'm auditioning for the pit orchestra in a musical soon and my Crate 10" POS combo won't cut it and I should be hitting up some blues jams and such in the near future (which should have an amp provided but I'd like to have something available for that type of setting). A really good 110 or 112 (ie. Epifani UL series, AG, etc.) I believe would be perfect.


Even surfing the used market I can probably get one or the other but not both so it's looking more and more like a decent 210/112 (I'm not a big fan of 15s) modular setup is going to be the winner so I can use one, the other or both cabs depending on the situation. I've been reading Tom Bowlus's shootouts again but as I said, one or the other but not both. :(


I'm also not stuck on the head since it's kinda heavy and clunky and I know there's plenty of stuff out there with a similar sound.


My problems:

-- Very limited budget thanks to the inability to consolidate student loans and my past laziness/stupidity for not consolidating sooner. I'll be relying heavily on trading/selling my current equipment to finance the new stuff.

--Very limited exposure to quality equipment. I'm no longer in driving distance from Bass Central and my mother no longer lives in the Seattle area for trips to Bass NW while visiting. I'm limited to GC, a big yet crappy localish shop (Daddy's Junky Music...I hate the Boston store), any local bass players I can find around here (I've only met one so far) and online reviews. I've been scanning the local craigslist and watching TalkBass (blasphemy!) for a while, though, so who knows...


I've been eyeballing Markbass stuff at GC but the local one is really small and gives me the hibbidyjibbidies. The guys there are total skeezballs and even if they're not bothering you they can't help but stand a few feet away because the place doesn't have that many options for standing room. That aside, I was looking online and considering trying out a Markbass 210 and 112 together to see if it would cut it. I already know that I like the sound of their heads (I've tried the LMII and F1) and combos (121P and Minimark briefcase).


I'm also considering something along the lines of the Aguilar DB series. I know, horse of a different color...but hey, I want to try it and see if I like it.


All this to say "Give me your suggestions!" What would the experts recommend I check out given my needs and limitations?

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My first thought on the cheap would be


Mark Bass Little Mark II used, or if you can find one F1.

Two used Acme 2x10, fair enough they don't have the neo speakers, but they price tag is a lot smaller as well.


Maybe get a Genz benz shuttle they are very reasonably priced. Cabs wise it's hard co's you are talking pretty high end stuff...AC, Epifani, how about two cabs from bergantino?





"And then the magical unicorn will come prancing down the rainbow and we'll all join hands for a rousing chorus of Kumbaya." - by davio



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I don't particularly care for the Markbass heads - they sound sterile and bland to me. I do enjoy their cabs. Light and throw out tons of sound. A couple of their 102P (2x10) cabs would give you a modular solution that could be fairly abusive when needed - and each cab only weighs 33 pounds.


Another cab option might be an Epifani UL212. I used to own one which you may or may not remember. If I were going to have just one of their cabs I'd do that one. It has more of the mid character naturally that I particularly enjoy. Those things are loud as hell when you want them to be.


Head? Man... lots of options. A used Stewart World power amp can be had for ~$500 depending on which version (1.6 or 2.1 - I'd stay away from the 1.2 unless you want to provide additional cooling). That would open you up to a host of tasty preamps - most of which are lightweight. Pretty much whatever you could afford there.


A little birdie told me that the new GK Micro series (MB150) heads are really bad ass.

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I don't particularly care for the Markbass heads - they sound sterile and bland to me.

Maybe that's why I like them. I'm a vanilla kinda guy. Until it comes to that DB750...that brings the rock (but it wouldn't do for any other gigs I play). But I'm keeping their cabs in mind as a possibility.


Another cab option might be an Epifani UL212.

At 59lbs it kind of defeats the purpose of switching things up.


Head? Man... lots of options.

I guess I'm mostly concerned about the cabs because of size/weight/portability. I might sneak in an inexpensive head trade if I find a good deal.


A little birdie told me that the new GK Micro series (MB150) heads are really bad ass.

100W...150W with a second cab? I know I'm talking about sizing down, but not that far down.

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Sorry I can't be of much help but as far as Daddy's Junky Music... I've never been to the store but in the early days of the internet they found me a dual tape deck at the price I wanted to pay (still working many years later) after the one they had listed was sold. I know it's a minor thing but they went out of their way for me. Also, they used to have the best used music equipment auction site. Everything had a picture, an honest and somewhat humorous description, and you weren't dealing with random strangers. I got so much stuff from them, I was sorry to see it go. They did eventually revert back to their old "1 line item description in a massive list" for used equipment but that is rather uninspiring.


.. Now back to the show

If you think my playing is bad, you should hear me sing!
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why? not a 1x10 plus a 1x12?


That sounds quite the lightweight combiantion to me




"And then the magical unicorn will come prancing down the rainbow and we'll all join hands for a rousing chorus of Kumbaya." - by davio



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Aguilar 12" are fricken sweet. I played the combo with them and their AG 500. So good. Punchier than a 15 rounder than 10's loud as anything. I like the sound of the modular idea. The colors on the DB are cool too.
"there ain't no faux mojo" jcadmus
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I would get one of these




and one of these




Take the combo for jams, rehearsals, and small gigs, and bring out the other cab and stack them for bigger gigs. And if a gig gets too big for the stack i bet youll have a sound system to run it through.


Im looking to get that combo at the first opportunity which at this rate is never.

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I'd give an Eden D210XST cab a tumble if I were you -- this cab continues to astound me with its performance -- deep bottom, thick mids and glossy highs.


Comes in a Neo version if you want to shave another 10 pounds off.


Match it with an Eden WTX-260 head (300 watts a 4 ohms in a four-pound package, and you're ready to go.


A light-weight, but not lightweight, rig.


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I wasn't a fan of the Markbass 2x10 combo. It farted out a lot. I got/get a better sound out of my Fender Rumble 100 practice amp than I could get out of that. The excursion of the woofer was way too much....even at low volumes. If you play hard, the speakers would pop.


All of the Markbass mini 1x12 combos that I have heard at GC, all end up farting out and tearing. I don't know if people are pushing them too hard or what. I guess it is the same problem as the 2x10. I have always had to turn the volume on the pups or the volume pots on the bass way down to not distort the speakers. You can only roll off the lows so much before you might as well not even be playing imho.



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Think about a powerful combo with a matching extension speaker.

That has been on my mind for a couple of years now. I really like the SWR stuff.

But, if you can't get anywhere to play stuff you know it's a crapshoot.

"He is to music what Stevie Wonder is to photography." getz76


I have nothing nice to say so . . .


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Think about a powerful combo with a matching extension speaker.


Walkabout Scout (51 pounds) + Scout extension cab (37 pounds) maybe?


The Walkabout Scout by itself is plenty of beef for the lightweight gigs. I've used mine at a few larger gigs when I wanted to be really lazy and bring next to nothing. I would imagine with one of the extension cabs it would be capable to bringing fairly absurd amounts of The Rock.


The other option here could be the Walkabout Scout for smallish stuff then remove the amp from it and drive a bigger cab for larger gigs. I've talked to guys who run the Scout and M-Pulse heads at 2 Ohms all the time with no problems - even though they are only rated to 4 Ohms. So there's that.


The M-Pulse Venture combo would handle all your gigs with ease. However it weighs one metric f*&k ton (137 pounds); so it really doesn't fit your "light" requirement. I love mine. It is bone crushingly loud and has tone to die for.

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Walkabout Scout (51 pounds) + Scout extension cab (37 pounds) maybe?

Sounds cool...but who sells them? Website says GC but they don't have anything on their website. Hard to get an idea of what of what's in my price range if I can't find any prices online. :P


Guitard Center stopped carrying Mesa Boogie bass gear. The bastards.


I have a price list that the only remaining local dealer gave me last time I was there. Hold onto something. I forgot how much that little combo is supposed to be. I got mine from Guitard Center when they were blowing out their bass gear - so it was well cheaper than you can buy it for on the street. I paid $800.


street price:

Walkabout Scout 12" - $1199.00

Scout Bass Radiator 12" - $559.00



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Yowsa, indeed. Again, it looks like it comes to one or the other but not both...


Any input is still appreciated. I'm remaining as open minded as I can and I guess if I go through GC there's always the return policy so I can try stuff out for a few days.


At the moment I'm kinda liking the idea of two 112 cabs (whether one is a combo or not). I've gotten used to the sound of the 12s in my current cab (I know...a 12 isn't a 12 isn't a 12...but still) and I think it would be a comfortable way for me to go.

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street price:

Walkabout Scout 12" - $1199.00

Scout Bass Radiator 12" - $559.00




Yowsa indeed! Fat chunk of change there - but I bet it's worth every centavo.

I really dig that bottom firing port. Makes me wanna do a little designing. Hmmmm . . .


Hey Davio, I am having a hard time finding a budget number anywhere in this thread. Without an idea of that we are kinda jerkin' it here.

But, I still say check out the WorkingMans 12 from SWR. Cheap enough so you may not have to sell anything of note and represents just fine at small/medium gigs.

"He is to music what Stevie Wonder is to photography." getz76


I have nothing nice to say so . . .


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I'm sure I can bring in about $1k with my cab. If not at GC on a trade, then through TalkBass. I've seen used ones go for around $1100-$1300.


I think I might like to keep my head unless just the right head or combo pops up. If I don't find the right combo where power, tone and price meet at the right place, then I'll stick with seperate head and cab(s). I don't think I'd get too much for my head since it's showing a bit of wear and it's not exactly a high-end piece. I might get $300 for it if I'm lucky.


The more I read about those Aguilar DB112s, the more I'm liking the idea of a pair of them. I might give the local GC a call to see if there's any off canse they'd have one in stock.

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I'm going to recommend some gear that I have or am seriously considering...


HEAD - Eden WTX-500 - It packs a lot of power and some good tone shaping into a nice lightweight package. One online store has it for $629. Not bad for a compact head that can power multiple cabs with ease and fit in the front pouch of your gig bag. I'm seriously considering buying one of these in the not so distant future.


CABS - EBS NEO-112. I have one of these and it simply rocks. I was able to more than hold my own from a volume standpoint in a full band situation with this lone cabinet paired with my current Eden head. Get a couple of these and you can put out some serious sound. Mine ran over $600. But it pumps out some sound and it's very light thanks to the Neo driver.

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First, I don't understand the problem with GC and Daddy's. These are chains that have lots of stores all over. If the one near you sucks, go to another (and another). This is even more important at Daddy's, since they carry more used stuff (or did when I was up in the area some years back).


And then start doing more research and traveling. I'm hard-pressed to think that there aren't other options. Watch for your next company-sponsored NYC trip to try out gear.


Then call Jim Bergantino and go to Ashland, MA and see his shop. You would be well-served with one of his IP cabs (power amp built in). You could use a pedal as the preamp until your money catches up. Not cheap, but very sweet. I have played them, and they are too smooth.




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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thebassdude, thanks for the heads up! I'll check around for availability online and see what going prices are like.


Jay, I don't care where I purchase the stuff if I can try a like model out first. That's where my trouble's coming from. If it ends up coming from a retailer where I can return/exchange within a certain timeframe (ie. musiciansfriend.com), I can try stuff out that way.


Nicklab, I will definitely be looking into that head. Looks very cool. I haven't liked what I've read about those EBS NEO cabs. Everything has said they have way over-emphasized mids and require some eqing to get any booty. Again, if I can find one, I'll try it.


Tom, I have some transportation issues at the moment. My tires are almost bald (new ones have been budgeted next month) so traveling outside of the area covered by the T (Boston subway and buses) is kinda dangerous under current conditions. While I don't particularly like GC, I don't mind stopping in if there's something I want to try. The Daddy's in Boston is just a shite hole. I really don't like that place. I don't know when the next trip to NYC (or anywhere) will be until they announce it a month or so in advance and there's never enough time to go anywhere but from the plane or train to where we're going and then back. The gf and I are considering a weekend trip on the cheap in the next few months, though, so we'll see.


Good call with going to Bergantino! It's actually in Whitinsville...Ashland is about 1/2 way between here and there but the gf has some friends that live in Upton which is very close. Might be worth looking them up (the train goes by there).


The IP112 is almost $2k!!! The AE112 (NEO) looks to be more in my price range and might be worth checking out. If Jim wants to trade an IP112 for my Bill Dickens I'd probably go for it. :)


Still searching. Good suggestions. Keep it coming. :thu:

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Just to clarify, you'll have to buy Bergs at an authorized dealer. If he'll see you, you'll be treated to a complete explanation of how his stuff works and why it's so cool. Then I can try to set you up with The Groove Shoppe on LI for purchase. I know it's pricey, but don't forget there is an amplifier inside.


Don't be in such a hurry. Despite you telling others to "just buy", you need to take time to do this right.




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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Still searching. Good suggestions. Keep it coming. :thu:


Ok how about the Genz Benz Shuttle stuff.


SWR Spellbinder Blue Its only 160 watts I don't know what your power needs are...


Some Ampeg But its a 2 10 so I don't know if its small enough...


This Roland I have no clue if it's powerful enough...



"there ain't no faux mojo" jcadmus
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Don't be in such a hurry. Despite you telling others to "just buy", you need to take time to do this right.

:D I always feel like I'm in some big hurry when I'm excited about something but when the time comes to get my mojo on...I takes it slow, baby. Money doesn't grow in Christmas cards anymore. Believe me, I will take my time and do as much research and try as much stuff as possible before any decisions are made.

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I would consider the Spellbinder if I were looking specifically for a combo amp as a stand-alone rig for small gigs. I couldn't plug a second cab into it if necessary so it doesn't really fit my current needs.


As much as I've liked the sounds I've heard people get out of Ampeg amps...they've never really done much for me as far as getting that sound that's in my head to come out of speakers.


The Roland really isn't what I'm looking for.

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The EBS cab is one that I would categorize more as being an all-around kind of sound. I can get a good number of sounds out of mine. The mids are definitely well defined, but I think that's where your tone becomes more articulate. It doesn't pump out some old-school style Ampeg booty. But it's not supposed to. Try one out if you get the opportunity.

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