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How old were you when you starting playing guitar?

Eric Iverson

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I started at the ripe old age of 45. Even though I hung around with musicians most of my life, I was convinced I could never learn how to play. When I was a kid my parents and brother all ridiculed me when I mentioned I wanted to learn. I guess that's what happens when you come from a disfunctional family. :mad:


Anyway, when I sold my studio, I made up my mind that if I wanted to stay in the music game, I needed to learn how to play something. A couple of my friends encouraged me to try, and guess what? I can play! I'm no David Gilmour, but I'm learning and having a lot of fun too! :thu:




"I hate what I've become, trying to escape who I am..."



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11, after playing trumpet since 8 or so, which meant I could instantly play solos by ear but chords mystified me for a bit. Luckily I was the singer in a garage band with guys who were taking lessons and watching them while we played provided tons of "AHA!" moments... barre chords, for example. My sister had an acoustic that I was finally able to swipe from her when she lost interest and the fun of being vindictively possessive of it wore off, and once I could play a few songs my music teacher parents said "oh... okay" and got me the obligatory Les Paul copy and much louder than they'd anticipated practice amp. Summer days and after school afternoons were spent in the study with records or the radio figuring things out... and intoxicating pleasure, the joys of discovery. I find myself trying to recreate that these days on other instruments.
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I started electric guitar at 15, it's been nearly three years now, just got an acoustic... Played piano since I could reach the keys...



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Right around 12 years old (58 now)...started out on an old Stella with my old man playing Under the Double Eagle and other country tunes but sneaking out and trying to play Beatles and Elvis was kinda cool..still like playen some of those old songs once in a while...1st electric was an old silvertone (wish I still had it)...
Take care, Larryz
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I sang for my first band the summer before the 9th grade, so I guess I was 14. I couldn't play anything, but i had an acoustic guitar, ($16.50 Sears Silvertone) and the rhythm guitarist didn't, so he played mine. Eventually, the lead guitarist showed me the chords to "House of The Rising Sun", and I absolutely hammered them into my head and ground them into my fingers till I could play it. That was how the madness all began...

Always remember that you are unique. Just like everyone else.





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Whelp mom used to drive me to Macon when I was in grammar school. Trip was about 15-20miles one way. There she sat outside in the car while I took the lessons. Teacher was Frank Malloy a fiddle player for Dolly and the Porter Wagoner show on channel 13 out of Macon. Frank had a brother Joe but I never heard him. Went as far as learning basic chords and how to read..Got in band in 10th grade. Started out with Ebb Tide , Stardust Charade. Then we started all the prop stuff at the time . Loads & loads of fun. Mid to late 50's I reckon. Wish I had kept it up thru the years but coming home brain dead from work for abut 27+ yrs didn't help. Ha! Did play in several bands. Blued Notes, 5 to 10 pieces. Then BG band and few singles things along the way.


Now I can devote all my time to becoming the best I can, 'cept for fishing HA.


Oh, first guitar was some acoustic. Then Dad bought me a Silvertone electric with silver tone amp. Then in 1965 got the Firebird and Twin..Firebird got stolen in ard 1975 in Decatur Ga. Very sad day..


And Dad played the trumpet and the guitar and sang some to. Under the Double Eagle etc., Think he played in a band in WWII. He is 85 now and we jammed last April and I recorded it. He played harp. Cool huh??

Money may buy a fine dog, but only kindness will make him wag his tail.
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...Dad played the trumpet and the guitar and sang some to. Under the Double Eagle etc., Think he played in a band in WWII. He is 85 now and we jammed last April and I recorded it. He played harp. Cool huh??


I envy that. The only other people in my family who play are my kid cousins who I see once in a blue moon. But, they are in to retro stuff, mostly acoustic, (Pink Floyd "Wish You Were Here", etc.) and some old acoustic blues. There's hope for the next generation...

Always remember that you are unique. Just like everyone else.





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I was around 13 or 14 and my first guitar was a Kay, if I remeber right. My next guitar was a 1964 Strat and I remember a price of around $299 and a Champ Amp that got traded in for a Vibrolx Reverb. My first band was a surf band and then the British Invasion hit and that changed everything. :thu:
Les Paul Studio Deluxe, '74 Guild S100, '64 Strat, JCM 900 Combo, Peavey Classic 30 1x12, Peavey Classic 30 Head, CBG
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Picker - I don't know abt that. I did a little single thing abt a year ago at this club starting out for this punk rock group. Just spur of the moment thing. Jesus, they were loud and you couldn't hear a darn thing. Just loud bass, drums and rhythm guitar, well loud loud chords. It was an assault on my ears. And the club was weird to. Weird people there. Almost scary..Jeezz..gettin old I guess. Anyways, that style of music and rap and several others just hurts my brain. Maybe there is hope since there are so many more players these days..Lets hope huh?
Money may buy a fine dog, but only kindness will make him wag his tail.
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Right around 12 years old (58 now)...started out on an old Stella with my old man playing Under the Double Eagle and other country tunes but sneaking out and trying to play Beatles and Elvis was kinda cool..still like playen some of those old songs once in a while...1st electric was an old silvertone (wish I still had it)...

"Under the Double Eagle" was the first song I learned, too, but at age 9.


At 10 I started trombone at school, then bass guitar at 11. (Learned the fingerings from guitar and bass clef from trombone and picked up quickly.) First paid gig that same year.


At 13 I switched to tuba but kept going back and forth throughout high school. Tuba finally won out. In jazz band I played bass except one year when I played trombone.


Never really stopped playing guitar even with all those other instruments taking up my time. Guitar is my tool of choice for composing. (My guitar technique is better than my keyboard chops.)


First guitar was my step dad's, a Spanish nylon string number (still have it). He also had an acoustic 12-string that I spent a lot of time on trying to master the F barre chord.


Nowadays I play guitar mostly at open mikes. Bass has been my primary instrument for several years now so that's what I play at the clubs.


The new nut to crack for me is mandolin. I just started playing a few years ago but it has been a key that has opened some fun doors.


But I'll always play a guitar.

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Yeah the mando is a hoot too. Chords are easy and more folk to jam with too. Check out the banjo man. Once ya learn the chords your there. And....its only 4 chording strings too. Just a diff expression.

Money may buy a fine dog, but only kindness will make him wag his tail.
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