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:D I downloaded some tunes from the DJDM MP3 site last week to spin at a gig I had over the weekend. Its a gig I do a couple of times a year and I get to kind of play DJ during the event. Well, everytime I spun Mr Drunken Master's tunes, I had a line of people asking me who it was, where I could get it, and telling me how cool it was... I felt like John Cusack in the movie "High Fidelity." "This song is really good." "Yeah, I know..." So, I sent a lot of people to the DJDM.com site... where's my payola? :thu:

Seriously, what the f*ck with the candles? Where does this candle impulse come from, and in what other profession does it get expressed?

-steve albini

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Thanks Mike. You have my undying gratitude! Is that payment enough? ;) I do appreciate you taking a chance on my music in your show and I consider it a favor that you are doing me by exposing my work to your audience. :thu: Just out of curiosity, which tracks did you play? As a side note regarding fair use: This exact situation (free mp3 d/l and burn) is a new paradigm for artist promotion. It is roughly equivalent to a label handing out free CDs to DJs so they have an opportunity to spin new artists. In the end I write off this level of free use as free publicity. Thanks again, - DJDM
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This is what's great about this community. That's really cool gearmike. DJDM, congrats bro. Lincoln Ross Dead Black Jedis

"All conditioned things are impermanent. Work out your own salvation with diligence."


The Buddha's Last Words


R.I.P. RobT

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In the course of three days, I played almost everything you had available to down load...but the main hits were the ambient tunes, and I really like the track "The Mexican." Very cool stuff. I'd love to hear more.

Seriously, what the f*ck with the candles? Where does this candle impulse come from, and in what other profession does it get expressed?

-steve albini

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[quote]Originally posted by gearmike: [b]In the course of three days, I played almost everything you had available to down load...but the main hits were the ambient tunes, and I really like the track "The Mexican." Very cool stuff. I'd love to hear more.[/b][/quote]Wow! Thanks. :) I am always working on new stuff so check back every couple of weeks and there should be something there.
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[quote]Originally posted by Addix Metzatricity: [b]Hey Lance... Do you sell your CDs exclusively through Lightening CD? I love the service, I only ask 'cause I don't have the ability to print the nice case/label graphics. And I like pretty CDs.[/b][/quote]Glad you like my stuff! Since I don't have the resources for a major CD dupe right now I am only on LCD. But as soon as I get some traditional CDs out there I'll let you know. :) PS If anyone is interested there are some promo pics that I just put up on my site a couple of days ago: [url=http://www.djdm.com/Who/who3.html]High Speed Drunken Master[/url] & [url=http://www.djdm.com/lowwho/lowwho3.html]Low Band Width Hangover Master...[/url] They both have the same images but if you are bandwidth challenged check the second link. :) [img]http://www.djdm.com/images/DJDMsmall.jpg[/img]
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