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Favorite depressive albums

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Dummy by Portishead - now relegated to 30-something dinner party fodder, but when it first came out, man, it had me going.
In his blue velour and silk you liberated, a boy I never rated, and now he's throwing discus, for Liverpool and Widnes
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All Depeche Mode? I disagree - but I'll nominate Black Celebration. "Let's have a Black Celebration Black Celebration, tonight. To celebrate the fact That we've seen the back of another black day." and... "Death is everywhere. There are flies on the windscreen for a start, reminding us we could be torn apart tonight" Oh, and does anyone else think the Smiths/Morrisey are depressing? How could you forget: "Girlfriend in a coma I know, I know, it's serious." Kills me every time I hear it!
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[quote]Originally posted by felix.: [b]Oh, and does anyone else think the Smiths/Morrisey are depressing? How could you forget: "Girlfriend in a coma I know, I know, it's serious." Kills me every time I hear it![/b][/quote]What about "Heaven Knows I'm miserable"? I wanna die... :cry: :( :cry: :D

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Anything by Mark Eitzel and [url=http://www.americanmusicclub.com/]American Music Club[/url] . Their last album pretty much caused my divorce. My ex wife got into such a fit about me putting AMC on in the car that we had a massive fight and a huge power struggle that led to the breakup (best thing I ever did, but that's another story). [quote] Peter Gabriel "Passion" Henryk Gorecki "Symphony #3" with Dawn Upshaw, soprano [/quote]Ken, these two actually have the opposite effect on me; maybe the Ritalin effect. I just got the Passion SACD and it is stunning. Do any of you songwriters agree that it is much easier to write passionate depressing songs than passionate uplifting ones? The most difficult thing I have ever faced was to write a positive song for a friend's wedding. People who listened to my songs back in the day used to ask me how I could write such dark stuff while I was having the time of my life.
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Right about Mark Eitzel. I only have West, which is great and plenty dismal for me. Big Star--third, great call. Even Radio City, which is a brilliant album, shows the signs of incipient madness and emotional collapse, and in this case it's not a style, it's the real deal.
Check out the Sweet Clementines CD at bandcamp
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Iggy, where ya been, baby? I've missed ya. [i]Depressive[/i] albums or [i]depressing[/i] albums? I assume by the first, you mean records by people who were depressed, and the latter being albums that are depressing to the listener. Or perhaps you mean records that appealing to the listener if he/she is a depressive. Ah well, no reason to split hairs, or Prozac prescriptions. Good choices mentioned so far. My list would include albums by Neil Young, Joni Mitchell, The Cure, Roger Waters/Pink Floyd, Tom Waits, Portishead and other previously mentioned. For some reason, I find Genesis' [i]Duke[/i] to be rather sad. Some VU/Lou Reed is pretty damn dark. A side question would be analyzing what it is in the combination of music and lyrics that gives a song emotional pull in any direction, but that's a long talk that I don't have time for now. Maybe later. - Jeff
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Springsteen - Tunnel of Love "Somewhere along the line we slipped off track One step up and two steps back" "I was young and I didn't know what to do When I saw your best steps taken away from you Now I'll do what I can Try to walk like a man" "They say he travels fastest who travels alone Tonight I miss my girl Tonight I miss my home" I can't believe that no one has mentioned Tom Waits or Nick Cave. I'm not familiar with full albums of their work, but the bits that I've heard were rather dark.

The Black Knight always triumphs!


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[quote]Originally posted by Doug Osborne: [b] [quote] Peter Gabriel "Passion" Henryk Gorecki "Symphony #3" with Dawn Upshaw, soprano [/quote]Ken, these two actually have the opposite effect on me; maybe the Ritalin effect. I just got the Passion SACD and it is stunning. Do any of you songwriters agree that it is much easier to write passionate depressing songs than passionate uplifting ones?[/b][/quote]Often, although not always. "Passion" is stunning. It's absolutely beautiful, but if I am feeling depressed (which is thankfully not very often), I feel like that can just push me over the edge because of its moodiness. Same with Gorecki's "Symphony #3". But you know, we all react to music differently. "Passion" has a lot of percussion and if you or someone else is keying in on that, maybe that could be energizing instead of sad. Oh, two more that I find really moody and desolate: Godspeed, You Black Emperor "slow riot for new zero kanada" EP Mogwai "Young Team"
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I don't consider Passion to be depressing. It's deep. It takes my imagination to places where no other music goes. Ever. Like other great soundtracks, it's interesting to listen to Passion when you're thinking about something else, like cleaning the house or changing your guitar strings. Then your mind is free to flow with it instead of thinking about the music directly.

The Black Knight always triumphs!


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It's deep, sonically and otherwise, and yes, very transportative. And if I am in a fairly "regular" sort of mood, I find it the same way. But when I'm moody, wow, that is just a bit much for me!!!!! But again, you know, the same bit of music can strike someone in a completely different way from someone else, and that's part of the beauty of it!!!
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