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My fingers hurt - help

Ross Brown

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Last month or so my fingers have begun to hurt. :freak: Like arthritis or tendinitis I suppose. Both hands but right hand is worse. Anyone else been here? Advil and ice is what I am thinking.
"When I take a stroll down Jackass Lane it is usually to see someone that is already there" Mrs. Brown
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No ICE! If it is arthritis it will make it worse.


Examine your daily ruitine and see if there is something you have been doing differently for the last month or so.


You're probably just getting old dude.

"He is to music what Stevie Wonder is to photography." getz76


I have nothing nice to say so . . .


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No ICE! If it is arthritis it will make it worse.


Examine your daily ruitine and see if there is something you have been doing differently for the last month or so.


You're probably just getting old dude.


Damn it!!! I am not getting old!!! :cry:


I didn't use to be old.....

"When I take a stroll down Jackass Lane it is usually to see someone that is already there" Mrs. Brown
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I am old. Not as old as Rocky, but older than others. My advice is a nice single malt scotch. Or some tequila on ice with a little lime. That'll fix ya.


but seriously, more about the pain. Exactly where, and when, and what makes it hurt more?


....just killing time until the debate tonight....



Paul K

Things are just the way they are, and they're only going to get worse.

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Are you doing anything different in your playing? Are you plucking harder? Are you warming up properly before you play?

If it's really bothering you and interfering with your playing see a doctor and have it checked out.

Lydian mode? The only mode I know has the words "pie ala" in front of it.


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Funny Ross, I have the same issue. Right hand only, and most specifically the thumb :eek: The one finger I never use (slapping excluded). It hurts after a while if it's been resting on one of the strings ... Go figure? But in my case it's probably a combination of two lackings: lack of warm-up and lack of exercise lately.

"I'm a work in progress." Micky Barnes


The Ross Brown Shirt World Tour

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You may have just aggravated something. If it were me, I'd do ibuprofen for a few days, and take it easy (ie. little or no practicing) to give it a chance to recover/heal/whatever. If that didn't help, and the pain persisted, then I'd start thinking about doctor (Who?) visit.



A stiffy somewhere in the city sewer system...
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My right ring finger has been bugging me more lately, like a dull ache in the knuckle which radiates into the rest of the finger.. it doesn't always do it. I've been doing a lot more slap playing lately in an effort to improve my chops in that department and it seems to have started in concert with that effort.. I'm not sure they are causally related, but that's when it kicked in. I use that finger to pop the strings quite a bit..


I'm getting older so it could just be arthritis.. Playing 16th notes at 200bpm all the time has to take it's toll eventually..


Is that the kind of pain you're having, a dull ache in the joints?

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Last month or so my fingers have begun to hurt.
What's that?

Oh, well, now your back's gonna hurt, 'cause you just pulled landscaping duty. Anybody else's fingers hurt?... I didn't think so.


Sorry had to throw a little Happy Gilmore in there...hopefully a MD can get to the bottom of it.


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Yes, dull pain and a little weaker (ie when I try to open a jar). Still have speed. I am taking it easier and Advil. Should improve.


ps. I don't play hard, I just turn the volume up, so that's not it... I did get a new P-Bass shortly before the pain started... that doesn't make sense...

"When I take a stroll down Jackass Lane it is usually to see someone that is already there" Mrs. Brown
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I did get a new P-Bass shortly before the pain started... that doesn't make sense...


If your hand is now in a slightly different position than before the P-bass, that's what is causing the pain/stress. Maybe a little different height or anything like that can stress your tendons, especially for the length of time you've been playing, Ross (no, I'm NOT saying you're old, bro).

A stiffy somewhere in the city sewer system...
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Usually my finger pain is due to other influences, the computer mouse usually gets the rightful blame.


Ross, did your ex-drummer pick up any hair or did any of your personal effects disappear when he collected his drums? Just want to rule out Voodoo :D

Feel the groove internally within your own creativity. - fingertalkin


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Ross, did your ex-drummer pick up any hair or did any of your personal effects disappear when he collected his drums? Just want to rule out Voodoo :D


oh crap......

"When I take a stroll down Jackass Lane it is usually to see someone that is already there" Mrs. Brown
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Ross, it's that evil P Bass that's doing it to you. You need to immediately pack it up and send to me, so I can take the brunt of it's evil for you. It's the only way...

Always remember that you are unique. Just like everyone else.





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It more than likely is the new bass. I find that each instrument requires slightly different playing position and maybe it is your hands adjusting. Maybe you have spent more time playing since you got the new bass and that is what your feeling.


Hope it goes away soon!!

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Ross, it's that evil P Bass that's doing it to you. You need to immediately pack it up and send to me, so I can take the brunt of it's evil for you. It's the only way...


I think there is a spell on it now so I better not send it....

"When I take a stroll down Jackass Lane it is usually to see someone that is already there" Mrs. Brown
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