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Finding the right Martin?


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I have been searching for an acoustic guitar for the longest time and I really like the Martin "000" style guitars / orchestra models but I can't find them anywhere to try out ("try out" meaning find one for me, I really don't want to buy one blindly). The closest i've come is the clapton signature 28 but I'd rather not dish out some extra cash for claptons specs and signature on the guitar. I asked at guitar center and whether this is true or not im unsure but I was told they are sought after across the nation and that none of the stores get them in. That sounds sort of ridiculous to me since thats at least 4 or 5 different models. If you guys have any suggestions I would really appreciate it.




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Have you played the 000 before? or you just like the look?


I am a hands on guy bigtime and don't really look at brand names or appearance. I am all about tone and playability.


If I were you I would just keep an open mind, and try out some Taylors, some Larivee, Gibsons, as well as Martin.


I have played some Martins I loved, and then played the same model but it wasn't cool. Same with Taylors. You got to find something that speaks to you.

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I know how you feel... I bought all of my guitars blind except for my first one. However, I go through a really extensive research process first. The local stores have never had the guitar I wanted so I could try it out except for my LP studio, but that was a no brainer for me anyway. I do agree that you can get the feel of a guitar by trying it, but I am not so sure about the sound. My acoustics especially have sounded really different before/after I have had them set up by a pro.
Eat a Peach for Peace..........
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Have you played the 000 before? or you just like the look?


I am a hands on guy bigtime and don't really look at brand names or appearance. I am all about tone and playability.


If I were you I would just keep an open mind, and try out some Taylors, some Larivee, Gibsons, as well as Martin.


I have played some Martins I loved, and then played the same model but it wasn't cool. Same with Taylors. You got to find something that speaks to you.


I have played the models I have been seeking but none of them were at purchasable sources. I like the 000's for tone as well as comfort they sound very different from the standard dreadnought martins. I have as well played all the makes you listed as well as breedlove of course they are all wonderful instruments but they didn't really speak to me as the martins I had experiance with.

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The thing is Derrick, I think you are kind of closing your mind to any other possibilities. The reason, I used to be a Taylor snob. I thought Martins sounded inconsistent and sounded like they had a blanket on the body. But then I played a Martin that felt good and sounded great and LOVED it. 2 weeks later I went to GC and it was sold (boohoo) but there was another one in its place. Wasn't the same guitar. Didn't have that amazing tone or playability and sounded muffled.


When I was trying out the Martin I loved, I happened to be with the Taylor national sales manager Dave Hager, and he explained every facet of both Taylors and Martins (apparently he has worked for both companies).


He reached over and handed me a $3000 Taylor (brand new model) and it was incredible. Better than the Martin I liked for $1500? No, not really. It was definately as cool, but just different tone and twice the price. He told me actually the upper tier Martins are alot harder to do work on if they aren't set up right out of the factory than thier lower tiered guitars.


Back when I was a Taylor snob I also thought Gibson acoustics were lame. But then I played one (a $1700 reissue) that was fabulous. The sales guy told me about it so I tried it.


My point is I would have NEVER tried that Gibson if someone didn't bug me to give it a shot. And I will say it was easily the coolest guitar in the showroom--even beating out the Taylors, and Martins. I have since played the same model by Gibson--haven't found a good one recently.


I do agree that a tech can really shape up and fine tune an acoustic by filing down the saddle and maybe adjusting the nut a little. But I think usually I wouldn't buy something that wasn't amazing playing and sounding right out of the box. ESPECIALLY an acoustic. Just my opinion.

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One more thing, you mentioned money being an issue, but if it weren't I would DEFINATELY recommend Santa Cruz. That is my favorite acoustic I have ever played. But they are pricey.


Alvarez Yairi are nice instruments. My buddy got one for $650 NOS and it is incredible. Not as loud as a Taylor but equally balanced for what it is.

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I understand completely where you are coming from and I go through most every guitar on the wall when I'm around a shop. In fact I was in the exact case you were in except the martin I liked was 1300 and the taylor was 4000 something. Im still going to try other makes outside of martin I'm just looking for a way to spend some time with the OM's because the few I have gotten in my hands on just felt really right and im not sure if that quality is consistent or not. If it is good for me if not then I'll keep fishing around.



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I have a mantra about aocustic guitars... never buy one by a model expectation. Just go around and play them, and eventually you will find the guitar that is -your- guitar. Honestly. The guitar will 'speak' to you and you will know without question that you need to own it. If there is any question in your mnd then you are NOT playing -your- acoustic guitar. And this can save you a lot of money... you might end up with the perfect guitar from Epiphone, or Ovation, or Yamaha. The point is, acoustcs are very, very responsive and personal.


Anyone with the cash to consider Martins might do themselves a favr and look at Collings, Breedlove, Santa Cruz, Goodall, and a handful of other boutique guitar makers. Like the boutique amp makers, they've taken the cassic ideas one step further.



"I believe that entertainment can aspire to be art, and can become art, but if you set out to make art you're an idiot."


Steve Martin


Show business: we're all here because we're not all there.



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@ gifthorse


Absolutley, Alvarez makes a hell of a guitar for the money. Although I have yet to run into a Yairi so I'll be keeping my eyes peeled.


@ Dave


Thanks for that list, I've been through that list and checked in with the reasonably close locations (stuff within around 80 miles or so) and I have yet to find anything but i'll keep checking.


@ Bill

You are right an acoustic guitar is the type of instrument you really have to sit down with and you'll know its the one. I think I'm not really coming off to well in the topic of this thread, I'm not closing my selection down to martin guitars only, I just was interested in the OM's because I haven't really gotten to try more than a few but was really impressed with those I had. Thanks for the advice guys its always nice to have a third party to talk to as opposed to my own bias and the generic salesmen :)

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I just got back from a shop that just started carrying Martins in the past few weeks, they also had a nice selection of breedlove and larivee guitars. I actually went into the store the same time as the UPS guy who happened to have ONE of exactly what I was looking for. It is a fairly small store so I had time to play all the guitars. I definantly favored the guitars with the thinner finishes and rosewood back and sides. They had three martins right out of the box D-18 golden era, some limited run oak guitar, and an om28v ( :) ). The first two were beatiful guitars but just weren't quite what I was looking for. The 28 was hands down the best instrument in the store (to my hands at least). Unfortunetly I don't really have the money to throw down right now so I guess its a matter of waiting to see how long the guitar can last in the store.


edit: There was also a nice larivee there ( OM-03R ) it was a pretty cool guitar for 1000 bucks although I couldn't justify it over the 28.

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Have you tried Wildwood Music in Coshocton? It's well worth the drive. They have an excellent assortment of acoustics and are really nice people to boot.


I have an Martin 000-15 all mahogany box that sounds great. It is a bit darker sounding guitar than the 28 but massively less expensive. The 000-16 model sounds good as well.

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