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Video: Alberto Rigoni - BASSex


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Hey Guys,

i'm new to this forum and my english isn't that good (I'm coming from Germany! So don't be to hard with the language ;))

And now i wanna show you a nice video of the great italian bassist Alberto Rigoni! He just released his solo Album "Something Different" in 2008 and now he finished his first video shot! And i hope that you'll like the video and of course the song just like i do :)

Here are the links:


Me and Alberto would be very glad about comments to the video and the song!

So write if you like it or you dislike it ;)





P.S. I think, that this song is a hymn for Bass and hot chicks! :)

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Gruesse dich, Markus.


good video, excellent bass playing. Everyone knows that the bass is the sexiest instrument in the band, but few will admit it. Remember guitar solos only last about 30 seconds, the bass line lasts for the whole song.

"Call me what instrument you will, though you can fret me, yet you cannot play upon me.'-Hamlet


Guitar solos last 30 seconds, the bass line lasts for the whole song.



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Hey Guys,

first thank you very much for your replies to this video!

@ Bottom End,

maybe you should look for his album "Something Different"...it's hard to describe this album, it's really something different...it isn't fixed at one genre :)

Here is also a video from a live solo "Trying To Forget"

This song is also on "Something Different"





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My comment was posted in fun, because I really don't get what the big deal is about the fairly tasteless video.


Markus, why not actually join in the forum discussions instead of merely posting advertisements for your friend?


We wouldn't want to have to accuse you of being a spammer.

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Hey Jeremy,

i just wanna share this video, as you can see, two of the members like it, two don't...you don't have to watch the video if you don't want...you aren't supposed to watch it!

I'll join the forum discussions, but there is no discussion, where i really can take place...maybe within the next days or hours...so sorry for it!




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I thought the playing was technically good but the music was uninspiring to me and the video was silly. I literally thought it might have been a very good spoof from a comedy sketch show.


I'm sure it was meant as a slightly tongue-in-cheek song/video surely? Reminds me of the kind of thing Borat might do.


This thread is a little spammy though. Stick around and join in some discussions later, you'll get more response that way.


At first I thought the live video was well executed but a little showy/superficial but then there were some quite nice bits as it went on - paricularly when the tapping got a little close to resembling 'minimalist' Phillip Glass style music - that might be an interesting avenue to develop.

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Markus, don't let the language barrier stop you, I doubt any of us could do half as well trying to write in German. ( I can't even figure out how to make an Umlaut on my keyboard).

"Call me what instrument you will, though you can fret me, yet you cannot play upon me.'-Hamlet


Guitar solos last 30 seconds, the bass line lasts for the whole song.



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You are truly a jack of all trades.


As for the song, as abysmally commercial as euro radio is, it's also quirky enough that it will play songs like this alongside Shakira and Fall Out Boy in the middle of the day.

"Call me what instrument you will, though you can fret me, yet you cannot play upon me.'-Hamlet


Guitar solos last 30 seconds, the bass line lasts for the whole song.



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  • 3 years later...

Hi there!

I don't know if you could be interested in but I've just posted a video that shows how to play BASSex main riff.

Hope you like it








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That is actually rather good!



I thought so too. The music anyway. The video was sort of tasteless like those old 80's hair band videos but I liked it anyway. I guess there's still some 14 year old version of me hidden in this old dude.


How soon we old guys forget. Alberto himself has posted here a few times (as you see ^) in the past including I think a link to this video among others. So hinting that the OP might be spam is a tad rough.

Alberto, that Dingwall is still a thing of beauty!

Lydian mode? The only mode I know has the words "pie ala" in front of it.


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OP = original post (first post in the thread)


b5pilot, the OP was in 2008, when Alberto hadn't been around as long or posted as much. You are right that il nostro amico italiano has been participating here.







Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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hi guglielmo, grazie!

yes, the original post was in 2008 but it wasn't posted by me.

I thought that was better to embed the video (the original post had only the link)

I'm sorry, don't want to spam! As an independent artist there're many things I have to do by myself..

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Alberto, I never had the feeling that you were spamming by posting your videos. You didn't ask anybody to buy the CD or an instructional course or anything.


I've mentioned before that I really like your music, even though it's not really what I play; and my sincere conviction that you make videos primarily to get hot girls to dance around you. This is not a criticism...



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my sincere conviction that you make videos primarily to get hot girls to dance around you

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

"Call me what instrument you will, though you can fret me, yet you cannot play upon me.'-Hamlet


Guitar solos last 30 seconds, the bass line lasts for the whole song.



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