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Is it offensive to you....?

Ross Brown

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A bar gig that we do and like to do has a big screen video. The sound guys plays music videos during breaks and after the band is finished. The videos are full nudity videos. No where does this place advertise that I am going to see nudity if I go in to listen to a band, drink and eat.


I find this offensive because for many reasons.


A side note, that is also stupid, is that he plays the music during the breaks as loud or usually louder than we play. People never have a chance to talk or give there ears a rest. I mentioned both items to him and he thought I was in the minority. I suspect that the only minority I am in is the group of people that would say something about it. The band loves this gig.


Should we play naked to make a point? Won't be pretty....

"When I take a stroll down Jackass Lane it is usually to see someone that is already there" Mrs. Brown
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I really don't know.


Somehow, I think there are two different issues here. One is the nude videos (what music videos are they?) and the other is the volume. If you fixed one, you would still have to deal with the other.


Personally, I don't really mind nudity as long as it doesn't attract an unruly crowd. And the volume is the audience's problem to deal with, as long as they don't decide to give their ears a break and leave the venue while you are playing.


It DOES sound like the sound guy is an idiot though.

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Red Hot Chili Pepppers!


IMHO, it's not your or your band's battle to fight. I assume the sound guy is not part of your crew and is hired by the owner. It's up to the bar owners to determine what atmosphere they are creating.

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The nudity to me isn't a problem as long as the crowd has no problem with it and as Kramer said doesn't attract an unruly crowd. I've done shows with a few DJs and they can have very big egos. They only thing that can remedy the music problem, unfortunately, is the crowd complaining to the management. If you really like the gig, playing nude would not be a good idea.

Nude videos are one thing but nude people could put the club's license in jeopardy.

Lydian mode? The only mode I know has the words "pie ala" in front of it.


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As an aside, at one bar here in Wellington, movies play silently on a maxi screen between bands.


Sometimes they forget to take the videos off while the band is playing, which I suppose is detrimental to the band because the audience is torn between watching the band and watching the movie.


But they're really cool movies. One time I got to see most of Jodorowski's The Holy Mountain (good luck on catching THAT one on TV)




and one time we were playing they put on Hell Comes To Frogtown




My wife says that much as she enjoyed watching us play, it was a tough call between watching us and seeing how Frogtown ended.

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Duran Duran's "Girls On Film" has boobies in it - but I believe that was the version that they used to show on MTV Europe all the time. I don't know what the big deal is.


I'd bet there are versions of various Motley Crue, Def Leppard, etc.. videos with nekked breastessess in them as well. Oooo... it burns us, precious. It burns!!! Oar knot.

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Red Hot Chili Pepppers!


IMHO, it's not your or your band's battle to fight. I assume the sound guy is not part of your crew and is hired by the owner. It's up to the bar owners to determine what atmosphere they are creating.


Yeah Rage Against The Machine stood on stage naked and blasted feedback to fight censor ship may u guys could do the same for censorship??? i don't know :crazy:

"there ain't no faux mojo" jcadmus
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I'm not a big video fan. I don't buy them, I don't watch them. I imagine there is a market for music videos that have a rating of "unrated" just like you can go to the video store and by the "unrated" version of a movie that had way too much gratuitous nudity anyway.


Naket and blast feedback FOR censorship ... kinda like stripping for Christ.


... and whaddup with "Jacka$$" outtake scenes? Something went so horribly wrong that they had to edit it?


Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn


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I'm not a big video fan. I don't buy them, I don't watch them. I imagine there is a market for music videos that have a rating of "unrated" just like you can go to the video store and by the "unrated" version of a movie that had way too much gratuitous nudity anyway.




Well, yeah... perhaps. But if the purpose of the vid is to promote a song, I think the director would be very careful about not breaking any actual obscenity laws. I mean, videos are not usually meant to be "art", they're just meant to be promotional items so they probably don;t go out of their way to annoy censors.


Funnily enough, last Saturday I caught the tail end of a program dedicated to "the 40 most shocking videos" on the local music telly. And it was a pretty chaste bunch, actually.


There were all the usual suspects such as "Girls On Film", some Marilyn Manson and a couple of Madonna things. Oh and some rap thing by NERD, which was the only vid that was sort of "out there" censorshipwise, and even so, all the girls wore g-strings anyway.


A lot of the videos selected weren't so much "shocking" as they were more or less disturbing, which is fair enough in a world where voyeurism is becoming so commonplace. There was a video shot in an abattoir (:sick:) and a couple of Aphex Twin things which were much more "shocking" than some semi-naked bodies.

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Not offended. The nudity wouldn't bother me at all. I've played a topless bar. Fun gig, especially with a drummer who had never been in one before. The timing was a bit loose that night. But I digress...


Like Kramer, I would only object if it brought in an unruly crowd. And even then I would not make a huge deal over it. Just wouldn't play there again.


But I understand and respect the fact that you are offended. If it bothers you that much, then you should probably have a talk with your band, express your feelings, and make a decision based on the outcome of the discussion.


p.s. Sanvean's post referred to a Rolling Stone mag. cover of the Red Hot Chili Peppers in which they were photographed wearing nothing but tube socks over their twigs and berries.

My whole trick is to keep the tune well out in front. If I play Tchaikovsky, I play his melodies and skip his spiritual struggle. ~Liberace
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Truth be told, I would not be offended, no. As others have stipulated, if you have the crowd's best interest in mind, it's not your fight. You are there to play music.


If it bothers you on a personal level, you should ask yourself what is more important: making a stand against this soundman guy or playing the gig that your band mates want to play.

"I'm a work in progress." Micky Barnes


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"Girls on fiiiiilm ..... girls on fiiiiiiilm ......"


Boobies on the Intarweb!! That's great!

A stiffy somewhere in the city sewer system...
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For me it is more about the fact that it is shown without warning. I can choose not to look and I don't watch them. For me, this would be something I watch in private. The crowd does change after they show. If a sign on the door said "Nude Videos will be played" then, so be it. I still find them offensive, but the line is crossed for me when they are sprung on me and others that care.


I guess I am making more out of it than I should but I bet that it is offensive to more people than would be willing to say.

"When I take a stroll down Jackass Lane it is usually to see someone that is already there" Mrs. Brown
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I wouldn't have a problem with the nudtiy at all. I do agree that the DJ schtick is a bit much though.

What do the other band member think Ross?


"He is to music what Stevie Wonder is to photography." getz76


I have nothing nice to say so . . .


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Singer likes it. Guitarist and drummer ignore it. They would not want to lose the gig over it, I am sure. I wonder if I advertise that nude videos will be playing at our next gig there if 1) we will get a bigger or smaller crowd and 2) who will get pissed off.



"When I take a stroll down Jackass Lane it is usually to see someone that is already there" Mrs. Brown
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