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Uday and Qusay Hussein dead?

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[quote]Originally posted by Sylver: [b]...let them hear wives and husbands wailing, children crying out for thier lost parents, and parents venting thier rage at about 60db. What do you think a year of that would do to a person? 5 years? 30 years?[/b][/quote]According to a [i]Newsweek[/i] article about three months ago, they listened to the wails of their victims [b]for pleasure![/b] I don't think any of us can really comprehend just what these animals really were like, or how they thought... :mad:


"Eccentric language often is symptomatic of peculiar thinking" - George Will


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NPR is reporting that confirmation comes from a positive ID from one of Saddam's ex-bodyguards. My first thought is - if there's anything to what people have been saying regarding Saddam still hiding & having WMDs, I'd be extremely nervous right about now. As for the 2 - I think they got off easy too, if they really got shot.
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Some of you people are sick. They were two nasty, nasty men. They didn't have sole claim on that though. There are lots of evil fuckers around. Some may live near you, wherever you are. Why could 200+ US troops not take them alive?
"That's what the internet is for. Slandering others anonymously." - Banky Edwards.
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[quote] Even at the worst, if everything- short of inane "reptilian alien shape-shifter" claims- that has been leveled at them was completely true, they still wouldn't rate nearly as despicably as Uday and Qusey. Depravity of this sort finds words failing. Look around at the local atrocities in the headlines- do you doubt that Uday and Qusey could be as bad? -k [/quote]How many lost or destroyed lives has George W. been responsible for already? I would bet that he has touched more individuals negatively than these idiot bastard sons of Saddam. I personally know of a mentally handicapped individual who lives in Florida and was robbed, and raped repeatedly over a period of months; she had to go to court because the jerk that did it wrote bad checks in her name, but the bastard responsible was not even charged by police. Why shouldn't I blame Jeb for that? He's the one in charge over there, right? :mad: Sorry, but I'm not buying the "Uday and Qusay" hype. Horrible things are happening all around us every day, but the ones that get highlighted are the ones that are convenient for someone to push an agenda.
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[quote]Originally posted by Salberry: [b] [quote] Even at the worst, if everything- short of inane "reptilian alien shape-shifter" claims- that has been leveled at them was completely true, they still wouldn't rate nearly as despicably as Uday and Qusey. Depravity of this sort finds words failing. Look around at the local atrocities in the headlines- do you doubt that Uday and Qusey could be as bad? -k [/quote]How many lost or destroyed lives has George W. been responsible for already? I would bet that he has touched more individuals negatively than these idiot bastard sons of Saddam. I personally know of a mentally handicapped individual who lives in Florida and was robbed, and raped repeatedly over a period of months; she had to go to court because the jerk that did it wrote bad checks in her name, but the bastard responsible was not even charged by police. Why shouldn't I blame Jeb for that? He's the one in charge over there, right? :mad: Sorry, but I'm not buying the "Uday and Qusay" hype. Horrible things are happening all around us every day, but the ones that get highlighted are the ones that are convenient for someone to push an agenda.[/b][/quote]Horrible things are happening all around us every day, but that has been since day one of life on earth. However, when it gets to be of the nature of a Hitler or Hussein, then it's a bit different. These guys were pure evil, and they were in absolute power of their country. Although I think that the story you mention is very tragic and very wrong, I think that the death of two murderous and henious pervert jack-asses is noteworthy.
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[quote]Originally posted by Rog: [b]Some of you people are sick. They were two nasty, nasty men. They didn't have sole claim on that though. There are lots of evil fuckers around. Some may live near you, wherever you are. Why could 200+ US troops not take them alive?[/b][/quote]I'm with you Rog, a gunshot is to easy for those beasts. They should have rotten the rest of their miserable life in a cold and wet prison cell. I,ve heard a story about their father Saddam a while ago. He was visiting a children's school. A four year old kid said: that's the man who killed my daddy. Saddam pulled his pistol and shot the kid who died at the spot. I hope they will get Saddam alive.
The alchemy of the masters moving molecules of air, we capture by moving particles of iron, so that the poetry of the ancients will echo into the future.
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[quote]Originally posted by Salberry: [b] [quote] Even at the worst, if everything- short of inane "reptilian alien shape-shifter" claims- that has been leveled at them was completely true, they still wouldn't rate nearly as despicably as Uday and Qusey. Depravity of this sort finds words failing. Look around at the local atrocities in the headlines- do you doubt that Uday and Qusey could be as bad? -k [/quote]How many lost or destroyed lives has George W. been responsible for already? I would bet that he has touched more individuals negatively than these idiot bastard sons of Saddam. I personally know of a mentally handicapped individual who lives in Florida and was robbed, and raped repeatedly over a period of months; she had to go to court because the jerk that did it wrote bad checks in her name, but the bastard responsible was not even charged by police. Why shouldn't I blame Jeb for that? He's the one in charge over there, right? :mad: Sorry, but I'm not buying the "Uday and Qusay" hype. Horrible things are happening all around us every day, but the ones that get highlighted are the ones that are convenient for someone to push an agenda.[/b][/quote]Man, you have my sympathy. :rolleyes: guitplayer

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[quote]Originally posted by Dr.FleshLust: [b]you know with the corrupt media and government on both sides of the atlantic I find it hard to believe any of this... and you know it is known saddam and his top officials/relatives have many doubles. [/b][/quote]Well know how would YOU know that Saddam and Co have doubles? I thought you didn't trust the corrupt media?

Super 8


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[quote]Originally posted by guitplayer: [b]Man, you have my sympathy. To be in so deep that you equate what Uday and Qusay PERSONALLY ORDERED, to some bad thing that happened to someone in Florida where "Jeb" is "in charge"... shows a real disconnect of what constitutes "responsibility"... Sad. :rolleyes: [/b][/quote]You should be sadder with yourself for failing to actually address my point, even though I stated it perfectly clearly in the last paragraph of my post. Or perhaps you chose to misinterpret in order to offer your "clever" response? I didn't know we were talking about "what constitutes responsibility"....perhaps you should start another thread for that subject if it interests you?
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[quote]Originally posted by Rog: [b]Some of you people are sick. They were two nasty, nasty men. They didn't have sole claim on that though. There are lots of evil fuckers around. Some may live near you, wherever you are. Why could 200+ US troops not take them alive?[/b][/quote]Hey rog, i for one am glad they are dead. If they had been taken alive, people of a certain sick political persuasion would probably be starting threads complaining about the "inhumane" and "deplorable" conditions that they were being held under. And besides, they chose to go down fighting. Their death was their own choice. good riddance :D
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[quote]Originally posted by Super 8: [b] [quote]Originally posted by Salberry: [b]perhaps you should start another thread for that subject if it interests you?[/b][/quote]Perhaps YOU should, Sal... I'm sorry, but you are WAY out of line with your comments.[/b][/quote]How so? Seems to me he was just expressing his opinion on this matter. :confused:



"It's all good: Except when it's Great"

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Nah, this thread is fine. I'm sorry to hear about the person you mentioned. I've seen abuse to elderly people and it's a sick crime. It's curious that the person who perpetrated this was not charged. Did you mean to say that Jeb Bush personally intervened or somehow manipulated the system so these terrible actions would go unpunished? Or are you simply blaming him for the situation because he's the governor, and he should have made sure this wouldn't have gone unpunished? WHY did the person not get prosecuted? It sounds like there would be little to excuse their actions... But YOU brought up the issue of responsibility. The difference in the case you cited is that the Hussein brothers were DIRECTLY involved and PLANNED and ENJOYED what they did. I doubt Jeb Bush had much personal interaction in the issues you brought up. But look. Feel free to hate President Bush and all his "evil" siblings if you must. NOTHING I'm going to say here is going to change your mind... that's for sure. Don't worry, you have PLENTY of company here! :rolleyes: guitplayer

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[quote]Originally posted by Johnny B: [b]Yeah, I heard they got these two guys on the radio. I guess they cannot be tried in an international court of law and we could get at the truth. [/b][/quote]Yes, how sad that those poor unfortunates had to take a small dose of their own medicine... And where were you when they needed a human shield to protect them from our imperialist bullets???? Probably fucking around on the internet I suppose... :rolleyes:

Super 8


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[quote]Originally posted by Rog: [b]Some of you people are sick. They were two nasty, nasty men. They didn't have sole claim on that though. There are lots of evil fuckers around. Some may live near you, wherever you are. Why could 200+ US troops not take them alive?[/b][/quote]Okay, one point at a time. :) Yes, some of us are probably sick. And you may feel I fall into that category because of my comment regarding them rotting in Hell. If so, I apologise if I offended you, but I still feel the same as I did when I made that comment. Second point: Yes, they were nasty nasty men. That's why I have zero sympathy for them. As far as others being evil, I agree completely. Saddam and Usama are definitely on that list too, as well as many other less "notorious" or "infamous" individuals. If I had the opportunity I'd gladly squeeze the trigger on either one of them. And I'd have no problems living with myself afterwards. I wouldn't lose a moment of sleep over the death - even by my own hands - of either one of those bastards. And that goes for Saddam's sons too. Third point: Why couldn't 200 members of the 101st take them alive? Well, that would have been nice in some respects, but OTOH, no one swears to commit suicide when they take their oath upon entering the US armed forces. My understanding is that they opened fire first before the US forces did. Acting on a tip that they had been sighted, US forces arrived to search the house. When they arrived, they took fire from the house. They engaged in a firefight for between 4 and 6 hours. Obviously they (Odai and Qusai) were well armed. And they apparently had no intention of being taken alive. Under those circumstances, no officer in his (or her) right mind would order anyone under their command to recklessly risk their lives in an attempt to capture them. Had they surrendered, then they would NOT have been killed. At least not until after a trial. That was their choice - and Odai and Qusai didn't decide to go that way. Well, if that's their choice - then so be it. They knew they had no chance of escape - they were facing overwhelming force. Surrender was their only option - that or death. But either way, it was their choice to make. They decided to fight and die. Fine - I can live with that too. From what I've read, and IMO, those soldiers did their job in a professional manner. I offer them my congratulations and my gratitude.
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One interesting point is that I heard they not only got Husseins sons, but also his grandson. I heard that that is the end of the Hussein line and it would be a severe blow to Saddam. I think, however, instead of killing them, we should have captured them, brought them back to America and had Johnny Cochran defend them in a court of law. The way our judicial system works in this country, I would be willing to bet they would have been acquitted, signed a book deal, sold the movie rights and had their story filmed documentary style by Michael Moore. They would be making millions and probably be dating Susan Sarandan by now..

Mark G.

"A man may fail many times, but he isn't a failure until he begins to blame others" -- John Burroughs


"I consider ethics, as well as religion, as supplements to law in the government of man." -- Thomas Jefferson

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[quote]They would be making millions and probably be dating Susan Sarandan by now.. [/quote]I think you would more likely find them hanging out with Dubyahs daughters. :D



"It's all good: Except when it's Great"

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There's a Time magazine article on the two brothers... you have to pay to read it on the Time magazine site, but there's a transcript [url=http://www.mafhoum.com/press5/147P57.htm]here[/url] if anyone is interested... Huge
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[quote]Originally posted by Mr. Wow: [b] [quote]I hope they will get Saddam alive. [/quote]WHY? So we can turn around and kill him? KILL the bastard and be done with it. END OF STORY.[/b][/quote]No, nobody has the right to kill anybody. Selfdefense is another thing, but I don't even kill a spider or a moth. Saddam must be taken alive and have a treatment like Rog is suggesting. He (Saddam) is an old man but a year of five to ten in jail isn't a bad idea. Killing him is the easy way and you'll do him a favor if you do.
The alchemy of the masters moving molecules of air, we capture by moving particles of iron, so that the poetry of the ancients will echo into the future.
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[quote]Originally posted by GZsound: [b] I think, however, instead of killing them, we should have captured them, brought them back to America and had Johnny Cochran defend them in a court of law. [/b][/quote]Why Cochran? Why not Dershewitz or Shapiro or someone else? ALL of them have defended guilty men before.
TROLL . . . ish.
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[quote]Originally posted by meccajay: [b]By the way 200 against 4, and the battle lasts for 6 hours... Sounds like the ending to Scarface. Say, who's there builder anyway? I wish my house was built that well![/b][/quote]Point well taken.. although I'm not sure you're aware of what you just explained. ;) A 6 hour battle between those forces could only mean the U.S. troops did NOT apply overwhelming force against these Iraqis. Why would they do that? The only reason I can think of is they [i]wanted[/i] to take the brothers alive, but finally decided it wasn't going to happen and obliterated them. Anyone have news reports purporting to say if this was or was not the case?

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