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Guitar half stack buying help


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hello, i was looking for some advice on what kind of half stack i should buy. There are 3 that i have been looking at, and they are


1.Line 6 HD150

2.Crate FlexWave

3.Vox Valvetronix


They are what i have been looking at so far, i plan to spend no more then maybe 800. If anyone has some suggestions, or anything to help, please post it :)


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Dude get the Spider Valve HD head.


The combo is amazing, coolest amp I have ever owned. Can do all styles of music nicely from country and jazz, to metal.


Their is tons of clean headroom for the clean tones, and it has as much gain as any amp if you want that.


But most importantly it sounds and feels 100% tube when you crank it. I am not a metal player but it sounds HUGE..


My favorite channel is the JTM 45/Bassman. Blues Amber. Very organic and warm (when you have the master cranked and the channel volume at band volume). Amazing tone really. I can't find a weakness. It cuts through incredibly well too.


If you were blindfolded and I tweaked a few of the channels and you played through it. You would think it was a 100% tube generated tone. Moreso than alot of other brands that are more expensive or in the same price range. All cuz Bogner knows his amp stuff.

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The current Spider combo is killer (Spider III(?)). MUCH improved over the Spider original offering.


So is the Valvetronix. I've played through the 1x12(?) a short few gigs. The Bassman setting is really great. Lots of people have given good comments on that amp.




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The current Spider combo is killer (Spider III(?)). MUCH improved over the Spider original offering.


So is the Valvetronix. I've played through the 1x12(?) a short few gigs. The Bassman setting is really great. Lots of people have given good comments on that amp.


Dude I am referring to the Spider Valve. It has a tube pre and power section designed by Bogner.


It isn't the same as a modeller in the way it responds. I mean I wouldn't play anything else Line 6 makes in a band context cuz other amps don't cut and sound and play like a modeller.


I mean in the studio they are cool, but then I would just use POD XT or X3.


This amp is a world of difference over the other Spider III..


I don't just like anything anymore either. I learned alot about what I like and don't like regarding amps and tone in teh last few years. I loved my THD Bivalve, but I actually think this amp has more of what I want because it has more clean headroom and it sounds MASSIVE with the band.


The power section opens the amp up like any good amp I have tried (not that I have played 100 boutique amps or anything). Actually it sounds bigger than my friends Mesa Boogie. Keep in mind Bogner said he wouldn't put his name on a piece of junk..

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I know what head you are talking about, the spider valve hd one right? From what i have read about it, it sounds great, i mean, but the head is 800$, and i wouldn't have a cab. Making it useless until i get enough money for a cab.


oh yeah, and i play hardcore/metal, but I have a distortion pedal, so effects on the amp are not really needed. I just need an amp that has a, well, great sound. If you know what im getting at.


I am really shotting towards a tube, or the best emulator of a tube amp.

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Modelling amps without tubes sound like ass in a band context.


Even if they have a tube in teh preamp, doesnt mean squat. The power section is where it opens up. I mean listen to a killer amp that you like for metal. Like a VHT 50 CL or Deliverance. They are cool because you turn them up, they just get bigger and bigger cyuz the power section starts to add junk to the tone. The SV does that too. Thats what is mind blowing about it for the price.


So far the only complaint I have about it is the chorus/flangers aren't really the type I like. But thats nothing to me. I mean it has so much more.


Like you could take this amp and line it up next to a Fender Hot Rod Deville, a Peavey 6505 (5150), Peavey Classic combo, Marshall DSL combo, and some other higher gained combos and it will throw them in the dirt and smile as it wipes the mustard stain off its chin, cuz it was eating a burger while it kicked thier asses.


No exaggeration. And no matter HOW LOUD it goes it NEVER gets flubby on the low end or unstable. The distorted tones are incredible. From a clean punchy organic Marshall without a bunch of fizzy preamp overtones, to a massive Death Metal crunch with super tight low end clarity to Hiwatt and Fender tones (providing its loud).


But anyone could go to GC plug into it for 2 min, not know how to dial it and leave thinking--"this sux" But that is nothing new and anyone who would say that, I would just think probably sux at guitar, and needs to take thier underwear off thier head when they try out amps. Cuz anyone I know who can play, is blown away by it for $650--for the combo. Like I said the guys I know who have them are all like, "I would have thought it was a deal for $1200"


Modeller snobs are just closed minded. I am open to anything but I just didn't think it was going to happen this soon for modelling and power tubes or with this quality. I figured it would take another 5 years for them to make it really feel/sound tubey.


Is it going to emulate the amps it is trying to? I think it does a nice job of trying, but of course different amps also have different speakers. This combo has a Vintage 30 in it.. I don't think it will beat out a Vintage Fender but those are thousands of dollars. Could it STILL sound pretty damn good on its own merits? Sure.


I know you are talking about the head. I think you should get the combo personally. I know it doesn't look the same but it is already SUPER LOUD. I mean you could play Joe Louis Arena with the 1/12 combo it is so loud. It can EASILY drive a 4/12.


Actually 100 watts is too much I think. I mean it gets louder than 50 watts but not as much as you would think.


To put in in perspective. My buddy has a JCM 800 50 watt head. It is so loud, even with a Dr. Z airbrake on it it is STILL too loud to gig with. Granted it has KT88's but my old 30 watt THD Bivalve was plenty loud enough. I mean I never turned it to 10 when playing with my band.


Sorry I am just so jacked about it cuz it is the real dealio..


Could it beat a Route 66 out? No but those are like over 2 times as much. Could it beat out a Bogner Uberschall for high gain? Dunno, but for that stuff I like the VHT Deliverance the best. but those amps are also over twice as much. I mean the Bogners are insanely expensive.

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My favorite stack type amps have to be Marshall's. Yes, that may not be the most original answer but let me tell you what I like about Marshall amps. First, the distortion is first rate. I picked up a JCM 2000 TSL about 3 years ago and have been in love ever since. The range of tones I can get out of this amp is nothing short of amazing. One complaint a bunch of people have about the Marshall series of heads is that they do not have good clean tone. I find that this is dependent on which type of guitar you are using. I use a Gibson Les Paul and find the clean tone is rich, lush, and warm. Found a pretty decent video of the JCM amp I have below.


Marshall JCM 2000 TSL Video and Review

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Your tone sounds nice Lee, but I think this kid wants a more Metal sound.


Your amp sounds the best to my ears when it is cranked on the clean sound. Nice oldskool crunch. But the combo isn't the head which is probably bigger sounding.


The SV combo is a better amp in my opinion than the DSL combo. And it would be huge through a 4/12. It does those Boogie type tones he is after. Or Modified Marshall tones. Loud, when the power section kicks in, it is massive. I mean we have all heard the folklore surrounding Bogner amps.. Well regardless if this is as good as one of his amps it is better than ALOT of amps cuz he designed it. For $650 the combo is a nice step in the right direction for a metal head. Then just get a 2/12 or a 4/12 down the line.

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Yeah he does, but he has $800. You can't get a good halfstack for $800. I mean your cabinet will be lame. Thats why I suggested getting the 1 speaker combo to start cuz it sounds huge on its own on a speaker stand. And save up for the 4/12 or 2/12 depending on if he thinks it sounds HUGE already with the 1/12. Also he could probably swing one for $650 out the door.



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like, if its for the best, ill spend a shit load more, but I am playing with a peavey XXL stack, and a ampeg hlf svt 410 pushing 500 watts. Do you think that combo would be herd through all that wattage? I mean, what ever would be smartest, I would stop and save my money up for a nice amp now instead of going and buying one that i will end up replacing in the future.
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