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Interesting family traditions for Christmas?

Rocky McDougall

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These are all great traditions and have wonderful meaning for each family.

If I had it to do all over again, I would take the family out and cut our own tree, maybe 4-5 before christmas.

Put the tree up Christmas Eve and decorate with the kids. Maybe cook up a big feast, drink some spirits, tell some lies, while the kids waited for Santa to appear.

After the kids feel asleep, the adults could continue with the Spirits and lies.

Kids would get up before dawn and the presents could be distributed and enjoyed.

Then have a wonderful breakfast and go to church to get the heart and soul back to the real meaning of Christmas.

Come home and collapse from exhaustion.

That's how I would do it if I got a second chance.



Rocky :snax:

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb, voting on what to eat for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb, contesting the vote."

Benjamin Franklin

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Being from a non-Christian family, our Christmas tradition is to go out for Chinese food.


There's always a Chinese restaurant open and we always have a good time.



Do they sing Carols like in A Christmas Story?


"Fah-rah-rah-rah-rah, rah-rah-rah-rah." :D



"He is to music what Stevie Wonder is to photography." getz76


I have nothing nice to say so . . .


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Usually there are some Amaretto sours consumed Christmas day, though this year it was a bit of Lemoncello (back to Amaretto next year).


I'd take the lemoncello over the amaretto anyday! :D That stuff is SO easy to drink.


This year I wanted to get some grappa to show the in-laws, but it's hard to find out here. With the drink-driving laws the way they are, there's not much call for a drink that puts you over the limit from just a sniff.

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Jeremy, you did not complete the prophecy on Christmas day. Chinese food and a movie. I.. did. Shame on you man. There's this amazing chinese place here called Yang Chow. The name alone sounds like your going to get sick off it.. Like. "oh man I gotta go yang chow" but it's pretty damn good.

Mike Bear




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I note that most of the Christmas traditions that folks here find interesting involve drinking...


...we eat sweet and sour reindeer.


There's this amazing chinese place here called Yang Chow. The name alone sounds like you're going to get sick off it.. Like. "oh man I gotta go yang chow" but it's pretty damn good.


There used to be a Chinese fast-food joint in the neighborhood outside Boston where I used to live. It was called the "Yum-Yum," but everybody called it the "Meow-Meow..."



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My wife's Birthday is on Christmas day and we have a developed a whole routine for Christmas. On Christmas Eve we go down to my folks homeplace and deliver gifts. We then go to "Midnight Mass" at 9 O'clock pm (its an Irish thing) at the Church I always went to with my Father as a child. Although I'm not religous this is always really nice plus they have a folk choir and the music always makes me feel happy!


After that we go and visit my friend who plays in all the bands I play in and his family who where like a surrogate family to me growing up also. We exchange gifts have a laugh and listen to his father tell some old stories, its always fun. We then go up to Katrina's homeplace just before 12 midnight to bring in her birthday with her family. It is always real nice for her and it makes everyone feel good.


We then go back home crack open a bottle and open our presents before going to bed. I then get up early to prepare the turkey and get Dinner started. We have dinner on our own but next year if we get our new home built I have promised Katrina that we will have both families down! I love Christmas time.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Sorry for the late post here, but I'm new and just working my way through the forum. In any case, Christmas day for us is nor really a big deal. Primarily a day to recover from Christmas eve. Thats when we roast a pig and while that is roasting we have lots and lots of other foods and drinks. I prefer bourbon to take the chill off as I'm tending to the pig, a little (ok, maybe not a little) A.H. Hirsh 16 year old or Pappy Van Winkle 20 year old works quite nicely.

For sale: 1982 Fender Precision Special (American).

White with white pick ups and pick guard. Excellent condition. Includes original case.

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Welcome Pepi, it's never too late to join in, but you must be sober or near sober or at least making some sense. Am I making sense? Welcome.


"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb, voting on what to eat for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb, contesting the vote."

Benjamin Franklin

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Well seeing as I'm still at the office I'll say I'm sober. I'll leaving soon, so it'll be time for a couple of adult beverages. As far as making sense...I'll let others be the judge of that. Just know that it all makes sense when its in my head.

Are you making sense? Yes, at least to me. Should I be concerned that you are making sense?

For sale: 1982 Fender Precision Special (American).

White with white pick ups and pick guard. Excellent condition. Includes original case.

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Well seeing as I'm still at the office I'll say I'm sober. I'll leaving soon, so it'll be time for a couple of adult beverages. As far as making sense...I'll let others be the judge of that. Just know that it all makes sense when its in my head.

Are you making sense? Yes, at least to me. Should I be concerned that you are making sense?

For sale: 1982 Fender Precision Special (American).

White with white pick ups and pick guard. Excellent condition. Includes original case.

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