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vintage reissue strats


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I was thinking about picking one of these up. Either the '57 reissue or '62 reissue, can't decide. Do you think the new/current ones are a good buy? The older ones go for 3,000+ wonder if they much different now. They got the nitrocellulose finish on the neck and body :thu:.
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I have one of the '62 Tele's.





I love this guitar. I've played a few of the strat's but don't have one. They are cool. I think a couple people here have the '57's. Lee and Michael Patrick I think? I can't remember.



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I've got two of the '62 reissues. One is from the late '80s that was my main gutar all through bthe 90's, the other is a thin skin (nitro-finished) that I bought last year at Daves's.


Late 80's version:




Thin skin version:




I used to have a '57 reissue, but there was something about the neck that I just couldn't bond with it. It sounded great, but I eventually sold it. But that's just me, maybe you'll like the '57 neck better...


Who is that handsome guy with the '57 reissue?



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The vintage reissue strats they make today,I actually like better than the one's in the 1980's....I should know...I had TWO vintage 57 reissue strats in the 80's and one was stolen so I got another soon afterward, but I sold it a few years ago to fund my PRS. But then I got to missing having a strat (especially a vintage reissue 57) and so I bought another.


I have to tell you, I did not know if I was going to like the newer models or not, but I really dig my newer model 57 reissue strat! I like it better than the two I had in the 80's, but that is just me.


Truth is, you can find used 57 reissues or 62 reissues on ebay at decent prices if you look long enough. But to me, they are really putting out great quality instruments with the reissue strats they make today. So if you want a new one, I would say find a good place to buy that will let you return it if you don't like it.... like this place and go ahead and compare.




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They really do sound and feel great! It is up to you to choose which road you want to take....new or used.



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I had a 57' that was made in the 90's.


In all honesty...I wasn't a big fan but maybe I think they're an aquired taste.


The frets are thin and that bothered me.

I guess I prefer the fatter, smoother frets.


The pick ups have a thin sound to my ears.

Of course I'm sure they're made true to their era, but I'm more of a rock-n-roller instead of Buddy Holley kind of guy.


Again...this is my opinion only and what MY ears hear.

I've never played the 60's models and can't state to their sound.





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Just to point out that in terms of value, most reissues don't seem to hold their value as well as 'regular' issues of the same year.


And Fender has been using the same wire and pickup winding system since what, 1954? So, besides any joy that aging might bring, and any differences among body woods and neck/fretboard woods, most any standard Strat should sound pretty much like any other. I was able to play one of Steven Stills' 1954 Strats a few years ago, and it felt a LOT different than a modern Strat or my late 1970s Strat.... it was way, way lighter. But other than that, it felt and played like any standard Strat I ever played.


Now, cosmetically... that might be a different story. I'm a fan, for instance, of the old 2 tone sunburst over the three tone, and I like Fiesta Red for it's instability and tendancy to fade to almost any redish, pinkish, or red/brown hue, or even to a sandy tan.



"I believe that entertainment can aspire to be art, and can become art, but if you set out to make art you're an idiot."


Steve Martin


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I have one of the '62 Tele's.





I love this guitar. I've played a few of the strat's but don't have one. They are cool. I think a couple people here have the '57's. Lee and Michael Patrick I think? I can't remember.




You STOLE my Tele! I have the same 62! I don;t play it often but it is a mirror for mine



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Nice looking Tele!


I've owned half a dozen Teles over the years. I love the way they look. I see one and I think to myself, "Self, you really oughta have a Tele in your harem." But then I buy it and wind up not playing it nearly as much as all of my other guitars. And when I do, it doesn't sound the way it does when other people play them...


I've come to the realization that I'm just not a Tele guy...

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I had a 57' that was made in the 90's.


In all honesty...I wasn't a big fan but maybe I think they're an aquired taste.


The frets are thin and that bothered me.

I guess I prefer the fatter, smoother frets.


The pick ups have a thin sound to my ears.

Of course I'm sure they're made true to their era, but I'm more of a rock-n-roller instead of Buddy Holley kind of guy.


Again...this is my opinion only and what MY ears hear.

I've never played the 60's models and can't state to their sound.







That is where we differ....I actually PREFER the small frets as opposed to larger medium jumbo frets.I guess the sound is something else I prefer, because it is very clean sounding. But sounds great with distortion.



Again, just my opinion, it may be an aquired taste after all.....

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Webe123...point well taken. :)


Bill@WHS....I also prefer the 2-tone Strat and that's what I have for a 2nd Strat. :)

I have the Brown or Tobacco colored one with a maple neck.

It really compliments my other Strat which has a rosewood neck.

But...it's a regular issue.

I did change out the pickups and put hand wound VanZandt Blues in there!



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Nice looking Tele!


I've owned half a dozen Teles over the years. I love the way they look. I see one and I think to myself, "Self, you really oughta have a Tele in your harem." But then I buy it and wind up not playing it nearly as much as all of my other guitars. And when I do, it doesn't sound the way it does when other people play them...


I've come to the realization that I'm just not a Tele guy...


I was the same way for years. Every time I went to the guitar shop I thought those Teles were cool but I picked one up and they never did anything for me. However, after years of waiting for the right Strat/Tele to come along and actually be worth getting myself into more debt for (story of the guitarist's life :rolleyes:), I finally found her when I bought my Aerodyne Tele. I realized then that I'm not really a vintage guy.


I love the sound and look of many vintage instruments, but the oldest axe I have is from 1977. Of course that may as well be 1890 for me (no offense guys, I'm just young). But even that guitar has a more modern feel, flatter Gibson neck and smoother frets. I just can't play the vintage instruments like I'd like too. And I'm no shredder, but many of them feel like I'm holding a baseball bat and they take away a lot from my speed.


I find that there's a guitar in every style out there for someone you just need to find her. In a couple years, once I get myself out of some car debt, I will probably begin searching for the perfect Les Paul. Chances are it will not be a reissue.

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That is where we differ....I actually PREFER the small frets as opposed to larger medium jumbo frets.I guess the sound is something else I prefer, because it is very clean sounding. But sounds great with distortion.

Again, just my opinion, it may be an aquired taste after all.....


I prefer smaller frets too. For about 25 years my only guitar was a 56 Strat (a real 56) so that's the fret style I'm accustomed to. The fat frets just feel clunky to me. Until they started making the 57 reissue, every Strat I picked up felt wrong to me & a lot of that is the body beveling for your right arm (lower bass bout) & the belly bulge were never cut as deeply into the body as the original. On a real 56 the top edge, as you're looking down while playing, is very thin. Now Fender is getting the shape right & some of the reissue models are the first Strats I've played since I got mine in 1968 that feel good to hold. Unfortunately I feel the fret edge dressing on most new Strats is really substandard.


Scott Fraser

Scott Fraser
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Nice looking Tele!


I've owned half a dozen Teles over the years. I love the way they look. I see one and I think to myself, "Self, you really oughta have a Tele in your harem." But then I buy it and wind up not playing it nearly as much as all of my other guitars. And when I do, it doesn't sound the way it does when other people play them...


I've come to the realization that I'm just not a Tele guy...


I have the same kinda thing with Les Pauls. It's a real adjustment for me to play a Paul, for some reason, and I usually sound like ass when I play one. Someone else picks it up and it sounds like the gates of heaven have opened up.





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