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Soon to be a proud owner of an Eden WT550


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I stumbled into the Eden forum out of curiosity and saw a WT550 going for $650 plus free shipping and a 2u SKB rack case. He purchased it in May of '07 and supposedely upgraded to the WT800 a few months later. I asked for more details (pictures, born date, condition, etc.) and he should get back to me in the next couple of days.


I am a fan (as most are) of Eden products so this is a dream come true if all works out, but I am a little weary of buying this type of equipment over the internet. I am purchasing it from a legitimate music store in South Carolina, so I must inquire about return policies on used gear, if such policies exist.


Wish me luck :)

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Good luck.


You may be able to get info on the upgrade once you have a serial number. Eden upgrade service has been questionable - one of our folks had some grief.


Hope this works out well!




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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The only upgrade I'm aware of on the 550 is replacement of the cover on older models to a new one with larger, oval-shaped ventilation holes.


My guess is that this amp is new enough that it already has the new cover.


I don't think he's saying he converted his 550 to an 800 -- I don't believe you can do that. I think he's saying he purchased an 800 to replace the 550.


Good luck -- great amp -- I love mine.


Good price too.

"Tours widely in the southwestern tip of Kentucky"
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Well...sniff....I will not be the proud owner of an Eden head anymore. It seems a few details about the head were not disclosed to me and that I would not have any warrantee coverage.


I went to Guitar Center and played through, once again, MarkBass stacks and combos including the Jeff Berlin signature amp. Each time I do, I find something I like. Those Italians sure can make a quality piece of equipment.

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I don't know what the other details are, but I wouldn't let the lack of warranty stop me at that price.


It's a gamble, but it's a really good deal for an amp that's pretty much new out of the box.


I took a similar gamble, and I haven't looked back.

"Tours widely in the southwestern tip of Kentucky"
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I bought a new Eden 550 and and did a a/b test with my old SWR bass 350 ( the burgandy one 350 watts at 4 ohms) the 350 sounded so much better I sold the 550 and picked another swr 350 on ebay, its nice to have two, they go for about three bills on ebay, its built to last, the eden, not so much (lots of plastic parts) and bad customer support, very problematic amps but the eden cabs sound pretty good, I use two, check out the older pre fender swr gear twice the amp at one third the cost, and they look way cooler.
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I don't know what the other details are, but I wouldn't let the lack of warranty stop me at that price.


There was physical abuse issues such as dents and constantly in/around a smoke-filled environment. I just though my money would be better served elsewhere.

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Ooh, I would probably have passed on it then too.


Re: the comments about the SWR350 vs. the Eden 550, I'll take the 550 over the 350 any day -- tone and power for days. But I've never really liked any SWR I've played, so maybe they're just not my thing.


As to Eden robustness and CS, I've never had a problem with either, although I understand some have. In fact, the one time I needed CS from them (blown speaker) they were incredibly responsive.

"Tours widely in the southwestern tip of Kentucky"
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I hope the CS issues at Eden are fixed. I had a 550 and thought it sounded pretty good, but there were a couple little things that bugged me - no pre/post DI option and no Mute for tuning or whatever. I then had a problem with it (my fault) and it took forever to get resolved (their fault) so I went to a Genz Benz Neo-Pak 3.5 instead.


While not quite as loud on paper, the GB Neo-Pak 3.5 into my GB NeoX212 has always had volume to spare and sounds great. It also has a pre/post DI option and a Tuner mute. My questions (before and after purchase) were always answered within a day.


While it was a nice head, I don't miss my 550 at all.

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