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OT: Should We Impeach Bush Or Just Jail Him?

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[quote] the U.S. government seized several companies in which he had an interest [/quote]Was this "interest" a publically traded stock, or did he run the day to day proceedings at this company?
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So they are kind of Nazis. :D Jesus Christ, it's hard to get a handle on all the bullshit flying in every direction. That's crazy! The challenge I see at this moment is: The Big Corporations vs. The People The governments of the world seem to have been greatly overly influenced by these great money making machines that the people of the world have produced. What I would like to see......is these great money making machines, somehow working for us all. Is that too much to ask? I don't think so, I really don't think so, What's going to work for us all eventually is a blend of democracy AND socalism, and ETERNAL cosmic wisdom, or something. [b]It's WRONG, WRONG, WRONG, WRONG![/b] to disenfranchise the majority of the PEOPLE in the world because of WHATEVER! BECAUSE THEY........ I don't even know what I'm trying to say anymore. It's wrong, maybe I'm wrong, prove me wrong, I dare you.
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Last night I rented the movie Frida. There's a number of scenes with attempted and then the successful assaasinations of Trotsky. So now I see an intersting connection between the 'ends justify the means' mentality of one head of state to another. Eliminating your enemies by assassination. A favorite technique of Stalin, now the modus operandi of the US government.

"The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who in a period of moral crisis

maintain their neutrality."


[Dante Alighieri] (1265-1321)

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I just learned yesterday that the Bush Crime Family made millions off of Hitler's Auswitz and that Bush still believes in eugenics. Scary. The Neo-Nazi's and Neo-Facists that are card-carrying members of the Bush Crime Family wrongfully occupying the people's White House are among the worst form of scum. I see T-Shirts all over saying "Impeach the Son of a Bush," but impeachment is only part of the retribution this un-American criminal deserves. Given, that law professor John Dean, along with numerous others, have established beyond any doubt that Bush, Cheney, Ashcroft, and the rest of 'em are felons, they must be locked up for life in a maximum security prison. Save the World Save America Jail Bush Now! You'll be glad you did.
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Johnny Troll, Will you answer this? [quote] quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- the U.S. government seized several companies in which he had an interest -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Was this "interest" a publically traded stock, or did he run the day to day proceedings at this company? [/quote]Here is my point, have you ever played "6 degrees from Kevin Bacon"? I could connect Santa Clause to Hitler with enough time. :p
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[url=http://www.lpdallas.org/features/draheim/dr991216.htm]Do some of your own work[/url] [url=http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prescott_Bush]Or contribute rather than keep asking rhetorical questions[/url] [url=http://www.syzygyjob.net/warissues/messages/31007.shtml]It doesn\'t take long[/url] [url=http://www.livejournal.com/users/meta/233197.html]And there are more than enough sources to go around[/url]
It's OK to tempt fate. Just don't drop your drawers and moon her.
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Its high time Americans, (anyone who appreciates the gift of Democracy given to us within the intent and spirit of the US Constitution) begin to question the actions of the "faux" administration of GWB, “White House Resident”. Quit the name calling, Partisan, and many times merit less arguments, and simply ferret out the facts re: those acts committed since the 2000 Election by this fascist, corrupt, bought and paid by Corporate America gang of tyrants. Here is what the framers of our Constitution admonished us to do! "We are not afraid to follow truth wherever it may lead, nor to tolerate any error so long as reason is left free to combat it" - Thomas Jefferson "Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the people, who have a right... an indisputable, unalienable, indefeasible, divine right to that most dreaded and envied kind of knowledge, I mean of the characters and conduct of their rulers." - John Adams (Second President of the United States) "Knowledge will forever govern ignorance, and a people who mean to be their own governors, must arm themselves with the power knowledge gives. A popular government without popular information or the means of acquiring it, is but a prologue to a farce or a tragedy or perhaps both." - James Madison (Fourth President of the United States) "The only sure bulwark of continuing liberty is a government strong enough to protect the interests of the people, and a people strong enough and well enough informed to maintain its sovereign control over its government." - Franklin Delano Roosevelt (32nd President of the United States) After you have spent some earnest time looking at the facts, (unless you are afraid to know the truth) facts from credible sources, please consider whether the following applies: Section 371. [Federal Code] “Conspiracy to commit offense or to defraud United States” "If two or more persons conspire either to commit any offense against the United States, or to defraud the United States, or any agency thereof in any manner or for any purpose, and one or more of such persons do any act to effect the object of the conspiracy, each shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both. If, however, the offense, the commission of which is the object of the conspiracy, is a misdemeanor only, the punishment for such Conspiracy shall not exceed the maximum punishment provided for such misdemeanor" :idea: . When you arrive at the point of personal outrage, and I assure you that you will, (if you have the guts and care to know the whole truth) take responsibility as a citizen and demand the long overdue investigations regarding the acts and omissions of this fascist regime. Impeach them, jail them, save America and the World from these tyrants while there is still time and our ability to do so!
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[quote] Do some of your own work Or contribute rather than keep asking rhetorical questions It doesn't take long And there are more than enough sources to go around [/quote]Dont keep screamin' "jail Bush" if you are not willing to back it up. .....and for gods sake, make your own arguments instead of pointing to internet propaganda. It shows weakness. So far, we have 7 pages of shit and I still cant find out HOW Bush was supposedly connected here. Make an argument or move the fuck on down the road. You dont scream jail the president and then not be able to answer simple questions when people ask how you came to this conclusion.
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OK, I'll make their argument for them: [quote] When Adolf Hitler's financiers, the Thyssen family, formed a joint venture, Union Banking Corporation to manage Thyssen family investments in America, they needed an up-and-coming youngster to run the new firm, and Prescott Bush was made Managing Director. The later congressional report described Union Bank as an "interlocking trust" with the German Steel Trust responsible for supplying the German Military. [/quote]This is the meat of their argument. NO DATES at all. NO direct names from the Thyssen family. Its VAGUE AT BEST. Now I see why no one wants to answer questions, if my argument was that weak, I would run from questions also. I need to stop feeding the trolls.
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Here, I'll help them... Dick Cheney refused to turn over documents concerning the Enron fiasco to the SEC. That is conspiracy. If George knows what those documents say, or has access to them and has not contacted the SEC, that is also conspiracy. These fucking people need to give up on all this disinformation. You people are being fed crap to follow that won't lead you anywhere! You must realize that the majority of the things you are beingtold to follow are disinformation. The entire foreign relations angle everybody is harping about is crazy. I don't agree with the approach, but you are going to have a hard time finding anybody who disagrees with destroying radical terror cells or fascist governments. Hasn't anybody noticed the economy? A lot of attention is being diverted from the economy. How much of a role did the energy trading fiasco disrupt the economy? We don't know. And as far as it looks now, we aren't going to know. Fuck. If you really want George out, put the focus on those missing documents. (The press reported this very lightly and briefly and then let it go. I would imagine the communications companies and the energy companies have substantial links.)
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[quote]Dick Cheney refused to turn over documents concerning the Enron fiasco to the SEC. [/quote]Yes Dick Chaney did refuse to turn over the docs and I will explain why. First off, thanks for a DECENT argument. The Democrats in congress knew well before hand that the administration was not going to turn these docs over, but they asked anyway to give the appearance that something was going on. The reason was , it was a private meeting in the White House with at least a DOZEN energy companies, not just one company. They were working on a plan to TRY and straighten out the damn energy mess from the late 90's. This would be the equivalent of asking Tom Daschile for his private records from one of his meetings , he would NOT turn them over. This is the same trick that the dems pulled with Megel Astrada(sp), they knew that he was not going to turn over PRIVATE stuff he had written for the Supreme Justices. This is an old tactic that seems to still work well. We have 3 branches of Government for a reason. They cant just ask each other for anything, it would break down the seperation.
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Some of you fellows do your own homework, unlike some of the Bush Crime Family apologists. I supect these excuse-makers are the same people who were also big defenders of that traitor Dick Nixon. The White House is occupied by criminals just like it was when Nixon was there. These criminals use Hitler's "Big Lie" propaganda and should all be jailed. Save the World Save America Jail Bush Now! You'll be glad you did.
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No, they can't just ask for anything. But, the SEC has sufficient enough cause to warrant looking at the minutes of these meetings for any sort of criminality. And why wouldn't they just turn over these documents? Unless they have something to hide. Bill had a private meeting in the white house with an intern. The Republican's turned Washington on it's ear for how long? And nobody lost their life savings on that one. No economic fallout was the result of this meeting. No people lost their jobs due to this meeting. The energy fiasco has been completely buried by all the parties invloved. I want to know what the hell went on. There is no reason I shouldn't be allowed to see the transcripts of this meeting. The meeting was in the White House. Hello? Conducted with private companies? Hello? What do they have to hide from the American people? If they were trying to help, why the secrecy? So what if congress was playing games? They knew we have the right to know. The Attorney General should be serving up somebody an indictment. Next time the SEC demands documents from some company, why don't they just use this shit as a precedent? If Enron had to open it's records, than anybody who had dealings with them should to. It's called an SEC investigation. Very serious shit. Probably worse than having the IRS come after you. So, if Dick and his boys get a break, than I should, too.
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Mr. Wow, you seem to be about as un-American as people get. How can you stand idly by while Bush and Cheney systematically destroy the rights that the founding fathers died for? First, you argue for withholding the truth, then you say there are no facts. You are wrong on both counts. Bush, Cheney, like that traitor Dick Nixon, are violating the law when they refuse to turn subpoenaed documents over to Congressional Investigators. Reason? The "smoking gun" documents will show that Bush and Cheney are guilty of domestic felonies. It is amazing that Bush and Cheney have not already been "tarred and feathered" and run out of Washingon on a rail. But since everyone, except a few rabid, goose-stepping, right-wingers, already knows Bush and Cheney are criminals, we should just lock up these facists and neo-nazi's now. Save the World Save America Jail Bush Now! You'll be glad you did.
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Stranger, [quote]The energy fiasco has been completely buried by all the parties invloved [/quote]There are ALOT of people that would be in trouble, dem and republican alike. I agree that it was/is a fiasco. Enron met with the previous administration ALOT, but when Enron asked GWB for help, he said no and soon after Enron went belly up. Lets see, Enron thrived in the late 90's and went belly up when GWB took office, sounds to me like they didnt get any help.
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Johnny, it's a sign of the times in which we live that these people own the political process. How can anyone legally challenge them? More to the point, who is going to challenge them in the courts? Shit, if OJ can get off, Bu$h can do just what the hell he wants.
"That's what the internet is for. Slandering others anonymously." - Banky Edwards.
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Johnny Troll, I listened to your shit for 7 pages and you CANT EVEN STRING TOGETHER A DECENT ARGUMENT. I have now hit the "DICKHEAD MUTE" button on my computer. :wave:
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[quote]Originally posted by Mr. Wow: [b]Johnny Troll, I listened to your shit for 7 pages and you CANT EVEN STRING TOGETHER A DECENT ARGUMENT. I have now hit the "DICKHEAD MUTE" button on my computer. :wave: [/b][/quote]Come on Wow. You are hardly the greatest debater every to wander the internet.
"That's what the internet is for. Slandering others anonymously." - Banky Edwards.
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Not everybody in the Judical System is owned by the Bush Mob. Yes, the Bush Crime Family is powerful, but so was King George of England, and we threw the British out. Here, the evidence of the Enron Crimes is overwhelming and Bush and Cheney are guilty of the worst kinds of felonies. Felonies which rob the entire counry blind. But "Grand Larceny," and "Fraud" is only a few of the numerous felonies Bush and Cheney have committed, you can add "Conspiracy" and "Obstruction of Justice." These are but a few of the crimes the Bush Crime Family have committed. The Bush Cheney facists and neo-nazi's belong in a maximum security prison, once there, they can't do any more harm. Their ill-gotten personal gains should be disgourged and paid into the US Treasury. That could help pay down the massive deficit Bush and Cheney have created. They've already practically single-handedly bankrupted the country only to feed their personal greed. Good, independent-thinking Americans will soon wake up to what these criminals have been doing. Save the World Save America Jail Bush Now! You'll be glad you did.
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[quote]Originally posted by Johnny B: [b]Not everybody in the Judical System is owned by the Bush Mob. Yes, the Bush Crime Family is powerful, but so was King George of England, and we threw the British out. Here, the evidence of the Enron Crimes is overwhelming and Bush and Cheney are guilty of the worst kinds of felonies. Felonies which rob the entire counry blind. But "Grand Larceny," and "Fraud" is only a few of the numerous felonies Bush and Cheney have committed, you can add "Conspiracy" and "Obstruction of Justice." These are but a few of the crimes the Bush Crime Family have committed. The Bush Cheney facists and neo-nazi's belong in a maximum security prison, once there, they can't do any more harm. Their ill-gotten personal gains should be disgourged and paid into the US Treasury. That could help pay down the massive deficit Bush and Cheney have created. They've already practically single-handedly bankrupted the country only to feed their personal greed. Good, independent-thinking Americans will soon wake up to what these criminals have been doing. Save the World Save America Jail Bush Now! You'll be glad you did.[/b][/quote]How do we get them? When? Who is going to get them? Grand ideals and rhetoric are fine. They don't change much though.
"That's what the internet is for. Slandering others anonymously." - Banky Edwards.
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We need to just give up on this thread. It sucks eggs. Tell Johnny to go read all the various threads that we have had in the last year on this subject. Once he is up to date and knows where we all stand (face it, the rest of us stated our cases how many times, now?), than he can come back and argue. Otherwise, the rest of us are really sick of the whole topic. I'll see if I can get you up to date: 1. Saddam is a madman and nobody gives a fuck about him or that shithole he comes from, so who cares if we blow it to bits. It seems to be an american pastime at this point, anyway. 2. Anybody, and I mean [b]anybody[/b] who uses the phrase "weapons of mass destruction' is a loser and is just as brainwashed as the psuedo conservative losers who want to blow up shit. 3. The internet is a wasteland full of people who all think they are right. You are in the wrong place to try and save anybody. Go outside. Go downtown. Grab a sign and go protest something. Don't block roadways and do other stupid shit that has nothing to do with anything except for civil disobedience, though. 4. Last, but most important of all: Before you go all over cyberspace dropping this shit, try getting aquainted first. Do you think people are going to listen to some guy who is more or less, interrupting? 5. Get a different cause. This one is getting way to fucking trendy. Try animal rights or something. This shit is stale.
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[quote] So far, we have 7 pages of shit and I still cant find out HOW Bush was supposedly connected here. Make an argument or move the fuck on down the road. [/quote]Did you read it with your asshole or with your eyes?... :freak: [quote]This is the meat of their argument. NO DATES at all. NO direct names from the Thyssen family. Its VAGUE AT BEST. [/quote]Since when "DATES" or "NAMES" have anything to do with the truth or credibility?
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[quote]Originally posted by Mr. Wow: [b]Stranger, [quote]The energy fiasco has been completely buried by all the parties invloved [/quote]There are ALOT of people that would be in trouble, dem and republican alike. I agree that it was/is a fiasco. Enron met with the previous administration ALOT, but when Enron asked GWB for help, he said no and soon after Enron went belly up. Lets see, Enron thrived in the late 90's and went belly up when GWB took office, sounds to me like they didnt get any help.[/b][/quote]I would say that allowing Enron to keep shredding truckloads (literally) of documents and keep moving money out of the country after criminal accusations had been made are favors that come from high up places. Look at it this way: Enron is to Bush/Cheney what sex is to Clinton.
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Don't waste your breath Easter. The poor fellow has lost track of who he is swinging at. I could give a rat's ass about GW Bush being jailed. That's Johnny B's thing. The challenge was to show dates and names. I eventually get pissed off when someone snipes and chips away and does no homework to save us all a lot of time rehashing known recorded history. Chamberlain looked for "peace in our time" and George Walker and Prescott Bush were in bed with the Nazis since the twenties, deal with it or not but don't deny it. Is that cause for the present GW to be jailed? Didn't say that either. Joe Kennedy was a Nazi apologist and his kid did OK. I did a random search "Prescott Bush" "Brown Brothers Harriman" and posted four of many links that use dates, names and places. I didn't go looking for lunatic fringe rants. It took about ten minutes or less of my time, same as anyone could do. They are chronological since ~1928 with names, positions, companies, places and dates so where's the problem? None of the links are demanding a head on a pike. A lawyer should know not to ask a question unless he already knows the answer.
It's OK to tempt fate. Just don't drop your drawers and moon her.
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You know when the Watergate burglary occurred and Nixon tried to withhold documents that showed he was activley covering up the crime, it took a while for the public and the prosecuters to catch on. Here, it may take a while for the appropriate authorities and the press to catch on to the Bush Crime Family and the Cheney coverup of his secret deals with Enron. Even the fact that Bush and Cheney are withholding or destroying evidence of the Enron deals is compelling evidence of guilt in addtion to being the felony of obstruction of justice. Save the World Save America Jail Bush Now You'll be glad you did.
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There are so many false statements posted here , I dont know where to start. This entire "Bush connection to Hitler" argument is a wash from lack of facts. Then when I ask questions, I get the same old same old. No facts or dates, just Bush and Hitler are connected. WEAK shit. The Enron thing is up in the air, I dont know the truth and NO ONE else does either, what we do know is that the W.H. held a meeting with a dozen energy companies that lasted 2 or 3 hours, so as a result, people are blaming the U.S. president for the entire scandle. Who was in office when Enron robbed California in the late 90's? Ya know what , NEVERMIND. Facts seem to mess up these WEAK stupid ass arguments. :wave: [quote]The challenge was to show dates and names. I eventually get pissed off when someone snipes and chips away and does no homework to save us all a lot of time rehashing known recorded history. [/quote]Please, if you make an argument then be able to back it up, its not my job to look for info. that backs up YOUR theory. If you make an argument, you had better be ready to present facts and be able to BACK IT UP. Dont say "you do the research". NO, YOU PRESENT THE FACTS, its your trumped-up theory. [quote] A lawyer should know not to ask a question unless he already knows the answer. [/quote]I am not a Lawyer, and who says I dont know the answers. By asking the questions(that cant be answered) I kill these crazy theories because no one has put up any dates or any solid proof. COME STRONG OR DONT COME AT ALL, YOU PISSANT. :wave:
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