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OT: Should We Impeach Bush Or Just Jail Him?

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WOW, You think there are more people in the world in the US dumber than you? What a dumb conceit you suffer from. Hey the economy had troubles, in was in a cyclical downturn, 9/11 made things worse, the measly checks helped, and so does military spending, the excessive tax breaks for the filthy rich hasn't helped and spending 1 billion a week on Iraq is a screw up. So the answer is G Bush alone isn't responsible, but he has a good deal of responsibility in doing such a poor job.

"The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who in a period of moral crisis

maintain their neutrality."


[Dante Alighieri] (1265-1321)

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[quote]Originally posted by Mr.Wow: [b] [quote] And hey, that's just one fact to deal with. I know that you haven't noticed the rest, as they interfere with your name-calling duties, but perhaps at some point you'll wish to join the discussion and respond to the damage Bush has done. [/quote]If you choose to ignore the fact that the Dot-com bubble busted, 9/11 terror attacks , and the fact that our country is at WAR, then there is not alot for you and I to talk about. Do YOU really think that our economy is the result of GWB alone? WAKE UP! Your hatred for the American President has BLINDED you to the actual facts, you sound like all of the other LOONIES on this board that don't know shit. By posting here, I have figured out that the MAJORITY of Americans are just plain STUPID when it comes to politics. I had hope for you. :) [/b][/quote]It cannot be denied that President Bush's actions have had negative consequences in some regards. I do think if people are being prompted to hate, than they are wasting precious energies. I don't hate president Bush. He may be a likable guy for all I know. What does speak volumes is the way that his administration has chosen to respond to the various challenges this country faces. People want integrity with thier leadership. Both parties are void of any integrity. This isn't an issue of Bush vs. whomever. Bush is just the prominent figure in all of this. I ranted just as much when Bill was in. I ranted just as much when George Sr. was in. George Jr. is just the current target. He is also a figurehead, which makes him an empty target. He is the scapegoat for the criminal activity that goes on below him. People don't just fall into office. These people are hand-picked and this has been proven to good extent. A president is picked based on his diversionary qualities. Does he have enough charisma and dirt to keep people's attention? Ever notice presidents keep getting worse? This is not by accident. The people are being taken for a ride. They are being fed all number of scapegoats to pursue, while the guilty remain unseen. And I still don't percieve Mr. Wow as a Bush apologist. I don't think he really cares for him, either. But to try and fix blame for everything on Bush is a stretch. Yes, he is the current figurehead designated for you to blame. This doesn't mean removing him will have any effect what so ever. It's time to strip the entire system to it's core and see what lies beneath. The entire government must be opened up for a full examination by the American people. The government must be held to the standards of the United States Constitution. The government must also be treated as any other business entity. No reason at all can be provided to excuse the government for it's fiscal decisions. No reason can be given to excuse the lack of accountability, either. Reform is not enough. Rebuild is more like it.
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[quote] No, I don't subscribe to single-cause theories regarding the economy, but I do put responsibility for _doing_ something about it in the hands of the current office. Looks like millions of folks are going to have to wonder about that as well. And what is Bush doing about it? Mmmm? Perhaps the trillions of dollars of debt will help? [/quote]This is your answer? Who is NOT facing the truth here?
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Here is what I dont get, You guys HAMMER GWB for everything, say he is a crook , BUT you back democrats who are the worst crooks of ALL. The GWB bashing gets OLD , especially when you guys offer no one better. Who should take GWB's place ? Hitlary? Dean? Sharpton? WHO and WHY? What do they offer? Offer some solutions instead of beating up the current US President all of the time.
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Here is what I dont get, You guys HAMMER GWB for everything, say he is a crook , BUT you back democrats who are the worst crooks of ALL. The GWB bashing gets OLD , especially when you guys offer no one better. Who should take GWB's place ? Hitlary? Dean? Sharpton? WHO and WHY? What do they offer? Offer some solutions instead of beating up the current US President all of the time.
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[quote]Originally posted by Mr.Wow: [b]BUMP, I notice that "Peak the freak" and alcohol have no input here. I WONDER WHY?[/b][/quote]I was helping out a friend in need, over the phone. Sorry, your "response" to mine is weak and pointless, and only accusatory without focus. You are simply looking for reasons to call names. You're better at it than at political discussions anyday :-)
Give me the ANALOG and no one gets HURT
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So what would you do to have Bush "fix" his profiteering vice-president Haliburton and the military and industrial friends of the Bush family? And to fix the economy, with how many million jobs lost? And the trillions of dollars of debt? If Bush is good, what is he doing to fix it? As you are fond of saying, he's president. The president should be doing something, anything. Aside from oil profits.
Give me the ANALOG and no one gets HURT
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Here is what I dont get, You guys HAMMER GWB for everything, say he is a crook , BUT you back democrats who are the worst crooks of ALL. The GWB bashing gets OLD , especially when you guys offer no one better. Who should take GWB's place ? Hitlary? Dean? Sharpton? WHO and WHY? What do they offer? Offer some solutions instead of beating up the current US President all
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[quote]Originally posted by the stranger: [b]And I still don't percieve Mr. Wow as a Bush apologist.[/b][/quote]No, 'apologist' is just a term people use to discredit the one's they are arguing with. There are many such terms. These threads have largely degraded to a series of posts focused on belittling others. I had a reasonable exchange with Peake a few days ago. It was nice to have a semi-intelligent conversation about the state of affairs. The outcome? He doesn't agree with me, I don't agree with him. There is nothing more to say! Everything has been said! Person A: "This is the way things are" Person B: "No! This is the way things are." Person A: "No, no, no... Wake up! THIS is the WAY things are!" Person B: "Get a clue! Everyone knows that THIS is the WAY things are!!!" Etc... Etc... Etc... :bor:

Super 8


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  • 2 weeks later...
Ok, we know from the poll here that 70 percent would jail Bush and Cheney. Now the City of Santa Cruz has voted to ask the US Congress to begin an offical Bush Impeachment Investigation. It could lead to Bush and Cheney going to prison. BTW, Enron's treasurer just got sentenced to disgorge himself of 1.4 million dollars and make restitution to Enron's victims. He also got 5 years in prison. Bush and Cheney are next.
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What are some right-wing nazi-facists in favor of censorship? Some of you can't handle that Bush is slumping in the polls because he lied. BTW, anyone find any Nukes or missles today? No, it's still just those forged documents Bush and Cheney used to lie to the Congress and to the public. --------------- Save the World Save America Jail Bush Now! You'll be glad you did
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SuperLate are you leaving us? I'll be so sorry to see a stupid Bush-apologist troll like you go. Ha Ha Ha. Has your camera focused in on any Nukes or missles? How about the Americans and Iraqis in body bags, got pics of that? Got any graphs or charts of the British and American Oil Company Profits? How about pics and graphs of Haliburton's profits? Will it show the Haliburton payment to Cheney of a million dollars per year? How about some pics of the rich folks spending all their tax cuts Bush and Cheney gave them? Maybe you have some pics or graphs of the federal deficit going into record-setting red territory?
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The first step for any solution to the vast problems facing the USA is to get rid of all the graft and corrpution at the White House. That would mean some serious jail time for all the criminals. Why should corporations have more rights than regular citizens? Corporations are merely "legal fictions," they are nothing but abstract writings on paper, yet these "things," these "its," have more rights than real people, more than average citizens. That's not fair. So the next step would be to institute sweeping corporate reforms. The next step is to declare war on FEAR. We could get the media to quit trying to paint the entire USA as some kind of nation of violent nut-cases. Canadian Media does not go around trying to make money off scaring the shit out of everyone. In Canada, people are not afraid, they don't even lock their doors. General Clark, a potential candidate, said the war on Iraq was "elective." In other words, this was a very bad and costly move that was unnecessary. Perhaps, we could do the "Peace with Honor" thing like Nixon did when he got the US out of Viet Nam. As for the replacements for Bush and Cheney, from what I've seen on CSPAN, all the democrats would be an improvement over what we have now. In particular, I really like some of the things that Dennis Kucinich has to say. He advocates repeal of NAFTA and other stupid trade agreements that has contributed to massive job losses and small business bankruptcies. I believe Kucinich advocates true energy independence via an Apollo-like mission to bring us clean, renewable energy such as solar. Anyway, I like Congressman Kucinich for President. Perhaps, someone has a website address for him they can post. We can all look at it and rationally discuss his official positions. --------------- Save the World Save America Jail Bush Now! You'll be glad you did
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Hey SuperLame, man, let's not get too nasty, I bought a guitar and learned how to play an E, A, and B chord. Three chords is enough to play most songs, right? :) Plus, I know what a Leslie is too, she's real fun to play with and keep a guy warm at night, right? Then there's those Honer things, you put those in your mouth and it sharps up your arguments, right? In your case, your arguments is all flat. You could use one those Honer things cuz man you can't face facts and you is real stupid. You're not just ignorant, 'cuz an ignorant person just don't know somethin', but you don't learn nothin' even if it's in your face, and friend, that's means you is real dumb, real stupid. (This of course, implies you have lost, or never had, the ability to learn facts accepted all over the world, i.e. Bush lied!) I know all 'bout those insamants man, I played all round with em approximately several times. I even heard of that Beatlehooven guy, who wrote all that jazz-disco stuff played with an entire sympatic section of an oprastra. You're just mad because you are chest-tied to a loser who is going down, namely, Bush. Sooner or later, Bush is going to prison. Maybe your are mad at the world and hate everybody who dares to show that the White House is occupied by the Bush Criminal Enterprise. Or, maybe you had a bad day because you found out that Arnold does not stand a chance---now that the Court of Appeal has ruled that Recall Election cannot be rushed thru and must be delayed 6 months to comply with the US Consitution's Equal Protection Clause. Maybe you hate everybody because the Court of Appeal based their action on your favorite precedent, Bush v. Gore. Why preach hatred against all things democratic, or all things liberal, or all things progressive. For that matter, why preach your hatred against someone like me who merely wants the laws enforced. Or would you support "selective" law enforcement, one set of laws for the rich (i.e. a slap on the hands for corporate criminals) who wear white collars, and very strict standards for the rest of us poor saps who wear blue collars. Have a good day. I did. :) --------------- Save the World Save America Jail Bush Now! You'll be glad you did
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You just can't face the FACTS, can you... FACT: Craig asked that we refrain from this senseless war of words until October the first. FACT: You think that statement doesn't apply to you. FACT: It DOES. Now fucking piss off, before I call Homeland security and tell them you are a Bin Lauden supporter!

Super 8


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