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OT: Should We Impeach Bush Or Just Jail Him?

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Craig, I'm not sure what happened but I suspect some right-wing zealot posted some abortion pics to make a frail attempt to prove that all democrats, no matter what their voting record, should be hated and despised. How lame can you get? I'm inclined to agree with Craig, I don't really like abortion much either, but that's an area where the government has absolutely no business poking its nose into. It's an issue that's best resovled by a woman and her doctors. Even a conservative US Supreme Court, dominated by republicans, after hearing all sides of this issue says a woman has a constitutional right to make her own choices. Funny how conservatives, those who resist change and progress, want to get right into a woman's womb, but think it's a sin to regulate and control monopoly corportions that commit fraud and rip off old ladies, or worse, kill people with poisons and pollution or dangerous products. Tires that explode while you're driving down the freeway and whatnot. Thank God, for Ralph Nader and Personal Injury Lawyers who sue these bastards running these unfeeling corporations who will do anything for a dollar, including maim, injure, and kill people. But can we get back on topic. Law professor John Dean made the case for impeaching Bush and Cheney. It's now an established fact that Bush and Cheney knowingly lied and used fake, forged documents to further their lies. It's also established as fact that Bush and Cheney's little minions were planning this dirty little war for years, since 1997. It's established as fact that Cheney is now getting 1 million dollars a year from the Halliburton Company. It's established as fact that no-bid, no-competition, sure-thing, slam-dunk contracts worth billions were given to Cheney's company Halliburton. It's established as fact, that Bush Senior, is mixed up with the Carlye Group who is getting all kinds of sweet defense contracts that usually have cost overruns and are worth tons of cash. It's estblished as fact, that Halliburton was given the inside track on the oil field contracts, to the exclusion of every other company in the US and the world. The graft and corruption is obvious, the only question is how many of the Bush Regime's Crime Family will end up in prison. A recent Nobel Prize-winning economist says Geo Bush is the worst president in all of America's history. That's quite a condemnation, but is also underscores what a diaster Bush's criminal enterprise has been for America and the entire world economy. The sooner the White House is freed from all Bush and Cheney's criminal activity, the better off the world will be. --------------- Save the World Save America Jail Bush Now! You'll be glad you did
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Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Anyone find any Nukes or missles today? No!!! It's still just Bush and Cheney's lies. Hmmm. I'm shocked. You know during the Viet Nam War we saw on the nightly news lots of pics of death and destruction, maimed soldiers, dead civilians, and a lot of body bags wrapped in the American Flag. But today it's different. It's not like people, civilians and soldiers alike, are not dying on a daily basis. How come the right-wing controlled media isn't showing us the truth? Censorhip? Thought Police?
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Super8, Oh, so that's the right-wing's way of handling the facts they don't like. Or, it could be the score Super8 got on his last IQ test, but if you just add a minus sign in front of the one, it'll be more acccurate. Super8 is obviously frustrated that the neo-facists and corrupt jerks in the Bush Criminal Enterprise are going straight to prison. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and intelligent insights, Super8.
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Hey Super8, Have you found any more dead babies, or any kind of dead thing for that matter, maybe one of your old dead songs, or, have you or your cowardly little Bush buddies found the much more relevant Nukes or missles? It's still just all of that lying and faked documents by the criminals Bush and Cheney.
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1. Images and text are inherently different and can't be equally compared, tit for tat as you are trying to do. If you wrote up an anti-abortion diatribe and posted it you would have gotten a very different reaction. But probably still not a good one, which brings me to: 2. Your post was totally off topic in this thread, whereas JonnyB's post are totally ON topic to this particular thread. Start a thread about abortion if you want to discuss that. I'm not interested in the subject, so I'll just ignore it. Just like you are welcome to do with this thread. 3. Chill and smoke a bowl or something man :wave:
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An image to go with the middle finger salute: [img]http://music.multifarity.com/rosepix.gif[/img]

"The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who in a period of moral crisis

maintain their neutrality."


[Dante Alighieri] (1265-1321)

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Still waiting for the Dems to come up with a viable presidental alternative. I'll vote for whoever it is, really. Right now, "none of the above" is looking good.

Current live rig: Roland RD700SX, Hammond XK-3 with Leslie System 21, and Muse Receptor. Also a Nord Stage 76 other times instead. And a Roland FP-7 for jazz gigs.

HOME: Kawai MP8 + a bunch of VI's.

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[quote]Originally posted by Johnny B: [b] I'm inclined to agree with Craig, I don't really like abortion much either, but that's an area where the government has absolutely no business poking its nose into. It's an issue that's best resovled by a woman and her doctors. Even a conservative US Supreme Court, dominated by republicans, after hearing all sides of this issue says a woman has a constitutional right to make her own choices. [/b][/quote]What about the constitutional rights of the unborn child?
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Sorry for bumping this thread [img]http://www.pixies-place.com:81/forums/images/smilies/spanka.gif[/img], but... We should all send one of these to Johnny B for Christmas: [url=http://www.kbtoys.com/genProduct.html?PID=2431939&ctid=17&ls=toys&_ts=y&_e=3f3ba&_v=3F3BA2A4pYoQiED9F6740FDA&_ts=y]Elite Force Aviator: George W. Bush - U.S. President and Naval Aviator - 12" Action Figure[/url] [img]http://www.kbtoys.com/g/toys/big/123116.jpg[/img]
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That's really funny, seeing that coward Bush dressed up like a real life army man. Bush never faced any combat, but he sure likes to play dress up, maybe Bush has little dress up dolls too. I met a real marine today who had seen action in Iraq, so I asked him to tell me about it. He said it was very clear to all the soldiers that the "real" priorty, the "number one" priority was the oil fields. Capture the oil fields, put out any fires or keep them from igniting, and put perimeter protections around the oil fields. This Marine said all the front line soldiers knew the war was all about the money and the oil fields. He said his commanders told him that the oil fields accounted for 30 percent of all the world's oil. The Marine said it was obvious to everyone what was really going on---it was all about the money and oil. I asked him what the front line troops thought of Bush and Cheney. He said all the front line soldiers "hated" Bush and Cheney. I said, "I think these guys belong in jail because they are corrupt." He said, "Duh." I asked him if he saw anything like a WMD, and he said, "Naw. We searched the entire country and found nothing like that." So there you have it, real news from a real Marine who was on the front line. It looks like we are getting closer to reading the following headline: [b]Grand Jury Indicts Bush and Cheney---Massive Graft and Corruption Uncovered---Long Prison Terms Expected![/b]
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Tell me about these forged documents johnny bralalala. Who forged them? Where did they come from? How is it connected to the US President? REAL ANSWERS and not your normal "jail Bush" BULLSHIT.
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Mr Wow Bush and Cheney both knew the document were forged but they used them to lie to the Congress and the American publuc, indeed, they lied to the entire world. According to a Marine who saw real action in Iraq, Bush and Cheney only wanted the oil fields. Mr Wow, when are you going to wake up and realize that the Bush Crime Family will do anything for a buck?
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[quote]Originally posted by Mr. Wow: [b] REAL ANSWERS and not your normal "jail Bush" BULLSHIT.[/b][/quote]What would be the sense in expecting that? He's not here for discussion. He's just here to get a reaction. That, and because he's pissed off that there is a republican in the white house. Think he's pissed now? Wait till he finds out that not only are they not going to jail, but he'll probably get a second term in office. [i]Oh, the horror... the horror.[/i] :freak:

Super 8


Hear my stuff here


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WOW, how were the forged documents connected to the president? What was the apology to the 16 words in the State of the Union about? Are you an ignoramus? Read this about your President. I dare you: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A39500-2003Aug9.html I can predict the future: WOW, Super8 and GZ will say they don't consider criticisms of the President. Any criticism of the President is biased and any bias against the President must necessarily by false. Bush is infallible and his critics are necessarily liars.

"The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who in a period of moral crisis

maintain their neutrality."


[Dante Alighieri] (1265-1321)

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[quote] REAL ANSWERS and not your normal "jail Bush" BULLSHIT. [/quote]I did not think you would answer the questions. I'll post a few more questions in a month or so just to make you look bad. johnny screams "forged documents", then I ask a few questions and the bralala man cant answer shit. TYPICAL. :wave:
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Here's an article and some internal links dealing with some of the criminal laws that Bush and Cheney should be prosecuted for violating. The term "RICO" is shorthand for the "Racketeering Influenced Corrupt Organization" section of the United States Code covering crime. Many states have similar criminal laws that Bush and Cheney hacve violated. htm ---------------- Save the World Save America Jail Bush Now! You'll be glad you did
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Sorry about the above link coming back with an error message. The difference between me and certan idotic politicans and many criminals is that I can at least admit I screwed up and take my medicine like a man. I'll work to get a corrected link and repost it, but the best medicine for our county is to send the criminals Bush and Cheney straight to jail. Bush and Cheney "do not pass go," they "do not collect 200 dollars," they "go straight to jail" because they committed felonies and high crimes while playing monopoly with their oil-friend-butt-buddies on the world stage. And the world is not pleased with the bad acts of Bush Crime Family. --------------- Save the World Save America Jail Bush Now! You'll be glad you did
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WOW, Johnny B is not me and I am not him and we are definitely not you. If I had a mind to, I wouldn't wanna be like you And if I had time to, I wouldn't wanna talk to you Oh, I don't care what you do, I wouldn't wanna be like you If I was high class I wouldn't need a buck to pass And if I was a fall guy I wouldn't need no alibi Oh, I don't care what you do, I wouldn't wanna be like you Nor Johnny B. But Johnny is a good guy, doing you a service. bye

"The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who in a period of moral crisis

maintain their neutrality."


[Dante Alighieri] (1265-1321)

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If Mr Wow could just stick to stealing Hendrix's licks off of the great blues song "Red House" we'd be ok, but he insists on pontificating on the field of politics which requires more brain power than the little guy can muster. Instead he offers us his lemming-like analysis and plays follow the neo-nazi leader, Geo Bush. I hope most people learned to think for themselves and recognize the facts of corruption running rampant from the Bush Crime Family's wrongful and sorid occupation of the people's White House. Here's a link exposing numerous Bush/Cheney crimes. http://zzpat.tripod.com/cvb/ --------------- Save the World Save America Jail Bush Now! You'll be glad you did
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