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OT: Should We Impeach Bush Or Just Jail Him?

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I recently read an article by John Dean, the former White House lawyer to the president of the United States which lays out crimes and felonies committed at the highest levels of government. So here is the question: Should we Impeach Geo Bush or Just Jail Him? Here's my vote: Save the World Save America Jail Bush Now! You'll be glad you did. Go ahead and vote.
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Mr and Mrs Clinton should be the ones in jail. Actually, all of them are self-rightous crooks. They all practice lying and deceit... you name it. Anyone out there ever known a high-up politician? I have... and have worked for a few. Some local ones are okay and well meaning, but they get tainted very quickly the higher up they go.



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What discussion, Joachim?!? Just another bash the president thread. Right or wrong, you're beating a dead horse that's been beaten constantly for the past 6 months regarding Iraq, and since the election for various other reasons. Besides, I don't believe you CAN jail the president without impeaching him first. So it's a moot point. :rolleyes:

It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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I agree the "discussion" is as dead as it can be. I should have put a little emoticon in there... I was being sort of "double ironic". If people don't want to discuss this again (very understandable), then they could either just shut up, or say something funny and absurd instead :) IMO

-Joachim Dyndale



Einstein: The difference between genius and stupidity is: Genius has limits


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The American people have no clue as to the laws that govern this country. If they did, George wouldn't have stolen the election with daddy's supreme court. So, impeaching GB is just a pipe dream. Unless of course the people wake up one day and just so happen to have been blessed with common sense while they were sleeping. I also think that GB isn't alone in all this. It is obvious that the Dems are just letting all this go down. If they wanted to, they could destroy GB just like the Repubs did Clinton. What more evidence do we need to prove GB and Cheney are on the take? None, as far as I'm concerned. So all this tells me that we the people don't have all the information about what the hell is going on up there. I think that GB was already slotted to win the last election, but nobody expected Al to get as many votes as he did.
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[quote]Originally posted by Raymar: [b]Arnold for president![/b][/quote][img]http://www.wsbf.net/cowgod/crap/boards/arnold.jpeg[/img] NOTE: [i]Raymar, I'm not flaming you or anything, I just thought of this picture when you said Arnold for Prez.[/i]
I really don't know what to put here.
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I think we need to do something and getting rid of King George is a good start. An elected official doesn't need to be the brightest bulb in the marquee but he'd better have good advisors. Unfortunately our Mr. Bush has selected some of the most ultra-conservative advisors he could find and that has led him to make a lot of very serious mistakes. We all want the same things whether we're right or left inclined. Security, a chance to have a decent life free of fear and with our freedoms intact. Unfortunately we are seeing those ideals dissapate. In a recent speech Bill Moyers pointed out that the constitution says "We the people" not just the elected leadership, in order to "establish justice for all" and provide for "the common welfare" has somehow gotten lost since 9/11. I'd like to see everyone calm down and take a big deep breath and "THINK" about what is happening, where we seem to be going and whether or not this direction reflects the ideals of this country.



ME: "Nobody knows the troubles I've seen!"


Unknown Voice: "The Shadow do!"

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[quote]Originally posted by Joachim P. Dyndale: [QB..............] shut up, or say something funny and absurd instead :) IMO[/QB][/quote]OK, This was a little old lady that one day.......................Nah! :p


Jesus Is Coming, Make Music, Get Ready!

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[quote]Originally posted by Botch.: [b]Ever notice that Rush's [i]Red Sector 9[/i] sounds like it could've been recorded by Pink Floyd? Sure has that same style...[/b][/quote]Yeah, I could see that. Especially if you simplified the drums to have more of that slow Floyd groove sound. Interesting observation there, Botch! Grace Under Pressure is probably there best album, in my opinion. Oh, and why does a Rush/Floyd comparison thread have Bush in the title??? When was the last time they released an album???

Super 8


Hear my stuff here


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[quote]Originally posted by Philip O'Keefe: [b][i]Something funny and absurd instead.[/i] ;) [/b][/quote]So this guy walks into his doctor and says, "I can't get the tune, 'What's New Pussycat?' out of my head! It's been driving me absolutely batty for days now!" The doctor shakes his head and says, "Tom Jones disease... It's Tom Jones disease." The guy asks, "Is it common, Doc?" The doctor replies, "It's not unusual....." :D [i]How's that for absurd?[/i] :bor: :bor: :bor: :bor: :bor:

It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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[b]Originally posted by wrave: I think we need to do something and getting rid of King George is a good start. An elected official doesn't need to be the brightest bulb in the marquee but he'd better have good advisors. Unfortunately our Mr. Bush has selected some of the most ultra-conservative advisors he could find and that has led him to make a lot of very serious mistakes. We all want the same things whether we're right or left inclined. Security, a chance to have a decent life free of fear and with our freedoms intact. Unfortunately we are seeing those ideals dissapate. In a recent speech Bill Moyers pointed out that the constitution says "We the people" not just the elected leadership, in order to "establish justice for all" and provide for "the common welfare" has somehow gotten lost since 9/11. I'd like to see everyone calm down and take a big deep breath and "THINK" about what is happening, where we seem to be going and whether or not this direction reflects the ideals of this country.[/b] From what you are saying, it appears you believe we had a decent life free of fear and with our freedoms intact prior to the election of Mr. Bush. It also seem you are saying that if we simply impeach Mr. Bush, everything will be wonderful again..like it was before. I would suggest taking a deep breath and "THINKING" about this: We had a mess of an intelligence community. Prior to Mr. Bush. We were attacked by terrorists that planned the attacks, went to school in our country, learned how to fly, managed to get in, go to school, learn how to attack us and then do it...all prior to Mr. Bush being elected. We have had open borders for many years. We have been so afraid of hurting some minority group's feelings that we won't profile the bad guys. We have laws on the books that are over fifty years old (wire tap laws, for example) that simply tie the hands of those charged with protecting us. Thinking a change of administration would give us back our "freedom" is simply silly. Doing nothing with the terrorist threat for years only made them bold and led to 9/11. You would like to return to that attitude? Leave them alone? How about a big Arabic group hug? I honestly think that no matter who is in office, the security of the American people demands that changes must be made. Law enforcement must be given the tools to enforce the law. One thing about George Bush, when he says he will hunt down the bad guys, he means it and he tries his best. We have not seen that kind of committment from a President for many years.

Mark G.

"A man may fail many times, but he isn't a failure until he begins to blame others" -- John Burroughs


"I consider ethics, as well as religion, as supplements to law in the government of man." -- Thomas Jefferson

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Bush got us into a quagmire in Iraq. We haven't seen that kind of stupidty in 40 years. Worse, he lied to us when he presented the rationale to invade Iraq. And worse of all, worse than having Americans die for oil company profits, he timed our involvement with Iraq to distract from a fumbling economy to favor the election of Republicans. It really is sick to contemplate that our soldiers died so that Republicans could get elected. Bush doesn't compare well to any past president in my life. Bush disgusts me. He should be impeached, he should be jailed.

"The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who in a period of moral crisis

maintain their neutrality."


[Dante Alighieri] (1265-1321)

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[quote]Originally posted by alcohol: [b]Bush got us into a quagmire in Iraq. We haven't seen that kind of stupidty in 40 years. Worse, he lied to us when he presented the rationale to invade Iraq. And worse of all, worse than having Americans die for oil company profits, he timed our involvement with Iraq to distract from a fumbling economy to favor the election of Republicans.[/b][/quote]He was just doing as he was told. [quote][b]It really is sick to contemplate that our soldiers died so that Republicans could get elected. Bush doesn't compare well to any past president in my life. Bush disgusts me. He should be impeached, he should be jailed.[/b][/quote]Maybe we should meet in the middle and have him impaled. Something new for July 4th.
It's OK to tempt fate. Just don't drop your drawers and moon her.
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[quote]Originally posted by GZsound: [b] One thing about George Bush, when he says he will hunt down the bad guys, he means it and he tries his best. We have not seen that kind of committment from a President for many years.[/b][/quote]Except for Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein. Am I missing anyone?


Phil Mann


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[quote] Originally posted by GZsound: One thing about George Bush, when he says he will hunt down the bad guys, he means it and he tries his best. We have not seen that kind of committment from a President for many years. [/quote] [quote] Originally posted by Philter: Except for Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein. Am I missing anyone? [/quote] [quote] Originally posted by SteveRB: Jacques Chirac [/quote][img]http://www.g8.fr/evian/items/img/photos_sommet/usa_petite.jpg[/img] Perhaps Bush was unaware of whom he was talking to. :D


Stone In A Pond



"Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of the time he will pick himself up and continue on."

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