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Cleaning Stuff.


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So I've decided I should buy a cleaning kit for guitar and bass and I was wondering what I should get. I've seen lemon oil knocking about but I'm not sure if you should use it on a painted body and if you can use it on the fret board. I was also wondering when I'm cleaning it should I take off the strings even though it takes away tension in the neck (I think thats right).

Thanks SPk

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Lets get down to business gentlemen! I want that bagel now!...Don't forget the lettuce!

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If your bass has lacquer on it (painted) you will be fine with lemon oil BUT.........




If you cleaning the fret board do that when you changing strings, make sure you leave it to dry properly otherwise your strings will go dead in minutes.


If you have natural finished basses (like me) a good repartor for furniture will do the trick.

Again a little bit goes a long way, This is not good for your fretboard as it will leave it oily, you have the lemon oil for that.


Use a clean dry cloth and make sure you wipe off any excess to prevent stains.


Hope you find this usefull




"And then the magical unicorn will come prancing down the rainbow and we'll all join hands for a rousing chorus of Kumbaya." - by davio



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For lemon oil on the fingerboard (I've used Tung oil also; stinky, but it does harden up more. Great for fretless), rub it in with your bare hand. This will warm it up a little and the oil will penetrate better into the wood. Then wipe off the excess. I use lemon oil on the rest of my unpainted bodies and necks. Painted ones stay dirty. It helps with the rawk.


And I always end up using way too much, but not on purpose.

Things are just the way they are, and they're only going to get worse.

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Lemon oil for the fretboard (remove your strings, rub a drop in between each fret, wipe away excess, let dry.)


Guitar polish is for painted (laquered) bodies. Once again, spray a small amount on the body and wipe clean. Those fingerprints, built up gunk, and other nasty creatures will be wiped clean.


See if you can get the kit locally, or you can buy lemon oil and wood polish pretty much anywhere.

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