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Amping cutting out because of a bad pot

Eric Iverson

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Not long ago I was playing a gig and the amp quit working. I thought it was one of the cords or the pickup in my acoustic guitar, but the other guitarist jiggled the volume control and got it working temporarily - a bad pot. But it cut out on me during the songs we did, and no amount of jiggling I did would fix it. I was NOT a happy camper! Luckily there was other entertainment there so the night was not ruined.


So I am going to get some Deoxit from the local Radio Shack tomorrow and spray and jiggle and spray and jiggle the volume control till (hopefully) it works fine again - so I don't have to take it to a guitar repair shop and take my chances with them (no insult to the many fine guitar and amp repairmen!)


Has anything like this happened to you guys?

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If it is that bad, I doubt that tuner cleaner is going to fix it. It sounds like the carbon rings on the control dics are burned or worn.


If you adventurous, there is usually tabs at the back of the control that can be folded back and carefully check the discs. It may be a brush type control that uses the spring of the brush to make contact. You can put a little more bend in them.


There is a product you can buy at electronic supply stores called LUBERPLATE. Apply it freely.


This is not for the faint of heart.



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