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Advice on leveling keyboard patch volumes please

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Hey i was wondering if anybody had some tricks for evening out keyboard patch volumes for live shows.You know how different patches cut through etc.Like running the keys into something that gave rms readings or a limiter,watching the readings or meters and then adjusting the volumes so that they were even. thanks Arch
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I would say, very frankly and with no intent to be insulting or "short," that you should use your ears the most. Meters may be helpful with some aspects of what you are doing, but things like the Fletcher-Munson effect (we humans hear midrange better than anything else) and psychoacoustics in general can make what you're seeing on the meters pretty irrelevant. M-eye too sense. :D -Danny

Grace, Peace, V, and Hz,



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i use a volume pedal and memorize how loud the patches come out. you would be suprised how well this works. if i am unsure, i just set the pedal a little lower than i think it should be, then slowly adjust. after all, a player will adjust their overall level within the song in different parts; at least i do. my 'lead lines' are much louder than the 'vocal backup-diddleys' which are often on the same patch. usually the sound guy will pick up on any changes that dont fit the FOH mix well and adjust, esp if you pay them and give them beer :) (we do) i would say dont mess with the programmed level. use a volume pedal, or a compressor.
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