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Blues Jr.


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I just heard a 15 wt. Blues Jr. That thing had the warmest tone. The player was using an Epiphone with a single soap bar pickup...But his tones were great... He had a horn section, drums, bass, and keyboard behind him and never got lost in the mix... Small Tiki bar outside but they were loud enough to hear em down the block... I'd never heard one before and now I want one but, I gotta' live with my Peavey Classic for now... It was open mic night and there were a few different players that came up... No guitar players though... The mosquitos were so bad everyone was leaving but at least I went... I talked to the guitar player for about 2 minutes and I think I'll go back and sit in for a tune or two... I'll let ya' know how it goes... It's every wednesday night...
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Yo Ramp,


Planning on rockin out, are ya? Good for you!! Keep us posted. Inquiring minds want to know!!


The Blues Jr. was my first Fender amp!! They are great. It got me hooked.....certifiably hooked!!



"There once was a note, Pure and Easy. Playing so free, like a breath rippling by."






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Somehow the little buggers can really cut through. I have 2 Juniors, both blonde tolex, 1 Mexican, 1 American. The Mex is a little brighter and the American warmer, but they both sound great - and loud. No muss, no fuss, just plug and play. Love 'em.






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