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Weird question


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Ok my tendon pops but Its easily fixed in a change in my playing. Are tendons like bones? If you crack your knuckles 5 times a day then its always going to keep adding up. But if my tendons pop 20 times a week and then I stop doing it for months can they still get damaged in the long run. This is a dumb argument between me and friend. Its hard for me to explaing I guess.

I mean like if you pop youjr knuckles after a while you will lose grip but in order to mess up a tendon doesent it have to be prolonged like if I did it for a week straight and stopped and then did again 5 months later its not going to matter becuase its not a bone, so I would have to do it daily all day for awhile to get tendonitis or whatever right?

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The question im trying to say is say I popped my tendon all day just for fun persay... And then after a week of doing it I stopped for 3 months would that tendon be gradually getting messed up if i went back and did it again. Like knuckle cracking when you crack your knuckles that 1 more crack closer to looser grip/damage/arthritis. But Arent tendons diffrent? like if had a improper technique for 2 months (lets just say for example) were if I kept playing like that it would lead to tendonitis. And say I stopped for a year and went back to doing it again (once again makes no since but its the only way I could think to explain it.) would it still be damaged from the previous year or do tendons heal themselve? This is so hard for me to explain. And by poping I mean pulling and when I say tendon its in the wrist


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Cracking joints is not good. We all have done it and it seems to be easier when you are young. As you age, the joints are not as easy to crack. Tendons, usually do not pop or crack. I would guess you are mistaken about the condition you are experiencing.

Anyway, I would recommend that you stop cracking whatever you are cracking.


"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb, voting on what to eat for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb, contesting the vote."

Benjamin Franklin

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Tendons generaly have a poorer blood supply than say skin so their ability to heal is somewhat diminished. They can take a long time to heal and they may never be as strong as they originally were(think "sprained ankle"). Damage to a tendon is often cumulative. If in doubt,see an orthopedic doctor.

"Hey Doc, it hurts whenever I do this"


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Tendons are like rubber bands. They stretch and snap back in conjunction with our muscles to effect a given movement. But if you stretch a rubber band too much it doesn't go back to its original shape. The same can happen to tendons. If your tendon is "popping" when you move in a certain way, you could be damaging it. There's no real way to know how much if any damage may be occuring each time it "pops" (can't see inside there... it's so dark). Anyway, what you describe(popping) is not the "norm". I would say to try to avoid doing it on a regular basis. Moving parts of your body in non-standard ways(and put THAT away-you'll put out someones eye) often proves to be detrimental in either the long term or the short term.
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I'm not a doctor, nor did I stay at a Holiday Inn Express. You should make an appointment with a ... osteo, ostro, obstro, ... a joint doctor and have it examined by a properly trained professional. Really. No kidding.


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