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Come be Groove Tubes little buddies!

Jeff Klopmeyer

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This post is nearly blatant spam, but as a moderator here on the MP forums I have a spam license and I'm not afraid to use it. :D


Groove Tubes has finally set up their MySpace page, and I'm trying to increase the number of legitimate friends they have (as opposed to the "look at my pix" wanna-be prostitutes and the like). If you're a MySpace person who likes tube amps or other GT stuff, do go over to their page and be a friend of GT!


Link to GT's MySpace page


And yes, we'll be posting some content on there -- special tube info, announcements, maybe some special deals -- that will make it worth your while.


There you go. My spam of the moment. Enjoy. :)

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This is TOTAL BULL!!! Either we have SPAM rules on here or WE DON'T...WTF!!!! I use Groove Tubes in ALL my amps and this is still BULL!!



2. No Spam.


If you are just stopping in to sell something, don't bother. For regular, contributing members, please direct your items for sale to the "Guitar & Gear Classifieds" thread. It has been made a "Sticky" so it will always be located at the top of the page. If you are looking to buy something, by all means stop in and look around.


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And, may I add, should I choose to spam here, it's one of the few perks of donating my time to moderate forums. And yet, I do not. Again, wak the hell up and smell the roses. You owe me an apology, which I expect immediately.
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And, may I add, should I choose to spam here, it's one of the few perks of donating my time to moderate forums. And yet, I do not. Again, wak the hell up and smell the roses. You owe me an apology, which I expect immediately.



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Keep yelling, Elly. Perhaps you'll have a stroke and relieve us of your delightful personality.


For the rest of you, please pardon the interruption and I thank you for your continual support.


This message brought to you by GT, MySpace, MusicPlayer, Guitar Center, ESP Guitars, Aphex Systems, Chrysler/Daimler/Cerberus Capital Management, L.P. and many other entities. ;)

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Nah, there's nothing there like that for now. In fact, heh heh, there's barely anything at all.


I was referring to some point in the future, when we might announce a product going on sale before it hits the general public... that kinda thing. Something to reward folks who bother with signing up. So, like I said before, it's up to you.


I'm a MySpace friend of many music and audio companies. Sometimes you get interesting stuff from their MySpace page, sometimes ya don't. But it seems that most of the folks who are on GT's page, for example, are just people who like tubes. There's not much more than that. We'll put up stuff like tutorials and guides to help people who want to change tubes, or info on biasing amps, all that stuff. If you like tubes, we're there. If not, there are plenty of other MySpace pages to check out. :)

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So... I'm new here. In my signature is a link to my band's site and to a page we have on my buddy's creation, Epitunes.com. There are links in lots of signatures. Ellwood's sig has a link to RoadHog tunes. Why? Because we hope people will visit them, for vanity or commerce. In my case, it's both. (I did take out our MySpace link because it seemed like overkill, but that's beside the point.)


Frankly, I'm hoping to drive some traffic to my buddy's site because he can use all the clicks he can get. Not going to apologize for that. www.epitunes.com Something different from MySpace.


Again, I'm new, so I don't really know the forum's culture too well, but this post seems pretty benign and for someone with 16000 posts, I would think a little slack would be cut.


But maybe that's just me. Or the 20+ people who did hit the Add button.






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Well, it's more than that, Blueross, but thanks for pointing that out.


The moderators here at the MP forums donate our time for no compensation. The one small thing we can get in return is indeed a little slack on matters like this. Still, I know where Ellwood is coming from. I don't want any of the forums overrun with actual spam (but this thing now!!!). Since this wasn't a notice about something being for sale, I thought that the GP forum would enjoy being aware that Groove Tubes had a MySpace page, and that's all.


But far beyond that (and something you wouldn't know as a newish guy) is that Ellwood and I have had clashes before... mostly stuff about his disrespect of women guitarists, his tendency to negate other people's opinions, and generally not being a real nice person to folks around here. That's the reason he freaked out, and I understand why you'd take it out of context.


Anyway, that's all... no big deal, and no worries. :)

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I would normally side with Ellwood on something like this in a minute, and I suppose it could be argued you don't spend much time here (least not as a contributor on the forum, Jeff ), but as someone who knows most of your history here I don't see a problem with it at all.


Myles has trumpeted his involvement with GT, Dr. Z amps and other products ever since he became moderator and I've yet to hear anyone raise so much as a virtual eyebrow at any of it. He's clearly biased towards those products, their endorsers, etc. So what? He provides his expert opinions for free here. He's providing information that he could probably sell at a buck a question and make more than beer & pizza money, but he's kind enough to offer his guidance, offer us deals on occasion for products he works with, etc and all he gets in return (other than a warm, fuzzy feeling in his heart.. wait, maybe that's just heartburn. :freak: ) is a forum to sound off about products he trusts.


I think, under the circumstances, Jeff deserves a bit more lattitude. All my previous comments aside, it's hardly as though Jeff has used his post as a bully pulpit, ramming marketing pieces down our throats in an attempt to directly sell product.

It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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It doesn't seem like spam to me. I hate spam, more then anyone, but what Jeff posted seems to be an offer to be a friend of the company, on MySpace. He is not trying to sell anything that I can see.


It is a fine line and I will consider it further, but it doesn't seem to cross that line, to me anyway.

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Absolutely unbelievable guys! yes of coarse slack can be cut,it shouldn't be but it is apparently. But this is a blatant violation of all that is respectable in the way business is supposed to run. Jeff is clearly a agent for GT there is no doubt of that. As I said before his client is GT, his product is marketing for GT and he is using MP as a vehicle to promote GT to the market, this is his target market. Myles does promote his products on here but if you pay close attention he will also give advice and direction many times to other manufacturers, that is a fact, there is no attempt on Jeff's part to be even handed at all, and why should he? he is a paid agent for GT. There are many tube manufactures that advertise with MP through GPM, who are not clients of Jeff's marketing firm, I wonder how many of them would agree this is a even handed and ethical approach, slick yes, ethical, clearly not. There is no fine line here at all, this is a text book example of non ethical business practices. We can take these kinds of things lightly if we want to but sometimes they can come back and bite deep. All that is required is a little research into what other manufacturers use the MP advertising network, if, again, they are not clients of Jeff's, it is unfair advantage. More than anyone, Jeff knows this approach is not right, he knows the difference, it's like a defence attorney that knows a client is guilty, but is successful in getting him acquitted, he worked the system but he knows he is wrong. I am very thankful that the moderators on the Guitar Forum and ethical and trustworthy men.
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