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OT: totally excited thanks


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my lady is 33 weeks pregnant and I'm so excited i can hardly handle myself. the doctor say 3 more weeks it could be anytime.


Now that is the coolest thing I have heard all day. Congrats, congrats, congrats......Papa Benny Guitfiddle....aaaah yeah!! Oh man that is so awesome....I love my two girls like you cannot believe..our newest is 15 months.


Yes go out and get a camcorder and digital camera now...don't delay. You got to document this on video...make sure you ask the missus if you can take pictures of her belly too, they like that, otherwise no matter what you do it looks like you don't care. :D Just kidding..but do it.


You talking to that little baby real close to mama's belly right now, playing the baby some music on the headphones?


The best days of your life coming soon....congratulations.

That's great, benny....you're in for one of the coolest surprises of your lives!!



Hey man thanks a lot.

started my own thread to say thanks

I kind of highjacked Docs tread.

But my good lady is going to have a baby soon.

she is 33 weeks pregnant

and I can't wait.

ya'll are getting me excited and seems like time

is standing still. And then it dawns on me.

Holy Sh#t I'm gonna be a DAD again.(I already have

1 daughter,12 yerar old, from my first failed marriage. I was young,but I wouldn't give her up for the world. She is as

excited or maybe more excited than me. ps. she is the musician. she play piano,guitar,sax, and is taking voice lessons tight now. she wants to be a music teacher. oops my fault)


anyway I talk to the belly and sing to the belly

play guitar. Sharon (my good lady) says that when

I play guitar the baby moves aroud and dances.

But she is such a great woman whe might

just be tring to Humor me. Oh I Love that woman so.

I hope to record everything. I should have pics soon.

so stay tuned


and thanks again

You are all great and make me even more excited




Why do you lay down? I say that it beats standing up! whats got you feeling so down? I hold up my empty cup!
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That's fantastic, benny!


My wife went into labor at 3 days shy of 34 weeks. She didn't go into full labor and Lilly's lungs were underdeveloped so they gave my wife the steroid shot. Worked like a charm. She held out without labor and they induced right on the "magic" number of 34 weeks. Lil required neither a respirator nor oxygen, but she was a bit underweight and couldn't hold her temperature. Still, she spent just a week in the NICU, mostly in intermediate care, became jaundice (although that's pretty much par for the course with pre-mees and easily treatable.. with a sun lamp!) and she's been healthy as can be ever since.


So while I'd hope she doesn't jump the gun, if everything else is right with the baby you'll do fine whether it comes next week or full term. I'm guessing your wife is about to reach the point of "I-was-ok-being-pregnant-but-get-this-thing-out-of-me-now-!!!" stage. ;)


Good luck!

It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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hey thanks again everyone.

put together the crib and dresser this weekend

so sharon is happy (alway keep the lady happy).

but man one of those weekends I worked on everything.

Heating element went out in the dryer.

main cylinder for my brakes started leaking had to replace.

all that and still had a band practice to put together

a show for labor day.

don't know if that is gonna work out.

drummer is having trouble picking up the song.

when the drummer loses beat it crashes hard yo.

It just for fun any how.


Why do you lay down? I say that it beats standing up! whats got you feeling so down? I hold up my empty cup!
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That's fantastic, benny!




So while I'd hope she doesn't jump the gun, if everything else is right with the baby you'll do fine whether it comes next week or full term. I'm guessing your wife is about to reach the point of "I-was-ok-being-pregnant-but-get-this-thing-out-of-me-now-!!!" stage. ;)


Good luck!


She says I finally PREGNANT.

she is very ready for it to be over.

also scared of the whole labor thing

but she's real tough I know she'll shine


I'm glad to hear everything turned out good

for your wee little one



Why do you lay down? I say that it beats standing up! whats got you feeling so down? I hold up my empty cup!
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Very Cool! (but never call your previous maraige a failure. Way to negative. Call it a Test Run. :-) )


I have been blessed, one wife, 3 kids and 3 grandkids.



LOL I hope I don't have another test run


and you are a very blessed man indeed

Why do you lay down? I say that it beats standing up! whats got you feeling so down? I hold up my empty cup!
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