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Did anybody catch the VHS mini reality series "SuperGroup" yesterday? This is how the website describes it;


Five seasoned Rock Stars descend on Las Vegas to form a band and save Rock and Roll. The catch? None of them know who their band mates are ahead of time. Motor City Madman Ted Nugent, Former Skid Row frontman Sebastian Bach and Anthrax's Scott Ian team up with drummer (Led Zeppelin heir) Jason Bonham and Biohazard's Evan Seinfeld to live together, form a band, write new music and perform a concert in just 12 days.


Legendary Rock Manager Doc McGhee is enlisted to keep these legendary Rock egos in check, and keep the mission on track. Together, in a city of sin, they struggle to navigate the drinking, fighting, lap dances and somehow find the time to write, rehearse, and put on a show worthy of their formidable rock legacies. Five Rock Stars. 12 Days. No Excuses. This is Supergroup.


I got caught up in it, and after watching it, I have to say Sebastian Bach acted like an idiot(maybe it wasn't an act; Doc McGee described him as the "same kid he was in Skid Row, high rpm/low IQ). Evan Seinfeld was a little on the weird side, with his & his wife's triple x porn business and enough tats to make the average tattoo artist cry over the lack of space for more. Scott Ian was the kind of guy you'd want in any band, eager to play and good at it, easy to get along with, pretty much low key everywhere except on stage. Jason Bonham was the archtype unflappable Brit. And of course, Ted was Ted, 'nuff said.

It was pretty neat, overall. Worth watching, anyway.


Always remember that you are unique. Just like everyone else.





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Hey Picker...I caught that when it was first on. You are right on about all the guys. I'd only add that I was impressed (but not surprised) when Ted tried to interviene when Bach's drinking and overall behavior seemed to be getting disruptive. Then again, you don't stay on or near the top of the rock and roll world without having some substance behind it.


I'd recommed this show as well. It was pretty fun.



"There once was a note, Pure and Easy. Playing so free, like a breath rippling by."






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Now that I have to see...


I like watching trainwrecks in slow motion. ;)


Is it just me or does anyone remember when most every synapses of a current reality show would've been used as a completely impossible pitch to a tv exec in a cheesy, low budget comedy? Show of hands?

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