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OT - Best Family Dogs


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Yeah, we've sort of gotten away from purebreds. Not that there's anything wrong with them or anything like that....but the purebreds don't have any trouble finding homes. Everybody wants a purebred and the breeders produce dogs according to what they can sell.


There are millions of "mutts" that need homes and will end up being euthanized if nobody takes them. We can comfortably keep 3 dogs in our home. What we do is to always have 2 "permanent residents" and keep a spot open for emergency adoptions....sort of a "foster parent" kind of thing. People are constantly dumping unwanted dogs on my hunting property in South Georgia, so usually at least 1 dog per year ends up getting fostered until we can get them checked up and get their shots and get them permanently adopted out. It's amazing how many of them are purebred dogs. Last year it was a Aussie pup about 8 weeks old. My sister has her now and she is the PERFECT dog. This year it was a Siberian Husky bitch that ended up having 4 puppies within a month of bringing her home. Unfortunately, she was so infested with heartworms that she couldn't be saved. We easily adopted out all of the puppies. THAT was a fight.....I wanted to keep all of them and my wife was having a hissy. She was right, of course....we really couldn't keep them. I guess it's a good thing she's around to keep me in check. I'd probably have 40 dogs if she wasn't here.

"And so I definitely, when I have a daughter, I have a lot of good advice for her."

~Paris Hilton




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I second mutts. I never owned a dog before we picked up Viva from the New Orleans SPCA pound 5 years ago. She's a black n' tan beagle/German Shepard/Terrier/????.


Very sweet and while she barks at strangers, she calms down after a few moments and wags her tail. She's GREAT with our toddler.


Only problem is that she'll eat anything she can reach. I can live with that.

"You never can vouch for your own consciousness." - Norman Mailer
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Probably best to get a black. Both yellows, and more so the choclates have been bred for color, and not always for temperment and other more important factors. The blacks are more likely the best overall choice. Labs are it.





Look at the mug on that little dude of yours Doc... He's sayin', "Hey, you gotta' love me..."

I had to get a yellow cause I'm out in the sun and on the water all day... Too much for a black...

Barney had his hip operation a week ago and he's starting to use his leg now... It's gonna be about 2 months till he's completly healed but he wants to run and swim so bad right now... Staples come out Saturday...


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This is the mutt I grew up with.. Inky, I was told, was probably half Border Collie, half Shetland Sheep Dog. I have no clue if that was true but he was the best dog in the world... Believe it or not he didn't shed all that much. We didn't train him as well as we should've, but he was a very smart dog. He was completely gentle and loving with people but fiercely protective of us. He stood toe to toe with our neighbor's Doberman despite being smaller. Lived 14 years with few health problems. He died after circulation problems became apparent in his right hind leg.





You can have this one if you want her. ;)




She's a good dog, but dumb as a box of rocks. This morning I had her tied up outside and she actually wrapped herself up and continued to do so until I physically stopped her. (I was trying to untie her at the time. :rolleyes:


Dalmations are a handful if you don't have them professionally trained.





It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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Gotta love those border collies. Heard you have to keep them occupied or they might eat pumpkins...



I hear you have to give them a job or they'll find one. If I had land, this would be my choice. Or you can just get them a ferrett.



My brother used to have a beautiful mix and for the life of me I can't remember what it was (only met the dog once). It was the most unique looking beauty I'd ever seen. And friendly, too. Everyone that met the dog wanted it.

Raise your children and spoil your grandchildren. Spoil your children and raise your grandchildren.
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You couldn't get me to have a Great Dane. They are so prone to health problems and will likely die before age 10. Wonderful animals, but I couldn't deal with that and the size and spit. (Yechh!)


Please, please, PLEASE adopt a dog from the pound or humane society. We were set to bring a dog up to my wife's best friend whose adopted Great Dane died suddenly. Stupid dog escaped our yard and diappeared. I've spent at least one day each week this month checking the pound. There are so many dogs in need of homes and so many of them will be put down simply for the lack of a home. Please don't support breeders unless you absolutely insist on owning a champion bred animal. I would point out the foremost dog trainer for live theater and film has always found his animals at the pound or other shelters. He began his career with THE Sandy for the original run of Annie. If he can find animals that can be trained that well and for all types of projects at the pound, so can you or I.


... The last shot was as a youngun trying to learn my pedal board...

One suggestion... Check the shelters... There's alot of dogs in there that need homes and one just might catch your heart...



Learning what? You better be careful... he might become a tone snob and raise that hind leg to your pedalboard for its lack of boutique effects pedals! :eek::freak::D

It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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GEOFF, here is a pic of KANE a greayhound ex-race dog that my son rescued about four years ago, he is a beautiful dog with a great personality and very gentle!! I hope you get one, I think you would really like them!! :)http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b48/ellwood1/WillandKane.jpg


He looks great - greyhounds really make lovely pets - 40mph couch potatoes!! All they need is a decent walk every day.



"When the power of love overcomes the love of power the World will know Peace": Jimi Hendrix


The Geoff - blame Caevan!!!

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Great danes are the best dogs ever, even if they do have health problems. This is my baby, Belle:


But the stray that we adopted is great, too. This is Little Dog:



Support bored teenage ghost hunters. www.myspace.com/rock_paranormal

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IMO, you can't get a more loyal, family friendly dog, then a Black Lab. Get the pup vet checked for hip dysplasia and (another personal opinion here) get a male.


Or a Golden Retriever, But get a male, Ive got a black lab mix, Female, and she is dumber then a box of rocks. stupid dog. My Golden is great, smart as can be and a great companion. So what are you going to name it, Humbucker or SingleCoil??

What can this strange device be?

When I touch it, it gives forth a sound

It's got wires that vibrate, and give music

What can this thing be that I found?

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I've had a couple of Golden Retrievers. They are as individual as people. One of them was as dumb as they come (stupid enough to make you feel sorry for her), and the other was pretty smart. I've never met a mean one, though.


The big problems with Golden Retrievers is that they are very prone to cancer, skin cysts, and hip dysplasia. Both of ours had all 3 and the cancer finally killed both of them, one at about 9 years and the other at about 12 years.

"And so I definitely, when I have a daughter, I have a lot of good advice for her."

~Paris Hilton




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When I was growing up we had a small mutt that was fantastic.

Loved everybody. we also had 3 labs all at different times.

None of our labs had any health issuses.

All of them were bought for Pheasant Hunting.

2 Males 1 Female.

1 of the males didn't take to hunting(was gun shy),but still

a great dog. :crazy:

The female was the best hunter. she would stop and point right at

the pheasant and wait til you said go. :grin:

The male jumped gun so you had to be ready.

the male could hunt longer and with more people than the

female,but she was the better hunter overall.

the male was Huge 105 pounds and ate

25 pound of dog food a week. :sick:

more during hunting season.

he was stolen a long with my neighbors hunting dogs. :mad::(

my neighbors dogs were recovered in Omaha.

but mine was not.

at least i didn't have to feed him any more.


Working Nights my lady hated being home alone at night

so we desided to get a dog.

we got a balding dachsund(mean it has the really short hair).

She is great.

Loves like you wouldn't believe.

barks at stragers. Snuggles like a snuggle bug.

Smart as Hell. my lady has taught her a whole bag of tricks.

my advise is kennel train a dachsund. It makes potty training.

good luck and lots of love

a breeze.


Why do you lay down? I say that it beats standing up! whats got you feeling so down? I hold up my empty cup!
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Border collies need a lot of exercise, as pointed out in good ole Wiki...


How did I miss a thread about dogs, my second favorite topic behind guitars?


The wonderful thing, and the drawback, of good ol' Wiki is that articles are posted by whoever. I can talk about Border Collies; I've owned several and they're my "breed of choice."


BCs don't as a rule need more physical exercise than other breeds. What they need is mental work to do, hence the "If you don't find something for them to do, they'll find something themselves, and you probably won't like it" warning. This is not a dog for everybody. They are very smart and require that you be on top of the situation all the time. Living with a BC can be a daily battle of wills! I love 'em; must be the masochist in me.


Australian Shepherds are, IME, Border Collies' idiot cousins. We have 5, used to have 6 until Dingo died in June. We love them but they're a PITA. Yappy, too. Often it's the only way you can tell an Aussie from a BC, watch 'em work sheep. The ones that won't shut up are the Aussies.


Labs are a wonderful family dog, though prone to hip dysplasia, as noted. This, by the way, is a result of breeding too close, which is why getting a Heinz ("57 varieties") from a shelter often works out. If you get a good mixed-breed dog most of the problems of the "source breeds" have been bred out and you've got a good, sturdy, healthy nice dog.



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Nobody's mentioned Setters. Nice dogs, a shade hyper, and shed monsters, but gentle dogs. Of course, I know people who also swear by their Rotties, Pit Bulls, Bouv's and other scary breeds, so go figure. I happen to be in the camp that feels all Pit Bulls should be at least neutered, and put down if they display aggression. There is legislation in place here to eradicate them, due to their history of aggression.


I was once in a house where the owner proudly told me how his brace of Rotties ran off a robber. They seemed very friendly and playful, if a bit on the rough side. He told me the only sign of a break-in was a finger he found in the track of his sliding patio door. No police report, no nothin', just a happy dog owner who feels supremely safe in his home. Not sure I'd like that kind of security in my home. He also had school-age kids.

Never a DUH! moment! Well, almost never. OK, OK! Sometimes never!
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LOL I used to live next door to an idiot Rottweiler called "Belsen". And Belsen was this big, macho guard dog.


Burglars, alas for him, were rather thin on the ground. So he'd spend his days chasing butterflies and birds off the owner's property and making a hell of a racket while doing it. Dumb bloody dog.


I didn't fancy his lot much. He'd been trained as a puppy to accept patting only from women and children. So he had this massive distrust of adult males. The couple of times I patted him, the dog looked like he was about to have a nervous breakdown, he didn't know how to cope with a guy being nice to him.


What a crummy thing to do to a dog, to make it grow up neurotic like that.


Chad: Yeah, sure I can write whatever I want in Wiki and then quote my doctored article to "prove" I'm right about anything. I know.


But they're not the first place to say that BCs like a lot of exercise. Hell, they're sheepdogs and meant to be out in the country chasing sheep. :)

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We had a rotweiler who was an absolute love, smart as a whip, and great with my (at the time) 5 year old son. However, she did not get along with my German Shepherd - or other dogs for that matter - and we eventually gave her to some friends who didn't have any other pets for her to compete with.



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Chad: Yeah, sure I can write whatever I want in Wiki and then quote my doctored article to "prove" I'm right about anything. I know.


But they're not the first place to say that BCs like a lot of exercise. Hell, they're sheepdogs and meant to be out in the country chasing sheep. :)


I'm sure you know I wasn't picking on you, Vince! ;) Nor on Wiki, either, really; the "BCs need a lot of exercise" is a popularly-held belief.


I feel what thin ice I'm on in saying this to somebody who lives in New Zealand! but sheepdogs don't actually, AFAIK, go all day most of the time.* They work for an hour or two herding the sheep to one place or another, then go crash under a tree. But keeping a BC mentally engaged is very important to keeping them from getting a little squirrely.


*I have a Border Collie. I have sheep. But I didn't have sheep when Bonnie was young enough to learn herding - though her instincts are good - and I only have a few sheep who are easily managed with a bucket of grain and without dogs. But I move in circles with people who do use Border Collies to herd and also sheepdog-trial and the foregoing remarks are based on my own experience with BCs and what these serious sheepdog people tell me.



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When I was growing up we had a small mutt that was fantastic.

Loved everybody. we also had 3 labs all at different times.

None of our labs had any health issuses.

All of them were bought for Pheasant Hunting.

2 Males 1 Female.

1 of the males didn't take to hunting(was gun shy),but still

a great dog. :crazy:

The female was the best hunter. she would stop and point right at

the pheasant and wait til you said go. :grin:

The male jumped gun so you had to be ready.

the male could hunt longer and with more people than the

female,but she was the better hunter overall.

the male was Huge 105 pounds and ate

25 pound of dog food a week. :sick:

more during hunting season.

he was stolen a long with my neighbors hunting dogs. :mad::(

my neighbors dogs were recovered in Omaha.

but mine was not.

at least i didn't have to feed him any more.


Working Nights my lady hated being home alone at night

so we desided to get a dog.

we got a balding dachsund(mean it has the really short hair).

She is great.

Loves like you wouldn't believe.

barks at stragers. Snuggles like a snuggle bug.

Smart as Hell. my lady has taught her a whole bag of tricks.

my advise is kennel train a dachsund. It makes potty training.

good luck and lots of love

a breeze.


Sad but true, but in parts of the world a hunting dog that is gun shy is sent to the pound!

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Great input from everybody. Chad, thanks for the words on border collies and aussies. Anyone have experience with rough collies, aka "Lassie"? I had a neighbor when I was a kid who owned 2. They were awesome dogs and very protective of the family and the kids. Not that they'd bite, but would aggressively protect them with barking and body language. My dog (dumb, fat beagle) strayed into their yard twice and got ripped to shreds. They did not like the intrusion and were pretty protective of their turf.


My wife misses the protectiveness of our latest dog, who died in the spring. She was a Benji mutt who was sweet as could be but was a good burglar alarm. She was known to bark at strange sounds and bumps in the night, which was comforting to my wife when I was gone.

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Great danes are the best dogs ever, even if they do have health problems. This is my baby, Belle:


But the stray that we adopted is great, too. This is Little Dog:



I have owned Danes and bred them too for years. If you do your homework before getting onw and research his or her family, you will get a great dog. Ruby, my female is 10 years old and still beat me to the door when she hears her leash.


Nice Brindle!



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I have a Queensland Healer. Great dog!!! She is really smart and a great house dog! She is good in a car and is fine off leash. Good around kids, cats, dogs, and people. She does however have a really good sense of people and will growl at someone she doesn't trust. She is a great guard dog as well!


Yeah, I had one too. Great dog, and VERY clever. But way too territorial. Heelers are not very big, as dogs go, but they have a mouth like a fricking crocodile.


Anyway, she started off guarding the yard, then the front lawn and ultimately, she'd dig under the fence and guard the whole block! :eek:


In the end she bit an old lady all the way through her shoe and onto her heel bone (I'm sure it has a name), and we were told by the magistrate to get rid of her.


Fortunately that very weekend we found an ad where these... horse breeders were looking for a guard dog. They had some Boxers, but they weren't very good at it. They were exstatic to have her.

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In the end she bit an old lady all the way through her shoe and onto her heel bone (I'm sure it has a name), and we were told by the magistrate to get rid of her.



Is that why they call them "heelers"?

"And so I definitely, when I have a daughter, I have a lot of good advice for her."

~Paris Hilton




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I have owned Danes and bred them too for years. If you do your homework before getting onw and research his or her family, you will get a great dog. Ruby, my female is 10 years old and still beat me to the door when she hears her leash.


Nice Brindle!



Ruby's a really pretty name. And thanks! :grin:


Support bored teenage ghost hunters. www.myspace.com/rock_paranormal

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Why I'm called STRANGEDOGS ;)


currently we have 11 hairless CHINESE CRESTED adults - sold 4 pups this past week... here's a couple of adults and then 3 pup pictures -

My Stud Man: DON DIEGO



One of 8 Females... FOXYBARE



Assorted Pups





none of these were "clipped" that way - they're natural hairless with full furnishings ($1200 - $2000)...

"well fellas... there's 1 other thing yer gonna need to make it in Rock & Roll besides all them guitars and amps and drums and things. They call it A SONG..."
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Why I'm called STRANGEDOGS ;)


currently we have 11 hairless CHINESE CRESTED adults - sold 4 pups this past week... here's a couple of adults and then 3 pup pictures -

My Stud Man: DON DIEGO



One of 8 Females... FOXYBARE



Assorted Pups





none of these were "clipped" that way - they're natural hairless with full furnishings ($1200 - $2000)...


:eek: Are they always gonna look like that?

"And so I definitely, when I have a daughter, I have a lot of good advice for her."

~Paris Hilton




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