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[quote]Originally posted by zboy2854: [b]Here's the first single from my new CD: [url=http://www.zachziskin.com/audio/fallingtopieces.mp3]Falling to Pieces[/url] [/b][/quote]very well recorded rock pop. sounds like the soft radio rock genre. The production is middle of the road, but VERY good. All I can say is keep taking more chances. Your voice sounds a little like Robbie Nevil, who I like. I like the chord at the end of the chorus. The ambient gtr solo at the end is cool, turn it up. teddybut my music mp3.com/teddybut
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[quote]Originally posted by WFTurner: [b]A song I wrote for Christmas for my granddaughter [url=http://www.mp3.com.au/PlayASX.ASP?id=40156&Stream=28&File=Test.asx]Brooklyn Rose[/url] [/b][/quote]broken link... :( teddybut my music mp3.com/teddybut
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[quote]Originally posted by schmee: [b]actually, i know you're being facetious, but it is =) so thanks. :wave: here's one advertising [url=http://www.schmee.biz/backdoor/miscaudio/signal-web.mp3]something else[/url] .[/b][/quote]you have really good taste. Quirky sense of production. You singing is pretty bad if you ask me. Or are you just trying to be really really underground? I like it overall because of the incredibly silly and twisted production. I think you were better off with the crazy delay on your voice, it makes your singing sound intentional. teddybut my music mp3.com/teddybut
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[quote]Originally posted by Darkstar: [b]Hi there I am instrumental composer from Belgrade,Yugoslavia.You can check my music and write your opinion on platinum@drenik.net Thanks Best regards[/b][/quote]broken links teddybut my music mp3.com/teddybut
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[quote]Originally posted by teddybut: [b] [quote]Originally posted by Stephen LeBlanc: [b]Cool, thanks Paul...I've been listening to this on some different systems...The bass is too loud and it has a weird tone, we'll probably remix to at least get that more in the mix. I'm not too keen on the arrangement of this song but for a quick fun project it's cool.[/b][/quote]phen. the bass is not too loud, it's ahead of the beat. if you're in a digital environment why not try scooting him back in time by about 1000-2000 samples and see if that doesn't tighten things up for you. Teddybut mp3.com/teddybut[/b][/quote]Unfortunately this wasn't recorded in the digital environment...it was recorded to tape. We could try recutting the bass but almost everything was recorded live so there is some bleed through. It's not hopeless though, I'll try and spend some time with it next week and see what we can come up with. Thanks for listening and for the excellent analysis...it verified some of what I was thinking and brought some new stuff to light also. I just listened to "We're Too Loud"... Nice hooky songwriting...feels relaxed and real yet 'popular' at the same time. Your recording sounds a bit lofi too me...I'm not hearing much separation, the tracks feel a bit crunched together. There is a bunch of stuff there so my ears might be a bit deceived by that, probably sounds better through headphones. I can hear everything regardless so it's cool. Fun stuff...thanks for sharing it.
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thanks teddy, your comments are what i'm aiming at, so it's good to hear them confirmed without prompting. singing in both cases was done the first time, these are completely improvised pieces, there's no structure other than the words. and when i do 'signal' seriously i would cut a much better voice track (i agree that voice track is terrible, although i do like the tone of the voice for that mood). not a performing musician so i need to try more than once to get anything decent down =P i have no intention of using the non-delay version =) was showing paul why it's so delayed out - i'm not a singer! i'm really just a poet trying to use recording tech to get the poetry heard, and a video producer trying to create music that i can use for free in video production. but standards are good. i'll get some eventually =) :wave: anyway, thanks for the quirky production comment, that's what i wanna hear =) trying to come up with rich textures that are unexpected. while not mastered ideally yet, the two following are a little closer to the standard of recordings i'd like to be doing, while i'm going to be adding a lot of musicians to the mix soon. love to hear any more opinions... [url=http://www.schmee.biz/backdoor/timeandbass/anniewarbass-web.mp3]ain\'t never gonna die[/url] [url=http://www.schmee.biz/backdoor/edutainment/9-bandaids-web.mp3]bandaids[/url] thanks fer the time agin, gang.

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"Self-awareness is the key to your upheaval from mediocrity."

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i had posted up several tracks of one of the artists i am working with, christopher cannon. we finally got his c.d. out this week. if you're interested in hearing it or giving an opinion on it you can hear it at: http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/cannon thanks for any feedback, and thanks again to those who gave feedback before. M.R. info@tophatrecords.com
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[quote]Originally posted by teddybut: [b] [quote] Originally posted by PBBPaul: Aw, what the heck. Here's a goofy little bar tune that we do. We recorded it one afternoon at my house. Have fun. http://my.execpc.com/~wpwmew/LO.mp3 Paul[/quote]Paul, this song had me laughing from the git go. This blues... I don't have a word for it. I have never heard anything quite like it It's not quite grooving, it's kind of zooming. for me it's: Very energetic and naive. wonderful. If I had a label that only signed cult bands you guys would be on it. I'm a fan of naive music. Living in NYC I only get to hear players that think they know what they're doing. this is refreshing. Reminds me of the Shaggs somehow. teddybut My music mp3.com/teddybut[/b][/quote]Teddy, Thanks. I never really thought about categorizing that particular tune. It started out as a real jazzy swing but you nailed the current version: naive :) , energetic and zooming. I particularly like the naive comment. We've been around long enough to become born-again naive and realize that we don't know what the heck we're doing. We just play the stuff. I just listened to "We're Too Loud". Cool tune. I like the whole concept of it. You got me with the live Alvin Lee-like cacophany at the beginning. Too bad it's not really in our genre, I'd love to cover it in a couple of the clubs we play. I'm not going to begin to comment on the detailed production since there's so much going on and I'm listening on my office PC. But overall, I really dig the alt-pop feel and the variety of textures. Welcome to our little forum. I hope you stick around. You're insight is much appreciated. Paul
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[quote]Originally posted by Stephen LeBlanc: [b] [quote]Originally posted by teddybut: [b] [quote]Originally posted by Stephen LeBlanc: [b]Cool, thanks Paul...I've been listening to this on some different systems...The bass is too loud and it has a weird tone, we'll probably remix to at least get that more in the mix. I'm not too keen on the arrangement of this song but for a quick fun project it's cool.[/b][/quote]phen. the bass is not too loud, it's ahead of the beat. if you're in a digital environment why not try scooting him back in time by about 1000-2000 samples and see if that doesn't tighten things up for you. Teddybut mp3.com/teddybut[/b][/quote]Unfortunately this wasn't recorded in the digital environment...it was recorded to tape. We could try recutting the bass but almost everything was recorded live so there is some bleed through. It's not hopeless though, I'll try and spend some time with it next week and see what we can come up with. Thanks for listening and for the excellent analysis...it verified some of what I was thinking and brought some new stuff to light also. I just listened to "We're Too Loud"... Nice hooky songwriting...feels relaxed and real yet 'popular' at the same time. Your recording sounds a bit lofi too me...I'm not hearing much separation, the tracks feel a bit crunched together. There is a bunch of stuff there so my ears might be a bit deceived by that, probably sounds better through headphones. I can hear everything regardless so it's cool. Fun stuff...thanks for sharing it.[/b][/quote]as far as yourg: why don't you try a delay on the bass? try running the bass through an outboard delay with the mix on full, about 150 milliseconds should do it, or more. He's pretty far ahead of the band. As far as My stuff. thanks about the song writing. The lo-fi thing is on purpose. I make major label records most of the time and for my own stuff I wanted to try something murkier. I get sick of having to be prefect all the time. I intended it more for college kid listening (Schmee kind of stuff but with songs). I did that and on my next record (starting next month) I'm gonna get it to be lo-fi without making it lo-fi in the sound.. kind of lo-fi playing, naivitee, and hi fi recording. Teddybut
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[quote]Originally posted by schmee: [b]thanks teddy, your comments are what i'm aiming at, so it's good to hear them confirmed without prompting. singing in both cases was done the first time, these are completely improvised pieces, there's no structure other than the words. and when i do 'signal' seriously i would cut a much better voice track (i agree that voice track is terrible, although i do like the tone of the voice for that mood). not a performing musician so i need to try more than once to get anything decent down =P i have no intention of using the non-delay version =) was showing paul why it's so delayed out - i'm not a singer! i'm really just a poet trying to use recording tech to get the poetry heard, and a video producer trying to create music that i can use for free in video production. but standards are good. i'll get some eventually =) :wave: anyway, thanks for the quirky production comment, that's what i wanna hear =) trying to come up with rich textures that are unexpected. .[/b][/quote]you succeed on the production front. I happen to play in a band called the "ongoing Wow" with this amazing poet, Timothy Speed Levitch. star of the movie, "The Cruise". I think you should just give up trying to sing altogether and be more dramatic over the music. Don't even follow the music unless it's absolutely necessary, let it follow you (if that's possible in a bedroom full of gear). And, if you're going to sing wrong, do it with some balls.... don't be hiding it under reverb and delay. If it's all about the poetry, we want to hear what you're saying. check this out on the same (except live band) poetry tip (also lofi for you cleanies). mp3.com/ongoing_wow see ya, teddybut
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[quote]Originally posted by PBBPaul: [b] [quote]Originally posted by teddybut: [b] [quote] Originally posted by PBBPaul: Aw, what the heck. Here's a goofy little bar tune that we do. We recorded it one afternoon at my house. Have fun. http://my.execpc.com/~wpwmew/LO.mp3 Paul[/quote]Paul, this song had me laughing from the git go. This blues... I don't have a word for it. I have never heard anything quite like it It's not quite grooving, it's kind of zooming. for me it's: Very energetic and naive. wonderful. If I had a label that only signed cult bands you guys would be on it. I'm a fan of naive music. Living in NYC I only get to hear players that think they know what they're doing. this is refreshing. Reminds me of the Shaggs somehow. teddybut My music mp3.com/teddybut[/b][/quote]Teddy, Thanks. I never really thought about categorizing that particular tune. It started out as a real jazzy swing but you nailed the current version: naive :) , energetic and zooming. I particularly like the naive comment. We've been around long enough to become born-again naive and realize that we don't know what the heck we're doing. We just play the stuff. I just listened to "We're Too Loud". Cool tune. I like the whole concept of it. You got me with the live Alvin Lee-like cacophany at the beginning. Too bad it's not really in our genre, I'd love to cover it in a couple of the clubs we play. I'm not going to begin to comment on the detailed production since there's so much going on and I'm listening on my office PC. But overall, I really dig the alt-pop feel and the variety of textures. Welcome to our little forum. I hope you stick around. You're insight is much appreciated. Paul[/b][/quote]ya, that's how I feel. I've been playing 33 years and I'm only 38. kind of get tired of being good after a while and just wanna settle down in a garage band in Long Island... born again naive is a good way to put it... You could do "we're Too Loud" as a shuffle. that would actually work... hmmm thanks and I'll stick around as long as we are all honest with each other. teddybut
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[quote]Originally posted by toomas: [b]Hey! I have now put up a short preview of a trance track im working on. Please listen on it and comment! http://stage.vitaminic.com/toka regards toka[/b][/quote]Toka, are you sure you didn't mean a dance track? It has a real strong vibe of the techno-disco era. Not my cup of tea musically, but very well executed none-the-less. Has a lot of potential in the genre'. Good job! Boggs
Check out my Rock Beach Guitars page showing guitars I have built and repaired... http://www.rockbeachguitars.com
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[quote]Originally posted by Darkstar: [b]Hi there I am instrumental composer from Belgrade,Yugoslavia.You can check my music and write your opinion on platinum@drenik.net Thanks Best regards[/b][/quote]Mirko, I enjoyed the first two pieces, but couldn't link to the third. All keyboard work, so guitarists should note... Very nice work though. Very textured and layered. Very much a slavic feel in primarily a minor scale foundation. Nice stuff. Very well produced. Boggs
Check out my Rock Beach Guitars page showing guitars I have built and repaired... http://www.rockbeachguitars.com
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[quote]Originally posted by Boggs: [b] [quote]Originally posted by toomas: [b]Hey! I have now put up a short preview of a trance track im working on. Please listen on it and comment! http://stage.vitaminic.com/toka regards toka[/b][/quote]Toka, are you sure you didn't mean a dance track? It has a real strong vibe of the techno-disco era. Not my cup of tea musically, but very well executed none-the-less. Has a lot of potential in the genre'. Good job! Boggs[/b][/quote]Are they calling the techno stuff trance now? I agree with Boggs on this one. It sounds great. It would have been better if you would have made the clip longer and made some changes happen within it. Maybe I could give you a better critique then. As it is, the tune just gets going and it's cut off. The bit that is there sounds a lot like a thing I did for a corporate client a while back. Anyway, I agree, very well executed if that's the sound you're going for.
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Here's one from the same session as "Lonesome One". It's a bit more like our normal style. I realize that there's some distortion but I wanted to keep the parts that worked in the original live track. http://my.execpc.com/~wpwmew/You Didn't Have To Leave Me r2.mp3 Please let me know your thoughts. Thanks, Paul
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A new song from the coming Darling Nikkie album is avialable through our sound page / mp3 page. This time it's [url=http://artists.mp3s.com/artist_song/3020/3020822.html]"kickin up dust"[/url] , a love song with a twist. Let me know what you think. Danny

Rotshtein Danny - Studio Engineer

Jingles show-reel


Visit DarlingNikkie.com To discover the sounds of "Darling Nikkie"(aka Jade 4U). . . .

New exciting project Goddess of Destruction

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[quote]Originally posted by Mr Darling: [b]A new song from the coming Darling Nikkie album is avialable through our sound page / mp3 page. This time it's [url=http://artists.mp3s.com/artist_song/3020/3020822.html]"kickin up dust"[/url] , a love song with a twist. Let me know what you think. Danny[/b][/quote]This the best one I've heard from you yet. It seems to just snake its way up your leg and around your body. Not what I expected at all. I love the twist.
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[quote]Originally posted by PBBPaul: [b] [quote]Originally posted by Mr Darling: [b].....This time it's [url=http://artists.mp3s.com/artist_song/3020/3020822.html]"kickin up dust"[/url] , a love song with a twist....Danny[/b][/quote]This the best one I've heard from you yet. It seems to just snake its way up your leg and around your body. Not what I expected at all. I love the twist.[/b][/quote]Thanks Paul.. Actually this more like what the rest of the CD sounds like.. The 2 previous songs were the most Popy/commercial - all the rest is much more soul fool - I'm calling the Ganere SoulTrip© :D BTW - Nice to see you got the twist (not everybody does) so what did you think the song was about? Danny

Rotshtein Danny - Studio Engineer

Jingles show-reel


Visit DarlingNikkie.com To discover the sounds of "Darling Nikkie"(aka Jade 4U). . . .

New exciting project Goddess of Destruction

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How's My Driving? well that is our band name anyway... check it out here.... [url=http://artists.mp3s.com/artists/523/hows_my_driving.html]click here[/url] So what are your honest opinions? Likes or dislikes? I don't like the last songs back up vocals but thats about it.... Matt
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[quote]Originally posted by knunchucksammy: [b]How's My Driving? well that is our band name anyway... check it out here.... [url=http://artists.mp3s.com/artists/523/hows_my_driving.html]click here[/url] So what are your honest opinions? Likes or dislikes? I don't like the last songs back up vocals but thats about it.... Matt[/b][/quote]Hey Matt, I listened to "Upstand" and "Reason". Kinda Dave Matthews-like in a naive, garage band sorta way. I liked "Reason" better since IMHO it didn't try to be more than what it is; a nice little pop tune. I like the sparseness of the tunes but it seems to me that particularly in "Upstand" the rhythm gets lost when the tune crescendos. It seems like everyone can play OK but it just seems to me that it gets real sloppy when things heat up. Does that make any sense? I like the tone of the guitars but the 1/4 step bending kinda bugs me. Unless it's intentional; then it's cool. Anyway, just my 2 cents.
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Thanks for the input. The bends are intentional but I don't think it is a significant enough thing to really add or subtract to the song. Maybe I will see what else I can come up with. They rythm guitarist does kinda fall off the groove of things on the course... never noticed it. This was our first recording and a budget one at that. Please excuse it's amature edge. Just curious as to whether or not we have written good songs.... Matt
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[url=http://www.mp3.com/ryanmcdougall]www.mp3.com/ryanmcdougall[/url] This is my first time posting. :D So give me the whole truth. tell me everything. the first song "dance with kerosene" is the only recent song I have posted, but I'll be back and asking for the help of all you geniouses again once I have more posted. :p how is the mix, the playing, and the production? I am planning to use this song and all the songs I do in my home studio as a demo for the real thing that I will be cutting in the spring in a professional studio. so almost everything will be redone. unless all I need to do is redo the vocals and mix/master. great thread. thanks in advance Mr negativity
patches? we don't need no stinking patches! www.mp3.com/ryanmcdougall
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Hey Mr. Negativity............ I like the songs... You have a good voice and the first song is really well produced. I was suprised to read it was in a home studio. If I could say one thing about what I have heard so far it would be that I would really like to hear you write an energetic upbeat song. I was impressed but it seemed like you have a lot of energy to release, you just haven't. What you have there is good, I enjoyed it. Try experimenting with something fun. Now go check my post... to replies above. And give me your feedback... Matt
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thanks for the feed back. I haven't quite figured out how to record "upbeat" music very well. I don't even listen to it much unless it is loving spoonfull or... O god! have you heard Phantom Planet? I usualy get sidetracked by some emotion while I am trying to write a happy song. very hard to follow through. but I will be trying to. I am all about the challenge. great singer, good lyrics. very good ideas. great drummer! I'm listening to "up stand". bass is ok. very basic. guitar needs a little work. not quite tight enough with the drums. just practice and put in plenty of hard work. it would work fine live in most cases. phrasing is almost there on the solos. Put more flow. let the notes be more more confident. more emotional. there is so much emotion in the voice that the guitar sounds lacking. sounds like you or who ever is playing the first 2 leads gets stuck in the same phrases. I would cut the first 2 solos. and shorten the intro. the end could use some work. great vibe. you guys are a good band. what do you do? good recording. what hapened to the acoustic from the begining. is this live? you guys have lots of potential. awesome sining! I am listening to reason. great harmony. Drums and bass sound funny! too much 800 hz in the bass. just sounds to low midrangy. if that is a word. drums are wierd. great harmonies! great lyrics and I love the way they are being sung. incredible voice. drums are rocking but they sound really ill. not mixed very plesantly. I think the end needs some work. doesnt leave you with any impression. which is funny because it is a great song. listening to 4 to 1. awesome vibe so far. great intro. ambiance is cool. lots of hiss. great acoustic sound. deffenitaly not a taylor. right? drums sound very funny. great lyrics. it would be great if they were pronounced a little better without taking away from the vibe. drums are ill. very well played but it sounds like they are recorded with one radioshack mic over the drums and one on the snare. or with some senhiser 402's. really nasty drum mics. I used to have a pair. no low end or . just boomy. but this is great for a demo. oh, no you used the rattle. I don't know about that. wow what a great moment. where the guitar and the vocals were just vibing. better ending. good structure. listening to lazy song now. great acoustic. the playing on it sounds good. lead sounds a little cliche'. great female voice. sounds like she is trying to compete though, with the lead voice. there isn't enough dynamic in the acoustic. played too straight through the stronger parts. some of the lead is ok. there is no bottom end in the lead guitar. using 9's right?(strings). on a on some sort of strat. that is where the tone comes from. the strings and the amp. even a great guitar sounds like junk with lite strings or a solid state amp. it is also hard to get any kind of feel out of a guitar that doesn't let you know it is there. that is why all the blues guys played with 11's to 13's and all the prog-rockers played with 8's. again the end fell apart. Here is my final thought. Keep at it. You guys are very good and could become a really great band if you don't suffer the fate that most great bands do. but every band breaks up eventualy. Keep working hard. I know that the word work and music for some people should never be mentioned in the same sentence but there are lots of people out there willing to work their ass off. It is very rare that anything is done untill you have put every last drop of energy into it. this aplies to every song. every recording. every lick and every lyric. every show. every last bit of being a musician. don't be afraid to push yourself and your band over the edge. How old are you guys? where do they get the dave mathews from. I would say more Sublime. more regea-rock. very so-cal. rock. forget about dave mathews. Don't let yourself get slumped into that genre. Any one can do that. I could link you to a million Dave Mathews bands. you guys are much better than that. they are just as bad as Dreamtheater and Kenny G. Kinda peppers but Matt Phips is a much better singer than anthony ketis.(spelling) and Matt muslin is not flea. by any means. he's not even Bootsy Colins. that's ok. because at least he's not playing to f'n much. can you curse on this forum? there you go. that is my opinion.
patches? we don't need no stinking patches! www.mp3.com/ryanmcdougall
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I've never posted anything here, because like the procrastinator I am with too too many irons in the fire, I've never had anything of a quality recording to submit. However, I still don't really, as far as the recording artform is concerned. I do have a recording sent by a fan, who recorded our entire show with a minidisc recorder from the back of the room. So this is just an example of how 45 year old men rock, never mind the recording's lack of clarity, just take it for what it is. Hope you enjoy it. http://www.moaninglisas.com/real/4x4girl.mp3
Down like a dollar comin up against a yen, doin pretty good for the shape I'm in
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Mr. Negativity you are awesome! You had some really great feedback and analyzed my music more than anyone yet! Thank you very much. Well this is Matt Phipps the singer, and I play lead on the Up Stand and Acoustic on all the rest.... AND YES IT'S A TAYLOR! Taylors are awesome guitars people just buy the wrong ones. Most Taylors I see are 414 to 814 (like Dave Matthews Band) but this is a 510 CE and it is the best guitar I have ever owned in more ways than one. Thanks for all of your knowledgable feedback on the recording. You are right and the mic placement is poor and the mic's are not that good to begin with. The recording as a whole is a budget $35/an hour in someones basement, and I am not that satifsfied with it.... but since this band only formed in April I figured it would be an inexpensive learning experience. Your constructive feedback is great, the girl drummer is good! And I do believe we have some potential we just need to work hard. The way I see it, even if this band faces the same fate as most bands, I will be okay. I am going to school for music theory so I am going to meet a lot of great musicians, even better than the ones I play with now. Oh and btw, Dave Matthews is probably my favorite single musician but I by no means try to follow his path. I really respect his guitar talents, and his incredible ability to write a song. He is blessed with great musicians backing him, and his music seems fresh everytime I listen to him. I encompass all great musicians and respect them for what they are and try my best to not get caught in any rut. For example, Bradley Nowell is a much better vocalist than Dave Matthews, but Dave play circles around him.... The Fender played on the songs towards the end does sound like shit, he plays with .09's but that is what I play with (lead on the first song) and my guitar sounds good. He just has an american Telecaster and personally I don't like them. I play with a Les Paul Jr. Special (like Bob Marley) and I love it. It is bassy and plays like a dream. AND I used a solid state amp.... but believe me this one sounds good. I have played the same guitar right next to a Deville and I believe it sounds great... Here is my final reply: Thanks so much for taking the time.... The negative and positive are all great feedback. I am dissapointed with the recordings but when I think of how little we spent I am not.... not to mention it was a learning experience for the band, and all in all we sound great live. People seem to love our stage personality and the vibe that our music brings. We are playing in a San Diego Battle of the Bands in Feb. I will definitly post to let you all know how that went. Keep the feedback coming.... I will listen at yours some more to see if I can expand some feedback for you! p.s. You were right about the So Cal thing, we are from San Deigo... we all Surf, and etc... LOL! Matt
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