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looking for reactions of any kind, critical, probing, even, "in the spirit of". i undertand there's a lot here, and it's all varied and i'm guessing well below the standards here, but whatver you can manage would be greatly appreciated. most of these are about where i'd like them, while i won't pretend they're perfect by any means. this is a first ever run at bringing everything together. very difficult project to explain and this is very early days, please make of it what you can. very kind, and thanks in advance. [url=http://www.schmee.biz/backdoor/edutainment/]edutainment[/url] [img]http://www.schmee.biz/backdoor/edutainment/images/schmeegram-puzzle.jpg[/img]

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"Self-awareness is the key to your upheaval from mediocrity."

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[QUOTE]Originally posted by schmee: [QB]looking for reactions of any kind, critical, probing, even, "in the spirit of". i undertand there's a lot here, and it's all varied and i'm guessing well below the standards here, but whatver you can manage would be greatly appreciated. most of these are about where i'd like them, while i won't pretend they're perfect by any means. this is a first ever run at bringing everything together. very difficult project to explain and this is very early days, please make of it what you can. very kind, and thanks in advance. [url=http://www.schmee.biz/backdoor/edutainment/]edutainment[/url] Schmee, I gave a listen to "Slowdown" and "Layers". Slowdown: What are you trying to accomplish here; kind of a chaotic feel? Cacophany? "the innaccuracies commited in the rushed process"? If so, I think it's a little over the top. Nothing really hooked me into the song. In order to express chaos, IMHO, you should have a solid base to use as a reference point. Check out the breaks on Robben Ford's version of Duke Ellington's "I Ain't Got Nothin' But The Blues" from his "Talk To Your Daughter" CD for an idea of what I'm talking about. I'd also redo the vocals with a lot less reverb and maybe some dynamics. Granted, I'm listening in my office on a pair of cheapo amplified PC speakers, but I really couldn't understand them without straining. Layers: To be very blunt, this sounded just too long and redundant to me. The whole tune sounded programmed and sequenced without any real human or organic element. Maybe that's what you were going for? Personally, I couldn't find the "connection between any digital process, and the very analogue process of blues and rythm." Anyway, take it for what it's worth. I'm no pro reviewer or producer, just a guitar player.
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woops, fergot this was here hehe. great thanks paul, not blunt at all, quite laid back. these were all cut live at a about a 1hr each average, i have no chops (i don't play half the instruments, nor sing, but do all of it anyway). so they're actually great comments =) this is going to change in feb when i involve the rest of the gang who are bonafide musicians. i did these as an exercise to bring all the elements/equip/concepts together (mostly for sound 'engineering' exp.) and will be cutting video to it all as well. i'd ignore slowdown, it's designed for kids and hasn't been executed well yet =( i was suprised to hear that layers sounded sequenced to you, aside from the drum machine that's all me on a bass with a wide array of effects - i need to write better copy, the term blues simply referred to the scale. layers was trying to point out that one person is producing layers of tracks, which in turn infinately 'multipliable'. i realise your comments would be a slight to a true blues musician, but for a non-*musician* to sound like a sequencer to your ears in a 1st run live track makes me happy =) i was actually worried i got too creative with the bass, so i'm glad you said what you did. this is also an evolving work, not an album (this is the draft concept that gets it all to evolve over time/community). if you still have a moment, would love to hear your comments on this track, along with anyone else... [url=http://www.schmee.biz/backdoor/timeandbass/alltheway-web.mp3]all the way[/url] sorry fer the novel & thanks.

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"Self-awareness is the key to your upheaval from mediocrity."

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I liked All The Way much better from a textural standpoint but three things: 1. I kept waiting for something to happen. The whole song sounds like an intro. 2. There was no discernable lead vocal. Now remember, I'm listening on my office system, not my studio system but IMO that's a good test of sound since for a good mix, the major parts need to be audible on any type of sound system. 3. It sounds totally sequenced with no real melody. The little 5-note phrase repeated over and over gets tiring quickly. I'd be interested in hearing what you come up with in Feb. when you get some humans involved. Again with the disclaimer: This is only my opinion and I am just the guitar player.
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[quote]Originally posted by dano: [b]Here are some tunes from Dan O'Neil ( dano) in Baltimore . I used a Ketron( Italy) Sd1 keyboard and Zoom 1044 HDR . I have been working on these tunes for a little while and would like to get some input .http://www.synthzone.com/ubbs/Forum37/HTML/005318.html http://www.synthzone.com/ubbs/Forum37/HTML/005318.html Cheers ... Dan O .......[/b][/quote]Dano, I just finished listening to a couple more of your tunes. I really liked them both. "Touched" has a really nice groove with a "Donald Fagany" feel to it. Nice little subtle wah-guitar part. The only suggestion or critique that I have is minor: I would like to hear the b/g vocal blended a bit more into instrumentation. I also listened to "Mystery". This one's very well done too. Nice "Shaft"/disco dance thing going on. I liked the guitar a lot too. You might want to check your levels on your songs. On both of these the levels were very low. I'm not saying squash them but you might want to bring them up a bit. Overall, nice work!
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right on. good stuff again, aware of those problems (too heavy ), that's what i'm focusing on, texture in particular. here's something a little diff to 'all the way' but has some of the same tracks, gonna have the same lead vocal issue, but that's intentional (not something i normally do). last one i promise, and thanks again. [url=http://www.schmee.biz/backdoor/timeandbass/waraint-web.mp3]rock and roll ain\'t {no} noise pollution[/url]

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"Self-awareness is the key to your upheaval from mediocrity."

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[quote]Originally posted by PBBPaul: [b] [quote]Originally posted by dano: [b]Here are some tunes from Dan O'Neil ( dano) in Baltimore . I used a Ketron( Italy) Sd1 keyboard and Zoom 1044 HDR . I have been working on these tunes for a little while and would like to get some input .http://www.synthzone.com/ubbs/Forum37/HTML/005318.html http://www.synthzone.com/ubbs/Forum37/HTML/005318.html Cheers ... Dan O .......[/b][/quote]Dano, I just finished listening to a couple more of your tunes. I really liked them both. "Touched" has a really nice groove with a "Donald Fagany" feel to it. Nice little subtle wah-guitar part. The only suggestion or critique that I have is minor: I would like to hear the b/g vocal blended a bit more into instrumentation. I also listened to "Mystery". This one's very well done too. Nice "Shaft"/disco dance thing going on. I liked the guitar a lot too. You might want to check your levels on your songs. On both of these the levels were very low. I'm not saying squash them but you might want to bring them up a bit. Overall, nice work![/b][/quote]Thanks for the listen . I mixed everything through headphones . I believe that is the culprit of the levels . I am using monitors to mix now . I do sincerely appreciate the listen . GO RAVENS ! dano
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[quote]Originally posted by mateo: [b]Hi, here's one i did at home, played all the instruments, did all the mixing and so on, so obviously it's not perfect in every regard. But i still like it. Any criticism appreciated, enjoy! http://www3.telus.net/mattdawsonsongs [/b][/quote]You need to mix the durms down a bit, all I hear is a drumloop, and all the music stuff is kinda lost.

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Steve, I really like this. Great playing throughout. Ever since we hired a B3 player for our band, I've been a total sucker for a great organ sound. But I am a guitar player so I really like the way you make the guitar talk. Even at 4:31, I kept replaying it because it was too short. If I had to dig up some subjective critiques, I'd say that 1. I'd like to hear a tempo shifting break somewhere and 2. I'd like to hear the drums (or at least the snare) up front a bit more. But overall, it's very expressive (which IMO should always be the goal) and communicates well. I always love to hear what the players on these forums sound like. It's great to hear you. Disclaimer: I'm listening on my office PC with only a cheap pair of speakers so I couldn't be much further removed from a good studio sound. I'm also a rank amateur as a producer but I know what I like.
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Thanks Paul. I've had a few people comment that the bass is a bit loud in this mix...they're probably right. I agree with you about the snare, it does need to be more upfront, especially in the beginning. I have lyrics for this and plan to add a vocal this weekend...the tune is short partly because of the lyrics. It most likely will be the last song on our new album...a short closer. Maybe we could record an instrumental variation of it that goes out a bit more. You know as a "Slight Return" type of thing. Thanks for listening and for the encouraging words.
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[quote]Originally posted by PBBPaul: [b] [quote]Originally posted by PBBPaul: [b]Aw, what the heck. Here's a goofy little bar tune that we do. We recorded it one afternoon at my house. Have fun. http://my.execpc.com/~wpwmew/LO.mp3 Paul[/b][/quote]Sorry, the song is called "Lonesome One".. It's a bit of a departure for us since we tend to be a bit heavier. Any comments are welcome! Thanks again, Paul[/b][/quote]Hey Paul , I was trying to take a listen to this tune , but had a problem . I'll try again tommorrow . Merry Christmas . Dano in snowy Baltimore
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[quote]Originally posted by GregChristopher: [b]last time any thoughts on AFO. [url=http://www.mp3.com/afo]www.mp3.com/afo[/url] [/b][/quote]I don't know if it's my connection or what; but I've tried many times to get the link to work but have been unsuccessful. Sorry, I'd live to hear it.
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http://home.earthlink.net/~failes/2002%20DEMOS.htm Title: SAME OLD ROUTINE I'm new here guys...just looking for opinions. I encoded this for Windows Media for 56k modems so I'm not sure how much this will affect what you actually hear in playback. Thanks in advance!
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[quote]Originally posted by fusionist: [b] http://home.earthlink.net/~failes/2002%20DEMOS.htm Title: Same Old Routine I'm new here and just looking for some opinions. Thanks in advance. :wave: [/b][/quote]Steve, Very nice song. Well written and performed. Very middle-of-the-road contemporary/country/soft-pop formula effectively executed. I love 12-string guitars and am pretty biased toward that sound. As a suggestion, though I would try a different keyboard sound. I'm not sure what to exactly to suggest; but it just seems to me that the sound you used is real common in that particular genre and to differentiate yourself, something just a bit firmer might be nice. Make any sense? Overall though, great tune.
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[quote]Originally posted by John Brown: [b]Children, I am looking for opinions on this mp3. It's dark, electro, punkiness, and if that suits your fancy, let me know what you think. Thanks. [url=]~Calipse~[/url] [/b][/quote]Either the mp3 That I downloaded was screwed or the recording is horrendous. Sorry, thumbs totally down. It sounds like something I might have recorded with my little Radio Shack mono recorder when I was practicing the first barre chords I learned at the age of 13.
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[quote]Originally posted by Dano: [b]bump . I WANT TO THANK PBBpaul for listening to the tunes posted on this thread . He seems to be the only one willing to listen . Happy New Year PBBpaul . dano[/b][/quote]You are vey welcome Dano. I really don't know why more folks in this forum don't listen and comment. I've been in a kind of a musical stagnation lately and I find listening to these posts inspiring and fun. There has been a lot of great music posted lately and I am happy to review. I don't feel all that well-qualified quite often but what the hell, if somebody is brave enough to hang their art out there and ask for critiques, I think they deserve some honest feedback. Happy New Year and my best wishes to you as well.
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The past two weeks have been really busy for me. If you look back through the many pages of this thread, you'll see that I've definitly done a lot of listening and commenting. I hope to catch up with some of the later offerings at some point but I don't have a lot of time this week.
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[quote]Originally posted by fusionist: [b] http://home.earthlink.net/~failes/2002%20DEMOS.htm Title: Same Old Routine I'm new here and just looking for some opinions. Thanks in advance. :wave: [/b][/quote]fine tune but I agree with PBBPaul about the organ. Toss it & put something else in there. Maybe a harpsichord? Maybe something as simple as guitar harmonics? Overall I like the tune.


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